Longview ISD3rd Grade Math Unit 4
3rd Grade TEKS with Specificities3.8Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student used formal geometric vocabulary. The student is expected to:
-identify, classify, and describe two-and three-dimensional geometric figures by their attributes. The student compares two-dimensional figures, three-dimensional figures, or both by their attributes using formal geometric vocabulary.
Two dimensional figures
- Vertices and sides
- Vertices, edges and faces
Helpful manipulatives:
- Pattern blocks, tangrams, every day items
- Three-dimensional vocabulary (sphere, cone, cylinder, cube, rectangular prism, triangular prism, square pyramid, triangular, pyramid, vertex, edge, face)
- 3-D geometric shapes
3.9Aidentify congruent two-dimensional figures
- Journal writing (create definitions of two-dimensional figures using attributes)
- Concrete examples
- Pictorial representations
- Real world application
Helpful manipulatives:
Pattern blocks, tangrams
3.9Bcreate two-dimensional figures with lines of symmetry using concrete models and technology
- Create 2 dimensional figures and show all lines of symmetry
- Given the number of lines of symmetry, create the figure
- Journal writing-create definitions using attributes
- Pictorial representations on geoboard grid paper
- Use real-life applications
- Tangrams, mirrors, geoboards, pattern blocks
horizontal, diagonal, vertical, symmetrical / 3.9Cidentify lines of symmetry in two-dimensional geometric figures
- Given any two-dimensional geometric figures, determine all lines of symmetry
- Journal writing (create definitions/attributes)
- Use pictorial representations on geoboard grid paper
- Use real life applications
horizontal, diagonal, vertical, symmetrical
Helpful manipulatives:
- Tangrams
- Pattern blocks
- Geoboards
Vocabulary Adventure
- Geometry Jungle pp. 65-113
Turtle Paths Student Sheet 11, 12, and 13 (triangles)Exploring Solids and Boxes
Investigation 1 “Sorting and Describing”
- Session 1 “Sorting Polyhedra”
- Session 2 “ What’s My Shape?”
- Session 1-2 “Building Polygons”
- Session 4-5 “Building Polyhedra From Descriptions”
Investigation 2 “Doubles and Halves”
- Session 1 “Pattern Blocks”
- Session 3-4 “Finding Doubles and Halves”
Investigation 1 “Motions with Tetrominoes”
- Session 1 “Tetrominoe”
- Session 2-3 “A Poster of 4 Unit Shapes”
Pages 69-80
Measuring Up
Chapter 9 Geometry and Spatial Reasoning
Teacher Reference Manual Chapter 11 Geometry pp. 86-94
Volume 1—Contact
Lesson 17 “Apple Symmetry”
Lesson 26-27 “Symmetry”
Lesson 36 “Football” (rectangles)
Lessons 50-53 “Shapes”
Lesson 54 “Solids”
Lessons 61-62 “Congruence/Paper Folding”
Lesson 91 “Spatial Visualization” (rectangles in empty boxes)
Volume 2—Contact
Lesson 154 “Solid Shapes” (real world)
Volume 3
Lesson 16 “Congruence & Area” (geo-boards)
Lesson 37 “Reflective and Rotational Symmetry”
Lesson 42 “Pattern Block Explorations”
(reflective and rotational symmetry)
Lesson 49 “Geoboard Shapes”
TEXTEAMS (Geometry section)
- Alphabet Symmetry
- Geoboard Activities (polygons, symmetry, congruence)
- Paper Folding Pinwheels
- Reflect It
- Wax Paper Transformations
- Symmetry with Tiles
- Lines of Symmetry (polygons)
- Oh No! My Ominoes!
- Tangram Geometry
- Polyhedron Discoveries (good student recording sheet)
- Scavenger Shape Hunt
- Geo-shape Grab Bag
“Find a Pattern”
Count On It pp. 34-37
Measuring Up Lesson 8
Problem Solver II
- #14 pp. 28-29
- #57 p. 96
- #58 p. 97
- #59 p. 98
- #23 pp. 46-47
- #24 pp. 48-49
- #25 pp. 50-51 (This one uses the term “diamond”; be sure students know the geometrical term is “parallelogram”.)
- #72 p. 111
- #73 p. 112
- #74 p. 113
- #75 p. 114
8/27/2007DRAFT 3