TMC Application Form
Who you are...
Your Name:
Email Address:
Contact Numbers:
Please sign the box below to acknowledge you have read and agree to this declaration.
All the information I have provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and in particular that I have not omitted any fact which may have a bearing on my application. I understand that any subsequent contract of employment will be made on the basis of the information I have provided.Furthermore, I understand that a false declaration, which results in my appointment will render me liable to dismissal without notice.
I confirm that I am entitled to work in the UK.
Data Protection Act - Please note that when you sign this form it gives permission for the application form to be used for recruitment processing.All details will be kept confidential.
Signature and DateJust type your name in, and give it a fancy font if you really want to make it look hand signed!
What you’re like…Finding people who demonstrate our values is at the heart of our recruitment and selection process. It is all about ensuring we recruit people who not only have the right experience, skills and knowledge but also share our passions and want us to succeed. A funder once said our work demonstrated “flair and attitude” – we want the same from you. Our values are integrated into each stage of our recruitment process. Here they are.
We are PASSIONATE / We are RISK TAKERS / We are PLAYFUL / We work well TOGETHER / We are BRIGHT & FRESH / We KNOW OUR STUFFWe care about children and young people and enjoy working with and for them.
We respect young people’s rights and strive to keep them safe from harm.
We embrace our unique position to deliver beyond expectation.
We act with integrity. We are supported to take action on issues that are important in our own lives. / We are never afraid to try something new.
We are inquisitive and investigative in our approach.
We are adventurous in the way we build new opportunities.
We push to get the best results for children, young people and their families. / We take our jobs seriously but not ourselves.
We are confident, professional, reliable and friendly.
We create a working environment that is fun, active and rewarding.
We recognise and celebrate success. / We work to our best ability each and every time.
We are supportive and respectful of each other.
We play to our strengths and value diversity.
We lead with courage and clarity.
We connect and collaborate well with others.
We listen, learn and share to help everyone realise their creative potential. / We are independent.
We stand out from the crowd.
Our approach is colourful, positive and distinctive.
We go beyond the ordinary and together we produce extraordinary results. / We are skilled, well-read and informed, able to shape and influence opinion in our fields. We hunt out what works and build evidence to inform our decisions.
We are active in our professional communities using networks to share and learn.
We listen to young people and their families and have a strong understanding of their lives and ambitions.
Please tell us about yourself, demonstrating how your flair and attitude sits alongside TMCs values. A couple of paragraphs would be perfect.
What you can do...Please tell us why you could do the job. Thejob description and person specification should help you understand what we’re looking for. We’d love to hear examples of your previous experience and approach.
Where you’ve worked...Please tell us where you’ve worked, starting with your current or most recent job.
Job Title:Employer name
and location:
Dates worked
Main duties and responsibilities
Why did / do you want to leave?
Please tell us about the other places you’ve worked, but in a little less detail.
Dates(start and end) / Job Title / Salary (£) / Employer Name and Location / Why did/ do you want to leave? / What did/ do you do?
(Main duties and responsibilities)
What you’ve learnt...
Please tell us about any school, college, university, training or professional qualifications that you have.
DatesAchieved / Qualification(s) / Grade / Name of School/College/Training Provider
Who you know...
Please give the names, job titles and addresses of two referees. One should be your current or most recent employer. We’ll only want to contact them if we’re offering you the job and we’ll ask your permission before we do that.
Name: / Name:Position: / Position:
Company: / Company:
Address: / Address:
Postcode: / Postcode:
E-mail: / E-mail:
Contact Numbers: / Contact Numbers:
That’s everything!
Thank you for taking the time to complete the Form. Now you just need to email this application back (as a Word document please) to . We’ll get back to you soon!