University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Role Transition and Leadership in Nursing
Beginning Date: / August XX, 2017 / End Date: / December XX, 2017 /1
Revised 8/7/16 TG
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Role Transition and Leadership in Nursing
Pre-requisites: / NUR 4227, NUR 4227L, NUR 4937, & NUR 4836 / Credit Hours: / 31
Revised 8/7/16 TG
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Role Transition and Leadership in Nursing
Class Location: / MDN 2007Fridays 8:00am to 10:50am
Clinical hours (CH) will be accrued via the simulation laboratory, inter-professional education (IPE) collaborative events and online Prevention of Medical Errors (PME) course /
Faculty Contact Information:
Faculty Name: / Click here to enter text. / Office Location: / Click here to enter text. /
Office Hours: / [Include both virtual and face-to-face office hours. Indicate if by appointment or walk-in.] /
Phone: / Click here to enter text. /
Email Address: / Click here to enter text. /
Preferred Method of Contact: / USF Health email system /
Reply Guidelines: / Email correspondence will be addressed within 24-48 hours on weekdays; email received on the weekends may not be addressed until the following business day. /
Technical Problems: / For technical assistance, i.e. accessing course, course materials, links, video presentations, documents, assignment submission, email:
Canvas: / For Canvas assistance, contact the Help Desk at or (866) 974-1222 /
Revised 8/7/16 TG
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Role Transition and Leadership in Nursing
Course Description/ObjectivesCourse Description: / Principles of nursing leadership and management will prepare nursing students for the transition into professional practicewith an emphasis on teamwork, decision-making, priority setting, delegating and managing nursing care. Focus on preparation of the professional nurse to work collaboratively in the interdisciplinary health care environment. Clinical experiences for registered nurse students will be designed to build upon a practice background.
Objectives: /
- Discuss relevant theories and conceptual basis for role transition and leadership in nursing
- Assess the impact of relevant research on role transition and leadership in nursing
- Examine leadership principles and styles appropriate for working in collaboration with individuals and groups in a variety of health care settings
- Discuss topics relevant to thedelivery of health care including financing, policy, issues and trends in health care, and the politics of care
- Analyze legal and critical issues about nursing and health care with respect to their relevance to and impact upon role transition and leadership innursing
- Apply principles of role development in planning transition from student to practitioner and professional development for leadership in nursing
- Differentiate between leadership and management skills
- Appraise leadership styles as they relate to collaboration and teamwork
- Discuss pertinent topics for transitioning into role of professional practice including health policy, teamwork, and delegation
- Evaluate timely topics/world events that impact healthcare
- Assess the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals
- Examine evidence-based literature and National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) with regard to patient safety and/or quality of care
- Formulate the requirements for implementation of a change in practice within a healthcare setting, addressing human resources, materials and economics
Delivery / Materials
Delivery Format: / Live classroom lecture, discussions, and presentations (40 hours)
Clinical hours in the simulation laboratory, inter-professional education (IPE)
collaborative events and online Prevention of Medical Errors (PME) course (5 hours)
Required Materials: / Porter-O’Grady, T. (2015). Leadership in nursing practice (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN 978-1284075908
Recommended Materials: / American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Access to the internet with a reliable computer. Microsoft Word 2003 or later. Free download available from
- Assess the impact of organizational structure, philosophy, mission and goals on the planning and management processes in nursing
Revised 8/7/16 TG
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Role Transition and Leadership in Nursing
Grading CriteriaTotal score/points, Grading Rubrics /
Quizzes (50%): /
Quiz #1 / 10%
Quiz #2 / 10%
Quiz #3 / 10%
Quiz #4 / 10%
Quiz #5 / 10%
Assignments (50%):
Clinical Hours Log Completion with Reflective Journal Entries / (C/I)
Inter-professional Education (IPE) Event [mandatory] / (C/I)
Simulation Experience / (C/I)
Online Medical Prevention Error Course Attendance & Quiz Completion / (C/I)
ATI Leadership Proctored Exam / (C/I)
Patient Safety & Quality Care Movement (PSQCM) Presentation / 25%
Group Presentation with Peer Evaluation / 25%
Completion of the ATI exam is mandatory for successful completion of this course. The exam date will be noted in the class schedule.
