Job Title:Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation
Reports To:The Management Board for performance, delivery and governance of the Welsh NHS Confederation and to the NHS Confederation Chief Executive for professional performance and compliance.
Date Prepared:June 2015
The Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation performs a critical role leading the Welsh NHS Confederation and the planning, management and delivery of its business.
You will work closely with the Chairs and Chief Executives of Local Health Boards (LHBs) and NHS Trusts to support them in influencing health and social care policy, and in developing best practice in governance, management and the delivery of high quality services to patients.
You will represent, at the highest level, the views and the interests of our member organisations in the political, professional and public arenas.
As a member of the senior management team you will actively contribute to the oversight and delivery of the NHS Confederation’s strategic objectives and business plans. You will operate in line with the NHS Confederation’s leadership principles and values.
As part of the NHS Confederation the Welsh NHS Confederationis the voice of NHS leadership. We bring together the whole healthcare system to help improve the health of patients and the public. We do this by:
- Being a system leader: creating a compelling vision for the future for the NHS and care system through developments like the 2015 Challenge;
- Representingthe NHS: to Government, Parliament, and policymakers; with staffside and unions in negotiations and consultations; and in Europe on all health policy ; and
- Supporting our members through providing expertise and insight and facilitating networking and learning.
The NHS Confederation plays a crucial leadership role by bringing together all parts of the system through our networks, corporate members, and associations. These include:
- Welsh NHS Confederation
- Northern IrelandConfederation for Health and Social Care
- Mental Health Network
- NHS Partners Network
- NHS Clinical Commissioners
- National Association of Primary Care
- Association of Ambulance Chief Executive
- Commissioning Support Units
- NHS European Office
- The NHS Employers organisation
- Corporate memberships with NHS Providers, Academic Health Science Networks
We also work in partnership with a wide range of organisations that represent health professionals, patients, their families and carers, supply chain organisations, local government, partners and commercial organisations from across the wider health and social care industry. We are the collective voice of the NHS frontline and also work closely with Local Government.
The Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation is a member of the NHS Confederation’s Senior Management Team. You will play a key role in managing the relationship between the Welsh NHS Confederation and the NHS Confederation in line with the values of the organisation.
NHS Confederation Senior Management Team
Welsh NHS Confederation
The Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation will, in agreement with the Management Board, lead the functions and activities of the Welsh NHS Confederation. You will:
Oversee the development and delivery of the Welsh Confederation’s collective policy and influencing programme ensuring that:
- there is an agreed set of influencing objectives and plans for achieving these in each priority area, that their effectiveness is regularly reviewed, and that plans are adjusted accordingly throughout the year
- there are robust processes for involving members (and partners where appropriate) in identifying priorities for policy change and service improvement and in developing and sense checking key products and outputs, including by working through our Welsh Confederation member led policy committee and the policy forum which includes stakeholder and partner representatives to understand what members need and what will work on the ground
- the collective work programme for the Welsh Confederation is aligned with the organisation’s wider strategic objectives and policy ‘obsessions’ and complements the priorities and activities of Networks and NHS Wales Employers
Key relationships
Build strong relationships with
- The Management Board of the Welsh NHS Confederation.
- Chief Executives and Chairs of member organisations in Wales.
- The Board of Trustees of the NHS Confederation.
- The wider NHS Confederation (the Northern Ireland and English offices as well as networks, European office and Internal and External Affairs) to ensure we are providing comprehensive and well-coordinated offer to our members.
- Key stakeholders in the National assembly for Wales, including Ministers, Officials and Assembly Members.
- Key stakeholders in Welsh Government, including the Director General of Health and Social Services and the Chief Executive of NHS Wales
- Partner organisations including the WLGA, ADSS Cymru RCN, BMA and Academic Institutions.
- A range of other stakeholders, including in social care, housing, third sector, education etc
Delivering member services
Represent member organisationsby
- Providing practical support to members through policy analysis, best practice reviews, research and by organising seminars and conferences to discuss/explore key developments that affect them.
- Searching for ideas and information outside the usual sources that aims to connect our members with the latest thinking from across the world. Bringing people together from all parts of the NHS and from the wider health community through conferences, seminars and networks
- Influencing the overall direction of the health debate in Wales and representing members’ views from an objective and collective perspective.
- Preparing briefings to help inform decision-makers and opinion-formers on the key issues of the day.
Effective communications
Proactively promote the work of the Welsh NHS Confederation through
- Working closely with the press and media, providing comment and background briefing on topical health stories and issues.
- Forming alliances with partner organisations in the drafting and publication of public interest information.
Horizon scanning
Develop business intelligence and member insight by
- Facilitating, supporting, and undertaking “blue sky” thinking
- Stimulating, facilitating and supporting the health futures debate through research, the dissemination of information, and learning programmes.
