October 2005
Total number of coral genus observed on the outside Barrier Reef: 32
Total number of coral genus observed on the inside Fringing Reef: 33
List by transect dive:
Observers: Grant Kelly / Starrlight Date: 11/10/2005
Study Site: Maskelyne Islands Tender: Paul
Divers: Gr/Reb/Syl/Ki/St Site # 77
Time at work: 60 min Depth: 7-8 m
Location: Sughalump Barrier Reef, outside
GPS: Buoy A: S16°31.788 E167°48.510 Buoy B: S16°31.755 E167°48.512
Most dominant genus: Acropora
Estimated live coral coverage: 40%
GENUS or FAMILY / SPECIES / GROWTH FORMAcanthastrea / echinata / Encrusting
Acropora / spp. / Branching & encrusting & plate
Astreopora / spp. / Massive
Coeloseris / mayeri / Encrusting & massive
Coscinarea / columna / Encrusting
Coscinarea / exesa / Columnar & encrusting
Cyphastrea / spp. / Encrusting
Echinopora / spp. / Encrusting & plate
Echinophyllia / spp. / Laminar to encrusting
Favia / spp. / Encrusting & massive & cushion-shaped
Favites / spp. / Encrusting
Galaxea / fascicularis / Encrusting
Goniastrea / spp. / Massive & encrusting & cushion-shaped
Goniopora / spp. / Encrusting
Hydnophora / spp. / Encrusting, branching
Leptastrea / spp. / Encrusting & cushion-shaped
Leptastrea / purpurea / Encrusting
Leptoria / phrygia / Encrusting & massive
Leptoseris / spp. / Encrusting to columnar & encrusting
Lobophyllia / spp. / Cushion-shaped
Merulina / scabricula / Encrusting
Merulina / ampliata / Encrusting
Montastrea / spp. / Encrusting & cushion-shaped
Montipora / spp. / Encrusting
Mycedium / manaoi / Laminar
Oulophyllia / crispa / Cushion-shaped
Oxypora / lacera / Encrusting
Pachyseris / rugosa / Contorted plates
Pavona / varians / Encrusting
Pavona / maldivensis / Laminar with contorted columns
Pavona / duerdeni / Massive
Pavona / explanulata / Encrusting
Pocillopora / spp. / Branching
Pocillopora / damicornis / Branching
Platygyra / spp. / Massive & encrusting
Porites / spp. / Massive & encrusting & cushion-shaped
Psammocora / spp. / Encrusting & cushion-shaped
Stylophora / spp. / Branching
Turbinaria / spp. / Encrusting
Observers: Kitty Courrier / Starrlight Date: 11/10/2005
Study Site: Maskelyne Islands Tender: Grant Kelly
Divers: Ki/Syl/St/Eib/Reb Site # 77
Time at work: 60 min Depth: 7-8m
Location: Sughalump Barrier Reef, outside
GPS: Buoy A: S16°31.798 E167°48.499 Buoy B: S16°31.788 E167°48.502
Most dominant species: Montipora, Pocillopora, Favites, Goniastrea, Pavona
Estimated live coral coverage: 30 %
GENUS or FAMILY / SPECIES / GROWTH FORMAcantastrea / echinata / Encrusting
Acropora / spp. / Branching & plate & encrusting
Astreopora / spp. / Massive & encrusting
Coscinarea / columna / Massive
Coscinarea / exesa / Columnar
Cyphastrea / spp. / Encrusting & cushion-shaped & encrusting with contorted columns
Favia / spp. / Massive
Favia / stelligera / Cushion-shaped
Favites / spp. / Encrusting
Fungia / spp. / Free-living
Galaxea / fascicularis / Encrusting
Gardineroseris / planulata / Massive
Goniastrea / spp. / Massive & encrusting
Hydnophora / microconos / Encrusting & cushion-shaped
Leptastrea / purpurea / Encrusting
Leptastrea / spp. / Encrusting
Leptoria / phrygia / Encrusting & massive
Leptoseris / spp. / Encrusting
Lobophyllia / spp. / Solitary corralite
Montastrea / spp. / Encrusting
Montipora / spp. / Encrusting
Oxypora / spp. / Encrusting
Pavona / bipartita / Encrusting to massive
Pavona / duerdini / Encrusting
Pavona / explanulata / Encrusting
Pavona / maldivensis / Encrusting with contorted columns
Pavona / minuta / Encrusting
Pavona / varians / Encrusting
Platygyra / spp. / Massive & encrusting
Pocillopora / spp. / Branching
Pocillopora / damicornis / Branching
Porites / spp. / Massive & encrusting & cushion-shaped
Psammocora / spp. / Encrusting, cushion-shaped
Stylophora / spp. / Branching
Symphylliia / spp. / Massive