- As part of our pre-licensure nursing program, the College of Nursing has incorporated the use of ATI products to better prepare students for successful passage of board examination. ATI offers a series of learning modules, supplemental resources, practice exams, and end-of-course exams designed to evaluate the student’s nursing knowledge, provide predictors and focused remediation, and prepare the student for the NCLEX-RN exam.
- Completion of the ATI exam is a requirement for the course. It will be administered in a proctored setting on campus at the end of the semester. Being successful on this exam is a strong predictor for success on the NCLEX and in your career as a professional nurse. Therefore, it is important to master these concepts and test-taking skills.
- Following the exam, the focused independent remediation will be essential regardless of the range you achieve in order to continue your success in the program.
- In-class review will not be offered at USF CON. Students may review quiz responses by making an individual appointment with the instructor. Requests for an appointment to review a quiz must be made within 24 hours of the quiz. Students that have scored 80% or less will have priority for making appointments with the instructor. Appointments for students that have scored 80% or higher may be permitted to receive an individual quiz review at the discretion of the instructor.
- Instructors will review each quiz utilizing a thorough item analysis. Individual quiz reviews are not an opportunity to argue with the instructor to receive credit for a missed quiz question. The individual meetings are for the student to view which questions were answered incorrectly. No note taking or recording is permitted during the individual quiz review.
Instructor Guidelines
Academic Integrity: / The USF College of Nursing expects students to maintain academic honesty in all courses. By virtue of being registered in a nursing course, students agree to refrain from cheating. If cheating in any form (academic dishonesty) is detected, appropriate action will be taken. (Refer to USF Academic Dishonesty Policy).
College of Nursing Grading Standards: / A+ / 98-100 / C / 74-76
A / 94-97 / C- / 70-73
A- / 90-93 / D+ / 67-69
B+ / 87-89 / D / 64-66
B / 84-86 / D- / 60-63
B- / 80-83 / F / Below 60
C+ / 77-79
Revised 8/7/16 TG
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Role Transition and Leadership in Nursing
Grading Guidelines: / Refer to requirements, guidelines and rubrics for assignments. Course materials will be graded online and available to the student in “Grades”. Papers may have written feedback. /Make-up Guidelines: / Assignments are expected on or prior to the due date. There are no opportunities for make-up assignments in this course. /
Late Assignments/ Incorrect Method of Submission: / Assignments are expected on or prior to the due date.
Please note that any assignment not submitted by the due date without prior authorization
(defined as one week before the due date) of the instructor will receive an automatic 10% grade reduction. Late assignments beyond two weeks without prior authorization will automatically be reduced by 50%. Any assignment not submitted by the end of the semester will receive a grade of zero and will be factored into the student's final course grade accordingly.
In the event of an emergency that prohibits the student from contacting the instructor one week in advance of the assignment due date, submission of documentation will be required to confirm validation of emergency situation.
(Check the class schedule for specific information and deadlines). /
‘Incomplete’ Guidelines: / Incomplete (I)
Definition: An Incomplete grade (“I”) is exceptional and granted at the instructor’s discretion only when students are unable to complete course requirements due to illness or other circumstances beyond their control.
This applies to all gradable courses, including pass/fail (S/U).
