With an Everlasting Love
With an Everlasting Love (Jeremiah 31)
With an everlasting love,
I have loved you,
with an everlasting love.
1. You will find peace in the desert.
I will lead you to a place of rest.
I have seen you, my people, from afar
and long to bring you home. Refrain
2. I will clothe you in garments of gold,
restore your beauty and your pride.
With tambourines will you dance for joy.
I promise to bring you home. Refrain
3. I will gather you from the ends of the earth,
the blind, the poor and the lame.
With tears of joy I will shepherd you,
and lead you to the water of life. Refrain
4. I will change your sadness into hope.
I will comfort you in all your grief.
Come and feast at the table of My love,
and rejoice that you are home. Refrain
María of All Our Americas
1. O Mary, Israel’s daughter,
lovely countenance of all God’s people,
lead us into your silence, your strength.
María de nuestras Américas,
of all our Americas,
María de nuestras Américas,
of all our Americas.
2. O Mary, courageous sister,
bearing God’s love made flesh,
your hands carry the dreams of the poor. Refrain
3. Mother of all the crucified,
and sign of our new humanity,
bright with the light of your risen Son. Refrain
4. You proclaim the dawn of justice;
in our history a flower of hope
in this continent pregnant with life. Refrain
Bread on Every Table
When bread is on every table,
all will know that Jesus is risen.
Then the poor of the world will feast,
and their children will sing “Alleluia!”
1. At this table laden with gifting,
with love and peace and grace,
we share the bread we break
that the poor of the world may feast,
All: that the poor of the world may feast. Refrain
2. Streams of freedom are now flowing,
unlocking every door,
the dawn of lasting peace,
that the poor of the world may feast,
All: that the poor of the world may feast. Refrain
3. Let bread no longer in greed be hoarded,
borders no longer closed,
compassion’s victory,
that the poor of the world may feast,
All: that the poor of the world may feast. Refrain
4. May the hungry be filled with plenty,
with bread and work and land,
our resurrection hope,
that the poor of the world may feast,
All: that the poor of the world may feast. Refrain
5. We sing to you, O Jesus risen,
God’s wisdom feeding all,
O broken, living Bread,
that the poor of the world may feast,
All: that the poor of the world may feast. Refrain
You Watch Over Us (Psalm 34)
You, our God, watch over us.
Your ear is turned to our cry.
1. Blessing You at all times,
Your praise is on our lips.
Praising You from our hearts,
let the humble hear and rejoice. Refrain
2. Turning our gaze to You,
our faces shall grow bright.
We need not hang our heads,
for You hear our plea. Refrain
3. If in anguish we cry,
we trust that You will hear.
You are near at our side.
You heal the broken of heart. Refrain
4. Let us seek God’s face.
Together, let us set out.
The One whom we will meet
is the Source of love. Refrain
5. We sing our praise to You,
God who dwells in our midst,
praising You through Your Word,
Your Spirit’s breath in our hearts. Refrain
We Waited (Psalm 40)
We waited, we waited for You, our God.
Then You came to meet us and set us free.
1. You do not abandon us to the pain of despair,
to the emptiness of heart that has no hope.
You set our feet upon the rock of Your love,
and have made our footsteps firm. Refrain
2. You set on our lips a song of praise,
a song that praises Your faithfulness.
Nations will wonder at our resounding hymn,
and all will trust in You. Refrain
3. How blessed are those who wait for You,
who have not sided with the mighty and proud.
How many are Your blessings, O God.
Our delight is founded in You. Refrain
4. When we gather to remember Your name,
to recall all You’ve done for us,
we cannot keep silent nor nurture despair,
for You are at our side. Refrain
Sabbath’s End
We are grateful for the stillness of this day,
a time in which creation finds rest in God.
Holy, holy is this day.
We are saddened to see Sabbath’s end.
You who know the depth of our heart,
all of our needs are kept in Your sight.
You give us the blessing of Your love.
You understand all of our pain.
The stillness of Your Sabbath is healing for our soul,
a time in which the eternal touches our heart.
Holy, holy is this day.
We are saddened to see Sabbath’s end.
Heaven and earth are fulfilled by this day;
dewdrop and star, mountain and stone,
plants and animals, the peoples of the earth,
all delight in the blessing of this day.
We are grateful for the stillness of this day,
a time in which creation finds rest in God.
Holy, holy is this day.
We are saddened to see Sabbath’s end.
We are saddened to see Sabbath’s end.
Hear From Our Heart
Hear from our heart, O God,
a prayer that goes beyond our words.
Give ear to our desires
that lay deep within.
1. All of creation is groaning,
with a pain that does not cease.
Listen to our lament, O God,
Your people are calling out to You. Refrain
2. We hunger for Your word.
Our thirst is vast as a desert.
We hunger and thirst all of our lives,
until the day we come to rest in You. Refrain
3. Heaven and earth and all they hold,
are Yours for You have made them.