Observers: Kitty Currier / Starrlight Augustine Date: 12/10/2005
Study Site: Maskelyne Islands Tender: Grant Kelly
Divers: Syl/St/Reb/Ki/Pa/Eib Site # 77
Time at work: 60 min Depth: 7-8 m
Location: Sakao Fringing Reef, inside
GPS: Buoy A: S16°29.976 E167°48.350 Buoy B: S16°29.986 E167°48.346
Most dominant genus: Acropora
Estimated live coral coverage: Unknown
GENUS or FAMILY / SPECIES / GROWTH FORMAcropora / spp. / Branching
Alveopora / spp. / Encrusting to cushion-shaped
Astreopora / spp. / Cushion-shaped & encrusting
Ctenactis / spp. / Free living
Cyphastrea / spp. / Encrusting
Echinophyllia / echinata / Laminar
Echinophyllia aspera or Oxypora glabra / Encrusting laminae
Echinopora / lamellosa / Laminar to encrusting
Echinopora / mammiformis / Flat plates
Echinopora / horrida / Branching
Echinopora / pacificus / Plates
Euphyllia / sp. / Cushion-shaped
Favia / spp. / Cushion-shaped
Favites / spp. / Encrusting
Fungia / spp. / Free-living
Galaxea / fascicularis / Encrusting
Galaxea / horrescens / Branching
Goniastrea / spp. / Encrusting & cushion shaped
Goniopora / spp. / Cushion-shaped & encrusting
Heliofungia / spp. / Free living
Hydnophora / spp. / Branching
Leptastrea / purpurea / Encrusting
Leptastrea / spp. / Encrusting
Leptoseris / spp. / Encrusting
Lobophyllia / spp. / Cushion-shaped & Solitary corallite
Merulina / ampliata / Laminar
Merulina / scabricula / Laminar
Montastrea / spp. / Massive
Montipora / spp. / Encrusting
Mycedium / mancaoi / Laminar
Pachyseris / rugosa / Upright contorting bifacial plates
Pachyseris / speciosa / Laminar
Pavona / sp. / Encrusting
Pavona / varians / Encrusting
Pectinia / paeonia / Laminar
Platygyra / spp. / Encrusting & massive & cushion-shaped
Pocillopora / damicornis / Branching
Pocillopora / spp. / Branching
Porites / spp. / Massive & encrusting & branching
Psammocora / spp. / Encrusting & cushion-shaped
Sandalolitha / spp. / Free living
Stylophora / spp. / Branching
Turbinaria / spp. / Laminar
Observers: Grant Kelly / Starrlight Augustine Date: 11/07/2005
Study Site: Maskelyne Islands Tender: Carol
Divers: Syl/St/Reb/Ki/Gr/Pa Site # 77
Time at work: 60 min Depth: 7-8m
Location: Sakao Fringing reef, inside
GPS: Buoy A: S16°29.995 E167°48.346 Buoy B: S16°30.002 E167°48.340
Most dominant genus: Acropora
Estimated live coral coverage: 20-30%
GENUS or FAMILY / SPECIES / GROWTH FORMAcropora / spp. / Branching
Astreopora / spp. / Encrusting & cushion-shaped
Ctenactis / spp. / Free-living
Cyphastrea / spp. / Encrusting
Echinopora / lamellosa / Laminar
Echinopora / pacificus / Plates with laminar margins
Echinopora / horrida / Branching
Echinopora / gemmacea / Laminar
Favia / spp. / Encrusting & cushion-shaped
Favites / spp. / Encrusting
Fungia / Free-living
Galaxea / horrescens / Branching
Galaxea / spp. / Encrusting
Gardinoseris / planulata / Massive
Goniastrea / spp. / Encrusting
Goniopora / spp. / Cushion-shaped & encrusting
Hydnophora / spp. / Encrusting & branching
Leptastrea / purpurea / Encrusting and cushion-shaped
Leptastrea / spp. / Encrusting
Leptoria / phrygia / Encrusting
Leptoseris / spp. / Encrusting
Lobophyllia / spp. / Solitary corallite
Merulina / ampliata / Laminar
Merulina / scabricula / Laminar
Montipora / spp. / Encrusting
Mycedium / mancaoi / Foliacious
Pachyseris / rugosa / Encrusting
Pachyseris / speciosa / Laminar
Pavona / duerdeni / Encrusting to massive
Pavona / maldivensis / Encrusting
Pavona / minuta / Encrusting
Pavona / venosa / Cushion-shaped
Pavona / varians / Encrusting
Pectinia / paeonia / Foliacious
Platygyra / spp. / Encrusting & cushion-shaped
Pocillopora / damicornis / Branching
Porites / spp. / Branching & encrusting & cushion-shaped
Psammocora / spp. / Encrusting & cushion-shaped
Sandalolitha / spp. / Freeliving
Seriatopora / spp. / Branching
Stylophora / spp. / Branching