Providing Corporate Support Services
A Service Level Agreement is in place between LHBs, NHS Trusts and the Welsh NHS Confederation for the setting up and management of an all Wales corporate support service. This would include: -
- The work of NHS Wales Employers (hosted within the Welsh NHS confederation) in supporting the implementation of the strategic workforce agenda of the NHS in Wales, acknowledging the central role of the workforce in facilitating service change. Working in close liaison with the Director NHS Wales Employers, its key tasks include:
- Supporting the Service in developing a considered and consistent voice on all matters relating to workforce issues, representing the interests of Welsh NHS Employers both inside Wales and on the UK stage;
- Negotiating specific conditions of service on behalf of employers;
- Providing evidence to UK national pay review bodies;
- Developing links to a wide range of organisations across the UK and beyond, to share experience and knowledge on human resource and workforce issues as appropriate;
- Developing a knowledge resource of the most innovative and effective practice in workforce management and approaches to employment;
- Supporting the NHS in promoting itself as the employer of choice in Wales.
- The provision and development of an all Wales corporate support service which will provide secretariat, research and other specialist support services to Chairs, Chief executives and other agreed all Wales groups. Functions include:
- Supporting Chairs and CEs in agenda planning and meetings management;
- Undertake research, collect and analyse information and prepare briefings to support Chairs and CEs in their collective work plans and agenda items;
- Preparing correspondence, submissions and responses;
- Coordinating the work and preparation relating to the submission of evidence and attendance at National Assembly for Wales committees and working groups. Preparing evidence and briefings, help in the selection and support of witnesses and representing NHS bodies as appropriate;
- Advise, support and, as appropriate, act on behalf of LHBs, NHS Trusts and other appropriate stakeholders in designing and implementing communication and public relations strategies relating to the implementation of major all-Wales policies, plans and consideration of topical health issues .
- Provide support and coordination in respect of joint working with, for example, Welsh Local Government Association, Solace, ADSS Cymru, Wales Audit Office, the third sector and other stakeholder organisations;
- Lead as part of the NHS Confederation senior team, in line with the values of the NHS Confederation
- Develop annual business plans for the Welsh NHS Confederation making sure that they are responsive to the management board’s requirements and are delivered on time and on budget
- Line manage direct reports and make sure that they have clear objectives and regular appraisals
- Oversee continual learning and improvement in the standards of the Welsh NHS Confederation
- Responsibility for approximately 7 staff
- Responsibility for a staffing and resources budget of approximately £715k
The postholderwill have:
- Senior management experience and successful track record at board level in a NHS or other related public service, third sector or private organisation
- A track record demonstrating excellent judgement and delivery
- Experience of leading, developing and motivating a team
- Experience of managing significant budgets
- Good knowledge of the NHS and the issues it faces in Wales
- Understanding of the devolved health policy making process
- Understanding of the political dynamics within Wales
- Strategic thinker and leader with the ability to be hands on and results orientated
- Excellentcommunications and interpersonal skills, including influencing and negotiating
- Proven ability to build strong personal relationships and effective formal and informal networks
- Good public speaker
- Experience and demonstrable ability in working with the press and media
- Ability to understand the requirements of our members and stakeholders, and engage members in strategy and tactical delivery
- Leadership skills and behaviours consistent with the NHS Confederation’s values
Health and Safety at Work Act
The jobholder is required to take reasonable care for the safety and health of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts; and to co-ordinate with management in the promotion and maintenance of health and safety measures.”
Jobholder Name………………………………………………………..
Signature ……………………………………………………….
Manager Name………………………………………………………..
Signature ……………………………………………………….
Director Name………………………………………………………..
Signature ……………………………………………………….
Job Title:Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation
Qualifications /
- Degree level education
- Professional qualificationor equivalent
- Post graduate qualification in related discipline
(for example: in the sector/industry, of being a manager) /
- Senior management experience and successful track record at board level in a NHS or other related public service, third sector or private organisation
- Experience of leading, developing and motivating a team
- A track record demonstrating excellent judgment anddelivery
- Understanding of working in a political environment
- Demonstrable experience of delivering effective customer service
- Experience of managing significant budgets
- Experience of working in a membership organisation
- NHS national body or front line experience
(for example: of the sector, industry, topic area – include educational and vocational qualifications) /
- Good knowledge of the NHS and the issues it faces in Wales
- Understanding of the devolved health policy making process
- Strong networks and contacts across health and care
- Good knowledge of the Welsh NHS and the issues it faces
- Understanding of the political dynamics within Wales
(for example: written, presentation, IT) /
- Strategic thinker and leader with the ability to be hands on and results orientated
- Excellent communications and interpersonal skills, including influencing and negotiating
- Good public speaker
- Experience and demonstrable ability in working with the press and media
- Ability to understand the requirements of our members and stakeholders, and engage members in strategy and tactical delivery
- Ability to generate confidence with wide range of stakeholders
- Leadership skills and behaviours consistent with the NHS Confederation’s values
- High analytical skills that deliver insight
- Ability to understand and work with the political and organisational sensitivities and tailor approach accordingly
- Ability to understand the requirements of our members and stakeholders, and engage members in strategy and tactical delivery
- Good judgement
- Proven ability to build strong personal relationships and effective formal and informal networks
Other information
(for example: it may be desirable to have a driving licence) /
- Leadership skills and behaviours consistent with the NHS Confederation’s values
- Able to work in a high pressure, political environment
- Drive and energy
- Self-motivated
- Independent minded
- Team player
- Welsh speaker