Chairman Warne called the April, 2010, board meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
SECRETARY’S MINUTES: Johnsrud made a motion to approve the minutes of the March board meeting and DelaHunt seconded. Motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Koskela made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and Schmid seconded. Motion carried. Treasurer Gruis requested that $1,000 be transferred from the General Fund to the Cemetery Fund to accommodate keeping the fund balance viable for all expenditures for the year. Schmid made a motion and Koskela seconded to transfer $1,000 from the General Fund into the Cemetery Fund. Motion carried unanimously.
Hubbard First Responder – Donation Request Information from the short course indicates that a contract needs to be put in place because the township is seeking services. Johnsrud made a motion and Schmid seconded to table the other donation requests. Motion carried.
MN Power and Arvig Communications billings have not been received as of tonight’s meeting. With the meeting early this month there may be bills still pending receipt. Warne made a motion to pay the MN Power and Arvig billings and any other necessary bills for the month’s business. Koskela seconded. Vote was called and carried unanimously.
Koskela made a motion and Johnsrud seconded to pay the bills. Motion carried.
Nevis Township Board – 219th Avenue - Nevis Board members, Tom Walz and Dan Edstrom, came to the Board with their proposed road project on 219th Avenue. The project which has already been approved by Nevis Township includes re-ditching. The project location is near the John Devore residence (around the curve). Project is set to start as soon as the restrictions go off. Schmid made a motion and DeLaHunt seconded to table this request until the next Board meeting which will be held after our annual road tour. Motion carried.
2010 Lawn Mowing Proposal - Michael McMorrow presented his lawn proposal for 2010 (see attached). DeLaHunt made a motion and Koskela seconded to approve Mike’s lawn proposal. Motion carried. DD SK LW - YES – DS abstained.
AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES – Larry Roberts presented to the Board again. Nine volunteers have been received for project work. May 15th is the start date. Long Lake Association is hoping to set up a foundation. Town Supervisors received confirmation from township attorneys at short course regarding this program. Yes, the township could help pay through DNR. No, we cannot set up an account in escrow for it. It must be set up in a contract. If DNR is not billing, the contract must spell out hours of operation and the township must carry the insurance. Lake Emma will be hosting a meeting to discuss the proposed request. DeLaHunt made a motion to initiate a one-time dollar figure of $870 and Schmid seconded. Discussion ensued. The motion was amended to include “the contract must be drawn up with the DNR for the 280 hours and the dollar figure is contingent upon having a one-year contract in place”. Vote was called with four voting “yes”; one nay – SK. Motion carried. Koskela made a motion to get a contract in place as proof for insurance. Schmid seconded. Motion carried.
Public Comment - None
Jokela Pro West - PR Wrestling Boost Club –In follow-up to the first temporary liquor license request presented by the PR Wrestling Booster Club in March, Jokela ProWest’s owners, Randy and Denese Jokela accompanied the Booster Club and commented on the public perceptions of serving 3.2 beer versus intoxicating beverages at their event. No substantiated reports were presented. More discussion ensued.
No liquor license resolution was presented at this meeting. Conducting a special meeting was mentioned as a possible avenue to meet deadlines, but liquor licensing does not qualify under special meetings according to statute. Attending to the issue at May’s meeting would still allow time for the one-month waiting period for the license holder, according to Booster Club president, Scott Hocking. Chairman Warne stated that the town board will take the comments into consideration and will consult with legal counsel. Jokela Pro West will be contacted by Chairman Warne. The issue was tabled until next meeting.
8:20 p.m. Recess
8:35 Reconvened
Zoning Administrator’s Report –Mike Strodtman submitted his letter of resignation as zoning administrator citing scheduling conflicts as a difficulty for handling the township’s business. Mike will field calls and issues until May 1, 2010. Chairman Warne has asked Russ Johnsrud to step in as temporary zoning administrator. Koskela made a motion that Russ Johnsrud act as the township’s zoning administrator in the interim. Schmid seconded. Discussion included permit fees going to Russ Johnsrud (75% of permit fee) after Mike’s contract is completed. Mike will complete his time period for his current contract and Russ will receive the contract hourly wage ($20.00/Hr). The motion was amended to include that if Russ must continue after May 1, Russ will gain 75% of the permit fees as was part of Mike’s agreement. Motion carried. Liability will be discussed with the insurance company.
Schmid made a motion to advertise for a new zoning administrator. Johnsrud seconded. Motion carried.
ROAD REPORT – Todd Sanquist presented his monthly road report. Crack-sealing was completed except for 210th Street. Todd’s recommendation would be to use the money being asked for by Nevis Township to complete 219th Avenue for another project due to low traffic volumes on that stretch of road.
CALCIUM CHLORIDE – Henrietta can piggy back with Hubbard County’s contract. The bid opening is April 13th. Bids will be close to last year’s figures but no firm numbers were available. The number of miles will be determined on the road tour. Roads must be prepped before chloride is applied. April 22 is the date set for the post road tour meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
Henrietta Township Minutes – April 8, 2010 Page 2
PLANNING COMMISSION –A copy of the original bylaws for the development of the commission were given to Dewey Goeden, the commission chair. The bylaws have been revised for Board review and were distributed to the Board at this meeting. The Board will review the bylaws and discuss them next month. The commission’s meeting day will be Tuesday’s from now. Schmid recommends that Russ be appointed the town board representative to the Planning Commission. Schmid made a motion and DeLaHunt seconded to appoint Wanita Knosbush to another 3-year term for the Commission. Motion carried. Dewey Goeden does not want reappointment. Schmid made a motion to table the bylaw review until next month and DeLaHunt seconded. Motion carried.
Companeros’ and Timberlane Annual Liquor License Renewals No concerns or violations have been raised. Schmid made a motion and DeLaHunt seconded to approve the Companeros’ Liquor license renewal. Motion carried. Schmid made a motion and DeLaHunt seconded to approve the Timberlane Liquor License renewal. Motion carried.
The MATO meeting will be hosted by Henrietta Township on March 21, 2011.
Johnsrud made a motion and Schmid seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Carpenter
Henrietta Township Minutes – April 8, 2010 Page 3