Students may only be eligible for an “I” when:
- Majority of the student’s work for a course has been completed before the end of the semester
- The work that has been completed must be qualitatively satisfactory
- The student has requested consideration for an “I” grade as soon as possible but no later than the last day of finals week
Withdrawal Guidelines: / Withdrawal Policy (approved by CON Faculty Council 12/15/06; revised 1/19/07): Withdrawals are limited to 1 per course, with a limit of 2 per undergraduate or graduate program. Withdrawals are defined as officially withdrawing from any class after the Drop/Add period and before the final Withdrawal date as outlined in the Academic Calendar. Any student withdrawing in excess of stated policy may be dismissed from the College of Nursing unless the College of Nursing has pre-approved a documented Medical and/or Emergency situation.
See Withdrawal Deadlines at
Schedule Change Guidelines: / Changes to the schedule will be posted on CANVAS Announcement Page /
Student Expectations: / It is expected that learners will demonstrate initiative in seeking learning experiences that will enable them to achieve the course objectives. These include:
- Attending class on time
- Reading the textbook
- Reviewing slide presentations
- Completing assignments on or before the due date
What to Expect of the Instructor: / The instructor will be available during class time and by appointment. Please email with suggested dates and times for office appointments – confirmation will be sent via email. Emails will be reviewed daily Monday through Friday. If an email message requires a response, the student should receive that response within 48 hours. If the student has not received that response within the 48-hour time frame, please email again. /
Permission to use Lecture(s): / Permission is on an individual basis and must be requested directly from the instructor. /
Revised 8/7/16 TG
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Fall 2017
NUR4827 Role Transition and Leadership in Nursing
Institutional Guidelines:General Nursing Student Information: / Nursing Academic Policies and Procedures:
USF Undergraduate Catalog:
Student Rights & Responsibilities, and Code of Conduct: / Review USF Student Rights & Responsibilities at:
Review USF Student Code of Conduct:
Disruption of Academic Process/Academic Integrity of Students: / Disruption of the academic process and violations of the policies regarding academic integrity will not be tolerated. Review USF policies on Disruption of the Academic Process and the Academic Integrity of Students at:
Academic Dishonesty/ Plagiarism: / Plagiarism will not be tolerated and is grounds for failure. Review USF Academic Dishonesty and Disruption of Academic Process Policy at:
The University of South Florida has an account with an automated plagiarism detection service (Turnitin), which allows instructors and students to submit student assignments to be checked for plagiarism. I (the instructor) reserve the right to 1) request that assignments be submitted as electronic files and 2) submit students’ assignments to Turnitin, or 3) request students to submit their assignments to Turnitin through myUSF. Assignments are compared automatically with a database of journal articles, web articles, the internet and previously submitted papers. The instructor receives a report showing exactly how a student’s paper was plagiarized. For more information about Plagiarism visit:
Plagiarism tutorial:
Student Grievance Procedure: / Review USF Academic Grievance Policy at:
Review USF Academic Grievance Procedure at:
Special Accommodation: / Visit the Students with Disabilities Services (SDS) website at:
Campus Closure Policy: / Emergency Preparedness for Academic Continuity
Holidays and Religious Observances:
/Students who anticipate the necessity of missing any exam due to the observation of a major religious observance should provide notice of the date(s) to the instructor, in writing, by the second class meeting.
Review USF Attendance Policy for the Observance of Religious Days by Student at:Resources for Students
The Center for Victim Advocacy and Violence Prevention: / The Center for Victim Advocacy and Violence Prevention at USF is a confidential resource where you can talk about such situations and receive assistance in confidence. Additional confidential resources on the Tampa campus are the Counseling Center and Student Health Services. These confidential resources can help you without having to report your situation to either OSSR or DIEO, unless you request that they make a report. The centers can be reached at:
Center for Victim Advocacy and ViolencePrevention
(813) 974-5757
Student HealthServices
Library Resources: / USF Library Resources and Services:
Shimberg Health Sciences Library:
Shimberg Health Sciences Library Tutorials:
Citing Sources (APA 6th Edition) Guides and Examples: / USF Tampa Library APA citation references:
The Owl at Purdue APA guidelines:
Sample paper:
Writing Resources and APA 6th Edition References:
The Writing Center:
