APRIL 10, 2017 11:00 PM
Present – Commissioner Gary Hadden – Ontelaunee Township, Commissioner Joseph Rudderow - Maidencreek Township, Granville Sandridge – Leesport Borough Commissioner, William Klein – Ontelaunee Alternate Commissioner, OIC Brian Horner, Ruth Manmiller-Secretary, Solicitor Ms. Rahman, and Charles Berger – Leesport Borough Alternate.
Guests: Diane Hollenbach, Karen Chandler- Reading Eagle, Cory Deily.
Gary Hadden opened the NBRPD April Commission Meeting 11:00 AM.
Pledge to the Flag
For the Record: This meeting is being audio recorded for the NBRPD Commission Secretary
Executive Session was conducted 3/22/2017 10:00 AM
March 13, 2017 Commission Meeting Minutes
Joseph Rudderow made a motion, seconded by Granville Sandridge approving the
March 13, 2017 Commission Meeting. All Commissioners voted, “Aye.” Motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT Ruth Manmiller presented the March 2017 Treasurer’s report that included the fund balances, year to date budget report, and documentation of all transactions and bill payments. Joseph Rudderow made a motion, seconded byGranville Sandridge approving the March 2017 Treasurer’s report as presented and to pay all bills. All Commissioners voted, “Aye.” Motion carried
Det. Sgt. Horner read March 2017 Department Activity Report, arrests filed, noted accomplishments and training since 4/2/2017.
3/07/2015 Theft, Receiving Stolen Property– Guldin Road, Maidencreek Twp.
3/09/2017 MVA, H&R, Driving Under Suspension, Speeding – Pottsville Pike & Bellman’s Church Road, Ontelaunee Twp
3/12/2017 DUI, Speeding – Pottsville Pike & Wiley’s Road, Ontelaunee Twp.
3/13/2017 Public Drunkenness, Act 64 –Guldin Road, Maidencreek Twp.
3/15/2017 DUI, Carless Driving, Minor – Blandon Meadow Parkway, Maidencreek Twp.
3/16/2017 Sex Offence – Holiday Lane, Maidencreek Twp.
3/21/2017 Domestic, Harassment – E. Wesner Road, Maidencreek Twp.
3/22/2017 DUI, No Insurance or Registration – Pottsville Pike & Mohrsville Road, Ontelaunee Twp.
3/25/2017 DUI, Carless Driving, Speeding – Allentown Pike & Genesis Dr, Maidencreek Twp.
3/30/2017 Domestic, Harassment – Chestnut St., Maidencreek Twp.
4/08/2017 DUI Allentown Pike & Tamarack Blvd., Maidencreek Twp.
4/08/2017 DUI Hoch Road, Maidencreek Twp.
4/08/2017 DUI Pottsville Pike & Shackamaxon St., Leesport Borough
Department Accomplishments since 4/2/20174
1. OfficeOrganization
2. Computerize Schedule- Completed and posted to 12/31/2017
3. Switched vehicle maintenance to localbusiness; Reason: price, location, service
4. Assigned specific officer to vehicle maintenance
5. Location of additional equipment, allowed for every vehicle to have a lock jock, 2 spike strips found and a case
of paint for speed lines found. Several light bars discovered. Additional batteries purchased for the Speed Signs.
6. Shield (approve last month) arrived and inservice
7. TacticalFlashlight(approvedlastmonth)arriveandwillbeinstalledonnewweapons,priortoqualification
8. New Enterprise Stone & Lime, Inc. - Land useagreement being reviewed
9. 4/6/2017 Attorney General successfully completed a department recordscheck
3/22/-24/2017 Det. Sgt. Horner PELRAZ Conference – Public Sector Law
4/4/2017Det. Sgt. Horner managing a Police Department
4/4/2017Sgt. Mohl – MOPEC Training – Dealing Mental Health Individuals
4/11/2017Sgt. Wood Certification for Clean/JNet – Mandatory
4/18/2017Sgt. Wood, Sgt. Showalter, & Sgt. Det. Horner – High Impact Supervision
5/1-5/2017Sgt. Wood, Sgt. Showalter – POSIT (Police Officer Supervisory In-Service Training)
5/22-23/2017Sgt. Wood, Officer Shinkus – Basic Criminal Investigation
10. Garageorganizedwithshelves,allspeedequipmentwillbestoredin this area
11. 4/21/2017PARegionalPolice Meeting
12. 4/21/2017 5:00P-8:00P Participate in Leesport Little League Open Ceremonies
13. 4/22/2017 Police Department will participate in the Auto Zone Open house
14. 6/2/2017 Police Department will participate in the Schuylkill Valley Elementary end of school year kick-off
Both Gary Hadden and Joseph Rudderow questioned the legality of selling equipment (old light bars, boxes, sirens, etc.) discovered in the pole barn during clean up. Vendor List, Sealed bids, or donate to local fire company. Det. Sgt. Horner will check with Radio Maintenance for the value of the equipment.
Granville Sandridge confirmed the Leesport Borough Council is on board with the changes within the department. He questioned the difference between Vehicle Stops and Warnings.
Det. Sgt. Horner reported the officers can make a traffic stop on the operator for a violation and warnings are issued through Trax system. Officers are being encouraged to utilize the system in place so their activity can be recorded.
Ruth Manmiller commented on a thank you letter received from parents and their son for the manner in which the Police Department handled their son’s case.
Counter Proposal for Det. Sgt. Horner - to be discussed in executive session
Vehicle Repairs
Granville Sandridge made a motion, seconded by Gary Hadden authorizing Det. Sgt. Horner to
proceed with repairs for unit #13 (2014 Chevy) 29,337 miles - proposal of $1,307.07. (Inspection, Oil, Oil Filter, Lube Chassis, Lube Steering Linkage, Lube Door Hinges; Fill Washer Fluid, Wheel Hub R&R, Shock & Strut Assembly). All Commissioners voted, “Aye.” Motion carried.
New Officer
Det. Sgt. Horner advised the Commission of the need for another officer – maybe two. Several officers will be leaving over the course of the next five years and we need to replace the Detective position and an officer’s position.
Joseph Rudderow and Granville Sandridge agreed, to table till the next meeting. Joseph Rudderow suggested an assessment of the department and a review of the needs of the department prior to moving forward. Gary Hadden asked how long it would take to hire an officer. Det. Sgt. Horner told at least 6 months.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – 11:43 AM -1:45 PM Personnel
Joseph Rudderow made a motion, seconded by Gary Hadden appointing Brian Horner as Officer in Charge until his contract can be finalized. All Commissioners voted, “Aye.” Motion carried.
Joseph Rudderow made a motion, seconded by Gary Hadden authorizing Det. Sgt. Horner to spend up to $1,500.00 for daily expenditures. All Commissioners voted, “Aye.” Motion carried.
Joseph Rudderow made a motion, seconded by Gary Hadden anything over $1,500.00 should receive Commission’s approval. All Commissioners voted, “Aye.” Motion carried.
Joseph Rudderow made a motion, seconded by Gary Hadden adjourning the meeting at 1:50 PM. All Commissioners voted, “Aye.” Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth M. Manmiller
NBRPD Secretary
CC: Maidencreek Township Board of Supervisors
Ontelaunee Township Board of Supervisors
Leesport Borough Council
Diane Hollenbach, Maidencreek Township Secretary
Ontelaunee Township Secretary
Sandra Weiser, Leesport Borough Secretary
S. Whitney Rahman, BlakingerThomas, P.C.