The nations and all of the peoples,
this fullness is founded on You . Refrain
4. On the edges of our scattered dreams
the hopes of a new world are growing.
Open and create our world again.
O God, look deep within. Refrain
5. Give to us the comfort of Your presence,
a gift as real as Your silence.
May we nurture a passion
that manifests Your love for us. Refrain
© 2003 The Benedictine Foundation of the State of Vermont, Inc.
By Your Mercy (Psalm 5)
By Your mercy, Your tender mercy,
I enter the house where You dwell.
1. Listen, my God, to my heart’s lament;
hear me, I cry for help.
As the sun is rising from night,
I pour out my heart and wait. Refrain
2. You never give hate a place in Your house;
the bloodthirsty You send away.
The mighty, the proud, who speak only lies,
will never withstand Your gaze. Refrain
3. But through Your mercy, Your tenderness,
I enter the house where You dwell.
Bowing low, I give You my life,
my hands open in praise. Refrain
4. Stir up Your justice, death lies in wait!
Open a way that is safe!
There is no truth in the words of my foes;
their throat, a wide open grave. Refrain
5. May their deeds condemn them, O God.
May they fail in their schemes.
But those who seek their shelter in You
will thrill with joy at Your help. Refrain
6. Now do Your part for those who are just,
God of our covenant.
Surround the poor like a shield;
save those who love Your name. Refrain
What Gain Is There? (Mark 8: 36–37)
What gain is there to win the whole world
if we forget how to love?
What can we give in exchange for our lives?
Let us choose to give from our heart.
1. Let us remember the poor and oppressed,
those who have suffered much.
Let us keep near to our heart
the dream of hope for our world. Refrain
2. The snare laid out to trap the poor,
to catch their lives in death,
will be broken by our concern;
our lives are intertwined. Refrain
3. One is the story of our lives;
one is the hope we share.
As we speak our words of pain
compassion moves our hearts. Refrain
4. New life begins as we celebrate
the joy and the pain of life.
All our needs are gathered into one
to make our dreams come alive. Refrain
5. The most precious gift that we can give
is not other than our selves:
the bread of love for others;
the very gift of our life. Refrain
Have Mercy, O God (Psalms 22, 51)
My God, my God,
have You abandoned me?
1. Have mercy, O God, in Your faithful love;
tenderly attend to my pain.
Cleanse this wound, deep in my soul.
What have I done wrong? Refrain
2. I feel my pain throughout the day;
never does it seem far away.
Lost, alone, where have You gone?
I long to see Your face. Refrain
3. Where is the sound of music and harp?
Where has my joy gone?
Pain within; pain all around.
When will my sorrow end? Refrain
4. Give me again the joy of Your help.
Call to mind Your faithful love.
Help me now, I cannot wait.
Your love is what I need. Refrain
Light of Salvation (Psalm 27)
Light of Salvation, why should we fear?
Why should we be afraid?
You are our refuge, deep in our life.
We need not be afraid.
1. One thing I ask for, one thing I seek,
and this has become my prayer:
to live all the days of my life
in the joy of the household of God. Refrain
2. Yahweh, You hear my voice when I cry;
with mercy You answer me.
For I seek Your face; do not hide.
I will sing and play music for You. Refrain
3. Do not refuse me; You are my help.
For shelter I come to You.
O do not desert or leave me,
for in You I have placed all my hope. Refrain
4. Teach me Your ways; I follow Your path.
In You I have found my home.
In all times of trouble and pain,
I believe in Your goodness, Your strength. Refrain
No One Goes Hungry
No one goes hungry at the Table of Life.
Taste, O taste and see!
No one goes hungry at the Table of Life.
Taste, O taste and see!
1. Here at the table, there’s plenty good room.
All: Taste, O taste and see!
The doors are wide open to welcome you in.
All: Taste, O taste and see! Refrain
2. Come with your sorrows, O come with your joy.
All: Taste, O taste and see!
Come, knead the bread that will nourish new life.
All: Taste, O taste and see! Refrain
3. One loaf feeds many and one cup we share.
All: Taste, O taste and see!
One bread, one body: come, live out the Dream.
All: Taste, O taste and see! Refrain
4. This is God’s city, where all have a place.
All: Taste, O taste and see!
No longer strangers, we’re called by our names.
All: Taste, O taste and see! Refrain
5. Drink of God’s friendship, so flowing and free.
All: Taste, O taste and see!
Quenching our thirst with the Wine of Peace.
All: Taste, O taste and see! Refrain
6. Christ of the table, Your life is our food.
All: Taste, O taste and see!
Broken for us as the mercy of God.
All: Taste, O taste and see! Refrain
7. Feasting on Your vision, O Living Bread.
All: Taste, O taste and see!
You promise us justice and life from the dead!
All: Taste, O taste and see! Refrain
© 2003 The Benedictine Foundation of the State of Vermont, Inc.