**Writing assistance is available in person on the USF Tampa campus or by telephone appointments.
Module / Week / Topic / Assignments/Reading
(complete PRIOR to class) / Due Dates/
I / 1 / Introduction to Course
Meet and Greet Group Activity / Reading
- Syllabus
- Course Schedule
- Clinical Hours
- Assignment Documents
*Quiz # 1 (available online until the following Sunday at midnight)
2 / Organizational Culture
Models of Care Delivery / Reading
Ch 5
II / 3 / Change Theory
Health Policy
Quality Improvement
EBP & QI Change Models / Reading
- Ch 1, 2, 8, 9, 11
- Article: Buonocore-Leadership in action: Creating a change in practice
- Article: McGinnis-The case for more active policy
4 / Patient Safety / Reading
National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) / Complete 2 hour **Prevention of Medical Errors online course prior to this lecture
III / 5 / Leadership Theory
Leadership Style(s)
Personality Type(s)
Management Theory / Reading
Ch 2, 3
- Institute of Medicine (IOM) Brief Report: The Future of Nursing
- IOM Transforming Leadership (Chapter 5)
- Article: Vaughn-Myers Briggs Type Indicator (transcribed lecture)
6 / Decision Making
Violence & Incivility / Reading
- Ch 7, 12
- Ch 4
- Lewis-The impact of workplace incivility on the work environment, manager skill, and productivity
IV / 7 / Simulation Lab experience; no class / *Quiz # 4 (available online until the following Sunday at midnight)
8 / Team Building / Reading
- Ch 7
- Article: Leonard-The human factor: Critical importance of effective teamwork and communication in providing safe Care
- Article: Sauer-Taking the reins: The effects of new leader status and leadership style on team performance
V / 9 / Emotional Intelligence / Reading
- Article: Salovey Emotional intelligence and the construction of the regulation of feelings
- Article: Yukl-Why flexible and adaptive leadership is essential
10 / Group Presentations / Group leader to post presentation to Canvas by 5pm the day before the first week of presentations
VI / 11 / Group Presentations
12 / IPE Events; no class / Sign up for mandatory IPE participation on either date offered
VII / 13 / Role Transition
- Interviewing
- Resume Writing
- Ch 10
- Mehallow-Starting a new job on the right foot
14 / Thanksgiving Break; no class
VIII / Campus-wide designated reading days
15 / ATI Leadership Proctored Exam
16 / Finals Week
Complete Faculty/Course Evaluations
*Quizzes will be offered online from the conclusion of class on Friday until midnight on the following Sunday. Quizzes are timed (30 minutes) and are open note/book, with permissible Internet use. Collaboration of any kind, with anyone is not permitted.
**The online Prevention of Medical Errors for Florida Healthcare Professionals course and exam can be located using a Google search for the underlined terms above. Among other states, this is a Florida requirement for application for nursing licensure. For the purpose of the state of Florida, the online course must be completed prior to application for licensure and thereafter every two years. For the purposes of this course, the online learning must be completed prior to the lecture regarding patient safety. The online course is approximately two hours in length and generally has a quiz thereafter. The course cost varies, but can be found for approximately $15-$50. You may choose any vendor or cost, however, the single and most important variable is that the course must be approved by the Florida Board of Nursing. The course description should include this information. This is an example of a vendor that offers the course: Once completed, for the purposes of this course, you will upload a certificate of completion to Canvas.
Dates to remember (at-a-glance):
Week 1 / Quiz #1Week 3 / Quiz #2
Week 3 / Prevention of Medical Errors Proof of Online Course due
Week 5 / Quiz #3
Week 7 / Quiz #4
Week 7 / Simulation Experience
Week 8 / PSQCM VOPPT presentation due
Week 9 / Quiz #5
Week 12 / IPE Event
Week 13 / Clinical Hours Log due
Weeks 10 & 11 / Group presentations (in class)
Week 15 / ATI exam
Revised 9/13/16 TG