Routine Card 1
Introducing Sounds and Letters
v Point to the back of the Sound/Spelling Card and ask the students what they already know.
v Point to the picture and name it.
v Tell the students the name of the letter and the sound.
v Read the alliterative story.
v Repeat the name of the letter and the sound.
v Form the letter and have the students do it in the air. Say the sound as you write it.
v Read words and listen for the target sound.
v Review the name of the card, the letter, and the sound.
Routine Card 2
Sound-by-Sound Blending
v Write the spelling for the first sound.
v Have students say the sound.
v Write the spelling for the second sound.
v Have students say the sound.
v If the second sound is a vowel, blend through the vowel making a blending motion with your hand.
v Write the spelling of the next sound.
v Have the students say the sound.
v If it is the last sound in the word, make the blending motion as students blend and read the word; if it is not the last sound, continue writing the spellings.
v Students reread the word naturally as they would speak it.
Routine Card 3
Reading Pre-Decodable Books
v Teach new nondecodbale, high-frequency words; review previously introduced words.
ü Point out the words in context.
v Give students copies of the book.
v Read the title, pointing to each word.
v Read the names of the author and illustrator, pointing to each word.
ü Remind students that an author writes books and an illustrator draws the pictures.
v Point to and name the rebus pictures as you read the book; have the students repeat the name of each rebus.
v Have students browse through the book on their own, commenting on illustrations and making predictions about the story.
v Read the book without stopping.
ü Move your hand beneath the words to show progression of print.
ü Pause beneath each rebus as you say the word it represents; point first to the rebus, then to the word beneath it.
v Reread the book.
ü Ask students to point to and read the high-frequency words.
v Read the book again.
ü Read the title aloud, then have the students read it with you.
ü Read the first page of the story.
ü Point to the rebus and ask a volunteer to “read” it.
Routine Card 3 (cont.)
Reading Pre-Decodable Books
ü Point to the word beneath the rebus and remind students that the picture shows what the word is.
ü Continue through the remainder of the book.
Routine Card 4
Reading Decodable Books
v Teach new nondecodable, high-frequency sight words; review previously introduced words.
v Read the title pointing to each word.
v Have the students browse, commenting on the illustrations and making predictions about the story.
v Read the book without stopping.
ü Answer any questions students might have about the story.
v Reread the book.
ü Have students point to and say high-frequency words they recognize.
v Reread the book again.
ü Read the title aloud.
ü Read the title again and have the students read it with you.
ü Have students follow along as you read the story, pointing to words in their books as you read.
ü After you complete one page, have a student read it aloud; continue this through each page of the book.
Routine Card 5
Reading the Selection
v Before reading:
ü Build background by activating prior knowledge and sharing relevant information.
ü Browse the selection and set purposes.
ü Develop understanding of selection vocabulary.
v During reading:
ü Have students stop periodically and check to see if the text makes sense. Use strategies like Clarifying and Predicting to support comprehension.
ü Reread the text applying comprehension skills.
v After reading:
ü Have students make connections to other selections in the unit as well as to selections in other units.
ü Discuss what new information they have learned.