The8thInternationalConference oftheKenya
Call for Abstracts, Papers, Posters & Exhibitions
“Applied Chemistry and Technology in Industry”
TheKenya Chemical Societyisorganizingafour daysConferenceon“Applied Chemistry and Technology in Industry”TheConferenceisjointlyorganized by University of Nairobi (Local Secretariat).WearepleasedtoinviteyoutothisConferencethatwillbeheldfromthe5thto8th May,2015at The College of Physical and Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus, Millenium Hall, University of Nairobi, Nairobi-Kenya. Theconferencewill comprise of plenarylectures,technicalprogrammelecturesandposterpresentations, whichwillfocuson Applied Chemistry and Technology in Industry.
The invited keynote speakers will include:
a)Professor Catherine Ngila – Head, Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
b)Professor Yahannes Chabude - Department of Chemistry, University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
c)Dr. Phillip K. Koech-Senior Research Scientist at Energy Processes and Materials Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
d)Professor Shem Wandiga – Department of Chemistry, University of Nairobi, Kenya
e)Professor Birhanu Abegaz - African Academy of Sciences
f)Professor Hassan Ali – Kenyatta University, Kenya
g)Professor Raphael Munavu – Chemistry Department, University of Nairobi, Kenya
h)Professor Teresa Akenga – Vice Chancellor, University of Eldoret, Kenya
i)Professor Martin Onani – Department of Chemistry, University of Western Cape, South Africa
j)Professor Paul Tarus – Department of Chemistry, University of Eldoret, Kenya
k)Professor Matasyoh – Department of Chemistry, University of Egerton, Kenya
l)Professor Charles Nguta, University of Laikipia, Kenya
m)Professor Samwel V. Manyele, Chief Government Chemist, The United Republic of Tanzania
n)Professor Professor U.S. Tandon, Haramaya University, Ethiopia
o)Professor Birhanu Dejene, University of Free State, South Africa
Thematic areas at the conference will cover the following areas:
a)Health, Water and Sanitation
b)Mining and Environment
d)Nanoscience, Biotechnology, Green Chemistry and Emerging new frontiers
e)Applied Chemistry and Technology in Manufacturing
f)Natural Products
g)Chemical Education, Chemical Safety and Security, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Youareinvitedtosubmitpapersforpresentationintheworkshop.Pleasesendanabstractof300words,basedonathemeoutlinedabovetoTheKCSSecretariat(localandinternational)welcomespapers, which demonstratepracticalapplications,realworldsituationsandproblemsolving.Presentationsarefor15minutesandplenarypapersshouldtake at 25minutes.Keynotespeakerswill take 40minutes.ThemanuscriptofsubmittedpapersshouldbewritteninEnglishandincludethefollowinginformation:titleofthepaper;author/co-authors’name(s)andaffiliation(s);abstract,introduction,rationaleandobjective(s)ofthework,experimental,conclusionsandreferences.TheConferencewillcoverall areasof analyticalchemistryanditsapplications.
3.Location: Venue
The College of Physical and Biological Sciences, Chiromo Campus, Millenium Hall, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Members Kshs. 8000.00
Non Members Kshs.12000.00
International Participants USD 200
Students Kshs.4000.00
Chemical Equipment Suppliers, Financial and Insurance Institutions, Agrochemicals, Publishers and Bookshops, HealthManagementInstitutions, Chemical Manufacturers,PharmaceuticalManufacturersand MedicalSuppliersareinvitedtodisplaytheir services, promotionalmaterials, innovations and productsatafeeofKshs.15000.00per daythereof. Payments and checks be made in favor of KCS at National Bank of Kenya Account Number: 01242059263600. Swift code: NBKEKENXXXX
Excursion visits to some of the world famous tourist attractions such as Nairobi National Park, National Museums, Kenya National Archives and Maasai Mara among others are being planned. Information regarding this will soon be released. These visits will be at personal cost but please don’t miss this opportunity, plan to come.
Deadlineforsubmissionof abstracts
/30 January 2015
/20 March 2015
Notificationof acceptance ofabstracts
/20 February 2015
/Submissionof fullpapers
/10 April 2015
Submit abstracts and papers to:
8.Travellingto:The University of NairobiKenya
Nairobi,Kenyacanbereachedbyair (Jomo Kenyatta Internationalairport)orroad. Conferenceparticipantsshouldcontactthesecretariat formoredetails. You are advised to make your own travel arrangements early as this will be approaching the tourist high season and flight bookings and hotels may be difficult to get and expensive.
For additionaldetails, visittheconference websiteat
10. International Organizing Committee / 11. Local Organizing CommitteeProfessor Charles Nguta / Professor Alex Machocho
Professor Shem Wandiga / Dr. Austin Aluoch
Professor Lydia Njenga / Dr. Dickson Andala
Professor Yoahannes Chabude / Dr. Leonida Kerubo
Professor Birhanu Abegaz / Dr. Jackson Wachira
Professor Martin Onani / Dr. Jackson Kiptoo
Professor Dejene Birhanuau / Dr. Solomon Derese
Surname / DateofbookingFirstname
Ms/Mrs./Mr./Dr./Prof. / Telephone
MailingAddress / Cell
E-mail: / PostalCode
Title of the Paper:
Oral or Poster:
Areyouregisteringfor Pre-conference Workshop?
Note: 1. This is will be Chemical Safety and Security training?
2. Those participating in the workshop will also attend the
3. Certificates will be issued.
For any inquiries Contacts: Dr. Dickson Andala and Dr. Leonida Kerubo
For more informationvisit: