Dear Parents / Carers,


You areyour child’s first and most influential teacher and Woodfarm High School would like to support you in this vital role by inviting you to join us for an evening of family learning workshops on the 1st March 2018 6:00pm-7:30pm (Doors open at 5:45).

Family learning encourages family members to learn together as and within a family, with particular focus on intergenerationallearning(children, parents, carers and grandparents).Research has shown that family learning can have a significant impact on pupil attainment, health and family relations.

‘Family learning is a powerful method of engagement and learning which can foster positive attitudes towards life-long learning, promote socio-economic resilience and challenge educational disadvantage.’

(Scottish Family Learning Network, 2016)

Woodfarm High’s Family Learning Event offers you the opportunity to attend three of the following thirty minute workshops:

  • Developing Literacy Skills- A practical demonstration of the Woodfarm ClusterActive Reading Strategy followed by the opportunity for you and your child to delve into a variety of texts.
  • Developing Numeracy Skills - An introduction to the Woodfarm Cluster Common Methodology followed by a pupil & parent/carer team treasure hunt.
  • Digital Safety - How to protect your young person on-line.Campus Police Officer Grant Traynor will help you to develop necessary skills to keep your young person safe on-line.
  • Digital Skills - How best to support your young person with their learning on-line. An opportunity to discover all the digital tools that GLOW has to offer, including O365 apps and cloud storage.
  • Preparing for the World of Work -A hands on demonstration of the World of Work website delivered by Woodfarm High’s World of Work Pupil Ambassadors.
  • Healthy Cooking - Practical advice and demonstration of how healthy eating can be made easy provided by STV Live at 5’s Hailey Thomson (Your Health Angel).
  • Mindfulness and the importance of physical and emotional wellbeing -An introduction to resilience and guidance on how to maintain good mental health delivered by Educational Psychologist Eddie McGee.

To book your workshop place(s) please log- in to the Parents Evening System guidance attached) or complete the attached booking form and return to the School Office by Monday 26th February 2018.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Yours faithfully

Susan Strathern (Miss)

PT Development (Acting)


Woodfarm High School

Parents’ Guide for Booking Appointments

Browse to

/ Step 1: Login
Please fill out all the details on the page. Please note that only the ‘Main Contact’ details will allow log in during this trail. The Main Contact is the Parent/ Carer’s name which has been given as the main contact by families on our annual data check.
A confirmation of your appointments will be emailed to you and we may use the phone number to contact you.
Please use your child’s “preferred” forename that matches our records (no abbreviations).
Date of birth – eg: 26/11/2005
/ Step 2: Select Family Learning Event
Click on the continue button to proceed.
/ Step 3: Choose Workshops
The list of workshops available will appear.
Select the workshop(s) you would like to attend and click ‘Book’
Only one workshop can be selected for each time slot:
18:00 - 18:30
18:30 - 19:00
19:00 - 19:30

Family Learning Event Booking Form

Name of parent/carer(s) attending: ______

Name of pupil(s) attending: ______

6:00pm – 6:30pm / 6:30pm-7:00pm / 7:00pm-7:30pm
Developing Numeracy Skills / Developing Literacy Skills / Developing Literacy Skills
Digital Safety / Digital Skills / Developing Numeracy Skills
Preparing for the World of Work / Preparing for the World of Work / Digital Safety
Healthy Cooking (Demonstration) / Healthy Cooking (Demonstration) / Healthy Cooking (Demonstration)
Mindfulness and the importance of physical and emotional wellbeing / Mindfulness and the importance of physical and emotional wellbeing / Mindfulness and the importance of physical and emotional wellbeing

Please tick the session(s) you wish to book:

Please return to the School Office by Monday 26thFebruary 2018.