The Council Chamber, King Street
Pateley Bridge, HG3 5LE
Tel: 07751 571 374 Email:
2 April 2015
To: All Pateley Bridge Town Councillors
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of the Town Council to be held in the Council Chamber, King Street, Pateley Bridge on Tuesday 7 April 2015 at 7.15pm.
Sarah Adamson
Clerk to the Council
1 To accept Apologies and reason for absence
2 Parishioners’ Representations
3 Councillors’ Declarations of Interest and Consideration of Dispensations
4 Chairman’s Remarks
5 Minutes of the Meetings held on the 17 March 2015
6 Matters Arising
(a) Min 6(a) of the meeting on 17 March and Min 6(e) of the meeting on 3 March: Glasshouses Village Green – tree work and ground levelling.
(b) Min 10(a): to approve draft specification for contractors charged with repairing parish benches and to decide which benches at the Recreation Ground should be done first.
(c) Min 11(d): information from other towns on newsletter distribution, and to decide on a policy for High and Low Bishopside Parish.
7 County Matters
8 District Matters
9 Planning Matters
(a) Applications to Harrogate Borough Council
(i) DCPARISH 6.49.109.D.FUL 15/01235/FUL. Erection of extension to existing garage at Rockdene, Kingstone Farm, Fellbeck HG3 5EP, for MrRShepherd.
(ii) DCPARISH 6.49.394.A.FUL 15/00979/FUL. Erection of porch extension at Fellside, Lupton Bank to Glasshouses Bridge, Glasshouses HG3 5QY, for Mrs P Riley-Smith
(b) Decisions by Harrogate Borough Council
(i) DCPEFULZ 15/00220/FUL. Change of use from restaurant and take-away (Use Class A3 & A5) to community library and offices (Use Class D1 & B1) and installation of access ramp, at Station Fisheries, King Street, Pateley Bridge HG3 5AT, for Nidd Plus. Granted subject to conditions.
(c) Enforcement matters:
(i) Case No 13/00296/ADVERT at Kings House, 15 High Street Pateley Bridge HG3 5AP. Following relocation of the signage no further action to be taken.
(d) Appeals:
Any planning matters received after publication of the agenda will be considered.
10 Financial Matters
(a) Accounts for Payment
(i) Clerk’s expenses: including purchase of mobile phone for council work, £20 top up, printer toner and birthday cards: £82.75
(ii) Memorial Hall: share (one third) of telephone line rental from 14 December 2014 to 13 June 2015: £33.98
(iii) HMRC PAYE Q4 2014-15: £261.40
(iv) Cllr M Holt: travel expenses from October 2014 to beginning of March 2015: £485 miles @ 45p per mile: £218.25
(v) YLCA annual subscription: £503
(vi) Clerk’s salary payable 30 April 2015: Gross £594 Net £513.80
(b) Receipts
(i) Platt & Bajic: garage rental for March: £31
(ii) Reimbursement from Mayor’s Fund for postage: £53
(iii) Received in February but not noted in the Minutes – half share of original cost of past Mayor’s badge from Cllr C Skaife: £62.50.
11 Correspondence
(a) Email from Nidd Plus with information about a company providing free wifi zones in towns, and asking whether the Council would be interested in such a scheme.
(b) Email from HBC re abuse of the Southlands recycling centre.
(c) Email from the Housing Department at HBC about nominations for a vacant property at Lupton Springs.
(d) Letter from PKF Littlejohn LLP enclosing notice of the annual period during which electors and interested persons might exercise rights relating to the annual accounts for the year ending 31 March 2015 and informing the Council that it has been selected as part of the 5% sample for Intermediate level procedures, and detailing those requirements.
(e) Final report, from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and the Dales Integrated Transport Alliance, on the Connecting the Dales Local Sustainable Transport Fund project.
(f) Letter from NYCC about highway grasscutting offering a payment of £291 to Pateley Bridge Town Council as a contribution if it agrees to cut the grass at the defined visibility areas at road junctions of urban roads (i.e. roads subject to limits of 40 mph or less); plus a follow-up email providing further clarification.
(g) Email from Craven District Council enclosing notice of the Parliamentary Election for the Skipton & Ripon Constituency.
(h) Email from Fields in Trust as part of the #FieldFinders campaign requesting information about any playing fields in the parish which might have been gifted by the Carnegie Trust between 1927 and 1935.
(i) Information from North Yorkshire Police about grants from their Police Property Fund – closing date for next round of applications is 11 April.
(j) Information from Ripon Cathedral on its Development Campaign.
(k) YLCA White Rose update, for information.
12 Play Area/Millennium Green
13 Reports from Committees
14 Council Business
(a) Caretaker Tasks for April.
(b) To decide on rental for land at The Knott from May 2015
15 Exchange of Information
16 Parishioners’ Representations
17 Dates of next meetings
(a) The next meeting will be on Tues 21 April 2015 – the Annual Assembly
(b) The following meeting will be on Tues 5 May 2015 and will include the Annual Meeting.