Unit 4 and 5 Study Guide – Honors U.S. History
I Have you read Chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16?
Have you read pages 183 – 213 in Our Land, Our Time?
Have you read the Chief Joseph, Mother Jones, and Cowboy Log passages?
II Do you know the significance of each of the following?
Sand Creek MassacreFetterman MassacreSitting BullGeorge Armstrong
Chief Joseph Helen Hunt JacksonDawes Act Custer
Ghost DanceHomestead Actthe GrangeWabash v. Illinois
Interstate Commerce ActHenry Comstock Frederick Jackson Turner’s frontier thesis
Jay GouldJ. Pierpont MorganAndrew CarnegieThomas Edison
John D. RockefellerSherman Antitrust ActMother JonesSamuel Gompers
Terence PowderlyWilliam SylvisChinese Exclusion Act
Haymarket RiotHomestead StrikePullman StrikeEugene V. Debs
Jacob RiisTenementsHoratio AlgerTammany Hall
William Marcy TweedThomas NastGilded AgePendleton Act
Entrepreneurcorporationvertical integrationgross national
Horizontal integrationmonopolyassimilate product
Trustholding companylockoutarbitration
Collective bargainingAmericanizationinflationSocial Darwinism
III Can you answer the following questions (completely)? (Essential Questions)
*What factors motivated various groups to settle the Great Plains?
(Farmers, miners, Indians, cowboys, railroads, etc,) (Fredrick Jackson Turner’s frontier thesis)
Compare and contrast the picture of cowboys given in the dime novels to reality.
*What impact did western settlement have on various groups and on the environment?
(Farmers, miners, Indians, cowboys, railroads, etc.)
*Identify political and economic issues that led to the rise of populism.
(Granger laws, railroads, banks, corrupt politicians, Populism, etc.)
*How did innovations in industry and business change America?
(inventions, Social Darwinism, monopolies, innovations, labor unions, etc.)
*How did immigration during the late 19th century differ from earlier immigration?
(ethnic groups, country of origin, assimilation patterns, response to, etc.)
*How did immigration shape urban life?
(ethnic islands, discrimination, overcrowding, job competition, etc.)
*Why did labor unions form? How effective was labor activity?
(labor unions’ roots, methods, and results.)
*Describe the relationship between government and business and the people during the years
1877 – 1900.
(Gilded Age politicians, political machines, corruption, Social Darwinism, Boss Tweed, Populism,