Mid Coast Youth Hockey Association
Board Meeting Minutes
November 6, 2012
Present: Bill Patterson, Stephen White, Bryan Swenson, Joe Marro, Laura Lee, Greg Sargent, Andy Hess, Chris Ledwick, Alan Hummer
Minutes of October Board meeting unanimously approved.
Bill gave overview of website functions. We still need to have a specific training. Board members should think about what they would like to be able to do that would make their job easier.
Budget update: Not as many registrations as originally projected.
Snack Shack: Jessica Factor and Patty Pomroy had it open and up and running last weekend. We might also want to think about hats and t-shirts to sell.
Tuition Assistance: We had 5 applications. Chris and Laura and Bill met and approved partial scholarships totaling $1,100. If there are more applications in the future, we will probably need to develop more of a process. We might consider a separate bank account and targeted scholarship fundraising.
Senter Fund application has been submitted for work on Lishness. We should know by the end of Nov.
Alan: there will be a state tournament for Tier IV and they have set the dates already—Feb 15-17. We need to have our conference tournament done 2 weeks prior.
Girls program: girls are coming to hockey when they are a little older. Not sure if there are enough numbers to support a separate group at the XIce level, but maybe something to explore.
Kelsey: numbers for instructional good and manageable. 78 Mites and 76 LTPH and registrations are still coming in. Working on session and team assignments. Planning forXIce Jamboree on Dec 1. In-house Jamboree will be on 11/25.
Laura: will work on Team Parent description to get up on website and try to coordinate with teams. Alan thinks the team parent can really help with distributing pictures. Also, team parent could be responsible for washing water bottles and bringing them to the rink clean and filled. Still needs to review policy document.
Chris L.: trying to compile list of coaches.
Steve: haven’t had a need to buy stuff yet. Have been culling and building up credit at Play It Again Sports.
Joe: registrations keep trickling in. Bantam and Pee Wee teams selected. Squirts will be up soon.
Greg: Nov-March includes 17 or 18 games, 22 practices (SQ) and 25 practices (PW, Bantam). This doesn’t include Oct and skill sessions and off-ice venues.
Lishness update: all work approved. Estimate on benches and place for skates was $1500 with no discounts. Town is doing site work this week. Ben would be ready to build in the next couple of weeks. Motion submitted to front $1500—unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:51pm.