U.S. History Disclosure
Mr. Casey Room 228
The following information will help you to understand what will be expected of you during this upcoming year. A brief outline of Academic, Citizenship and Attendance standards are listed below.
Course Description
In this class we will cover the history of the United States from the colonization to modern day, with the emphasis being placed upon the history of the 20th century. The first semester will be a review of events from colonization through the Great Depression. The second semester will focus entirely on the 20th century. In this class we will cover the events and people that have helped to shape this country as well as covering the major political, economical, and social events that have occurred in the United States.
Materials needed: Every single day that you come to my class you need to be the following items. If you fail to have these items in your possession it may be tough for you to participate in the class activities. If it becomes too much trouble to come prepared to class, participation points may be deducted from the student’s grade.
*pen or pencil*notebook (3 ring binder) *colored pencils *paper *Composition booklet *flash drive
Assignments: assignments will be given on nearly a daily basis. We will be following the textbook outline with a variety of assignments; notes, maps, key terms, charts, time-lines, reading, journals, reports, projects, quizzes, and tests. All assignments are expected to be neat, nice and complete!
Academic Grading Standard: Final grades will be based on the percentage of total points accumulated from tests, reading, quizzes, projects and class assignments. Grades will be based on the following scale:
100 - 94 (A) 76 - 74 (C)
93 - 90 (A-) 73 - 70 (C-)
89 - 87 (B+) 69 - 67 (D+)
86 - 84 (B) 66 - 64 (D)
83 - 80 (B-) 63 - 60 (D-)
79 - 77 (C+) 59/below (F)
Over 100%=A+
Make Up Work: Work during school excused absences must be turned in before the absence, or that day after you get back (you must make arrangements with myself). For regular excused absences, students will have the same amount of days to turn in an assignment that they were gone. Make up tests and assignments are to be done on the students own time, not during class.
Extra Credit: extra credit projects will be available at various times throughout the semester. However they must be completed at the time it is assigned and meet the requirements given. NO EXTRA CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN TO MAKE UP FOR FAILING GRADES, POOR PERFORMANCE OR TRUANTS. If you are missing work, extra Credit will not be given to you to make up for a missing assignment. Extra credit will not exceed 4% of your final grade.
Late Work:No late work will be accepted past the time it is called for in class unless submitted with an OOPS PASS. Students will be given TWO Oops passes a quarter that can be used to turn in a late assignment for up to full points.Understanding that the assignment must still be completed and it will still be corrected. You cannot turn in an assignment with an Oops pass if it is from two unit back (for example if we are currently on unit 3, you are only allowed to turn in an assignment from unit 2 or 3).
Students who have no missing assignments can turn in any un-used Oops pass at the end of the term for Extra Credit. The value of EACH Oops pass will be equal to 1% of the overall point base at the end of the term, for a maximum of 2% if both passes go un-used.
Cheating: Cheating on any assignment or test will result in Zeros for all those involved. Citizenship will also be lowered to a “U”.
General Information: It is expected that students come to class prepared (book, paper, pencil) and on time. Students will not be allowed to leave class to go and get items they forgot to bring. Videos that pertain to the curriculum of the class may from time to time be shown to enhance the teaching of a subject or time period. It is possible that some of these may be rated PG-13, but will be previously screened for inappropriate content, and previously approved by administration.
Book review: Each semester the student will read a book that is based on the time periods that we will be coveringduring the school year. A hand out will be given to the students of the writing requirements of the review. The directions will also be posted on my blog under the label “BBR”.
Flex Time: Flex Time is Tue-Fri immediately following 1st period.. Students are highly encouraged to use this time to come and get help with concepts and assignments they don't understand or to make up tests and quizzes. If you are not utilizing this time and looking for extra help at the end of the year to make up work. You will not get it!
Current Events: A large percentage of your final grade will be based on daily current events. I will go through in detail the directions and they will also be on the portal. You will also be required to do a current events presentation in front of the class approximately once a semester.
Class rules: Be prepared, be on time, respect others, do your best, no applying make-up in class, no magazines, head phones, cell phones or video games. No Hats, bandanas or any headgear. Be responsible, and don’t cheat. I will catch you!
Movies: There will be on occasion this year that we watch a movie pertaining to the content we are learning. A few of them may have the PG-13 rating. These movies will be pre-approved by our department and administration. If you as a student or parent have any issues with this subject, please contact me and I will work out other arrangements with that student.
Electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, etc. will only be allowed when the teacher plans for their used in the lesson plan. Otherwise, they are to be put away during class.”
All notes and assignments will be posted on my BLOG @
Please return this portion to Mr. Birkholz
I have read and understand the above rules for Mr. Birkholz’s history class and agree to support the statements contained within the disclosure.
Students name (printed)______
Class Period______
Students Signature______
Parents Signature______Home Phone______
Parent Email Address______
Fathers name, work place, work phone______
Mothers name, work place, work phone______
Comments or Concerns: