The purposes of the business plan are to ensure:
- that the proposed course is consistent with the College’s Mission and Strategic Plan;
- that the course’s resource requirements (financial and other) have been identified accurately and that managers responsible for providing these resources have confirmed they are available;
- that the course delivers an appropriate financial return to the College, including recovery of indirect costs;
- that risks associated with the proposed course (including alternative financial scenarios) have been adequately assessed and deemed to be acceptable to the College having regard to the perceived benefits.
This form must be used for any proposal to introduce:
- a new or replacement course;
- a new mode of delivery of an existing course;
- a new location for delivery of an existing course;
- a major change to an existing course(any change that alters programme level learning outcomes)
- a resourcing change to an existing course (any change with resource implications judged significant by the Director of Finance)
The form should be completed in conjunction with the Investment Appraisal template, the Programme Specification and (with the exception of a resourcing change to an existing course)the New Course Risk Assessment template.
In order to aid completion of the Business Plan, Course Proposers shouldat this stage convene their full Course Development Team, in liaison with the Academic Registrar.
The completed form and additional documents will be sent to the Course Proposal and Development Group (CPDG) for approval. Course Proposers will be invited to the CPDG meeting at which the documents are considered.
Name of proposal(final award & course title)Course Proposer
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ConsultationManagers of the following sections/departments to sign below as appropriate to confirm that the relevant colleagues from your team have been consulted regarding this proposal and have had the opportunity to contribute where appropriate to the development of this Business Plan.
Section / Department / Name / Position / Signature
RVC Access
Marketing and Comms
Academic Quality
Academic Registry
Collaborative Partners * / Name / Position / Signature
* If applicable
Type of proposalPlease mark the box that applies (x):
New course
Replacement of existing course
New mode of delivery for existing course
New delivery location for existing course
Majorchangeto existing course
Resourcing changeto existing course
Course Sponsor (Course sponsor may be either an Associate Dean or a member of Senior Management Group, excepting the Vice-Principal (Learning and Student Experience).
Contributing academic departments
Does the proposal involve any external partners?
Please mark (x) / No:
Please mark (x)
If the proposal is with an existing partner or partners state the name of the partner(s), the type of collaborative arrangement (collaborative category) and the current stage of discussions below:
Name of the
collaborative partner: / Collaborative Category: / Stage of Discussions:
If a proposed new partner or partners, state the name of the partner(s), provide additional details, the proposed nature of the collaboration (collaborative category - consult Collaborative Programmes Officer) and stage of discussions below:
Name of the new collaborative partner(s) and brief details: / Collaborative Category: / Stage of Discussions:
Location(s) of course delivery
Awards (e.g. BSc, CertHE, MSci)
Course title (e.g. Equine Science)
JACS Code (consult Student Records and Planning Officer )
Proposed Commencement Date
Proposed Validation Date (consult Academic Quality Manager)
Mode(s) of study / Yes/No / Normal duration
Full-time face-to-face
Part-time face-to-face
Distance Learning
Academic team (list up to five members of academic staff
with key roles in development and delivery of the course)
Anticipated Student Numbers (total numbers) - these should be “likely” numbers:
the associated Investment Appraisal will also model the best and worst case scenarios.
NB At the conclusion of Stage 1B the CPDG will determine the absolute minimum enrolment
number for the proposal under consideration, and will advise the Course Proposer of this.
Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 and subsequently
UK / UK / UK / UK
EU / EU / EU / EU
Int. / Int. / Int. / Int.
Does the proposal involve a Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body (PSRB)
(e.g. RCVS) in any way?
Please mark (x) / No:
Please mark (x)
If “Yes”, name of PSRB and brief details:
If “Yes”, current stage of discussions with the PSRB:
Draft Course Outline
Proposed new modules
(title, level (FHEQ)
and credit rating) / Existing modules
(title, level (FHEQ)
and credit rating)
Year 1
of course / Compulsory / Compulsory
Optional / Optional
Year 2
of course / Compulsory / Compulsory
Optional / Optional
Year 3
of course / Compulsory / Compulsory
Optional / Optional
Year 4
of course / Compulsory / Compulsory
Optional / Optional
Rationale for the proposal
How does the proposal fit with the College’s Mission and Strategic Plan?
Are there likely to be any spin-off benefits, e.g. for research; clinical services; College reputation?
Evidence of Demand. Please give details of the outcome of market research into demand for the course from potential students
NB please note that the department(s) under which the eventual course will run may be required to contribute to the costs of associated market research.
Competitor Information. Please list the main competitors, and explain why the RVC offering may be preferred
Employer Demand.Please give details of the outcome of market research into demand for graduates of the course from potential employers
Recruitment Strategy. Please outline how the new course will be marketed.
Key aims of the course (max. 5 bullet points)
Key features of the course (max. 5 bullet points)
Are there any effects of the proposal on existing (or proposed) RVC courses?
Please mark (x) / No:
Please mark (x)
If yes, please specify:
Course: / Effect:
Academic staff required to design the course and deliver any new modules
Name / Role - design / delivery / both? / How will staff member be released from existing duties?
New staff appointments required - speciality, grade and FTE
(e.g. Senior Lecturer in Bio-informatics)
Staff Development:
outline any additional staff development needs arising from this proposal
Visiting Lecturers
Year: / Total days required / Rationale
4 and subsequently
Additional administrative staff support required (including Course Support, Examinations, Advice Centre)
Year: / FTE required / Rationale, including nature of support required
4 and subsequently
Type of accommodation (space for delivery of course) and approximate hours required to deliver the course
Item: / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4
Lecture rooms
Small group teaching rooms
Teaching Laboratories
Dissection Rooms
Clinical Skills Centre
Other - please specify
Describe any specialist equipment or technical support the course will require and state whether it will be available within existing resources
Any investment in equipment required prior to the course starting
Equipment and technical support requirements when the course is running:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5 and
Describe any additional Library and Information Services requirements, including software, that the course will require, and state whether they will be available within existing resources
Any investment required prior to the course starting
Requirements when the course is running
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5 and subsequently
Describe any additional e-Media requirementsthat the course will require, and state whether they will be available within existing resources
Any investment required prior to the course starting
Requirements when the course is running
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5 and subsequently
Are there any additional Marketing requirements? Describe what is required and whether it will be available within existing resources
Any investment required prior to the course starting:
Requirements when the course is running
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5 and subsequently
Will additional accommodation (student accommodation) be required for the students on this course?Describe what is required and whether it will be available within existing resources
Any investment required prior to the course starting
Requirements when the course is running
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5 and subsequently
External Examiners
How many new External Examiner appointments will be required?
Is the completed Investment Appraisal attached?
Please mark (x) / No:
Please mark (x)
Is the draft Programme Specification attached?
Not required for:
- “new delivery location for existing course”
- “resourcing change to existing course”
Please mark (x) / No:
Please mark (x)
Is the completed New Course Risk Assessment template attached?
Not required for “resourcing change to existing course”
Please mark (x) / No:
Please mark (x)
For collaborative provision has initial due diligence been completed?
Yes – attached
Please mark (x) / No
Please mark (x)
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