*I have printed a copy for everyone, please DO NOT type your answers on this document. Either print it out and handwrite your answers or grab the copy from class. Due: (B) Wednesday & (A) Thursday. THANK YOU!
Chapter 22/23 Reconstruction Flow Chart Name: ______
Timeframe of Recon:Nickname of Recon:
3 High-Water Marks for America after the Civil War
Effect on Monroe Doctrine:
2 main concerning issues for America after the Civil War
Describe the general economic feel in the South during Reconstruction:
Describe the general agricultural feel in the South during Reconstruction:
Describe the general Southern culture during Reconstruction:
Why was emancipation seen as confusing:
What was the purpose of formalizing “slave marriages”:
What was provided in these “new towns” created by African Americans:
Who are Exodusters:
What general educational opportunities were provided during Recon.:
What was the purpose of the American Missionary Association:
According to Presidential Recon., who seceded:
How long should it take to reunite the Southern states back into the Union:
Lincoln’s official plan:
Amnesty means:
2 agenda items under Lincoln’s plan for Recon
What future president agrees with Lincoln’s plan:
Who will NOT be pardoned under Lincoln’s plan:
Small subculture of Republicans that claimed a separate approach to Recon.:
Led by
Culture fought for by these Congressmen:
Pushed for these 2 Amendments
This made America a “trailblazing” country on the world stage regarding emancipation:
According to Congress, how should the South be treated:
Date of Lincoln’s assassination:
Next President:
Political Party affiliation:
VP under what “Lincoln’s Party” from 1864:
Why did Republicans nominate Andrew Johnson in 1864 for VP:
Location of Congress when Johnson promoted his Recon. plan:
5 agenda items under Johnson’s plan
Most powerful difference between Lincoln and Johnson’s plan:
Areas in which Johnson did not promote African Americans
Define “Black Codes”:
Provide some examples:
Johnson’s relationship between abolition and African American political rights:
Official Congressional response to Lincoln’s plan (bill):
Passed in this year:
2 agenda items under this bill
Noted difference between Presidential and Congressional Recon. regarding allegiance:
Lincoln’s response to bill:
Definition of above action:
Timeframe of Freedmen’s Bureau:
What was the Abolitionists’ Harsh Reality:
What was formed due to the directly above concern:
2 cultures it helped
Johnson’s presidential reaction:
Congressional reaction:
Most noted success of this bureau:
How could the Freedmen’s Bureau be seen as misleading:
Southern response:
Why to the FB come to an end in 1872:
Are you doing big things:
1857 Supreme Court case that stripped African Americans of their “citizenship” rights:
This legislation reapplied a “citizenship” title back to African Americans:
2 agenda items
Johnson’s Presidential reaction:
Congressional reaction:
Southern reaction to legislation:
What amendment did this legislation lead to:
Turning point in Reconstruction:
Why is it considered a “turning point?”:
First time this occurred in American history:
Why was the 14th Amendment added to the US Constitution:
3 agenda items under the 14th Amendment
What was NOT used if your state practiced the 14th Amendment:
What is Martial Law:
Example of state that is included in this scenario:
Legislation that established federal control in the South during 65-77:
Ratified in this year:
2 agenda items under this legislation
Johnson’s Presidential response:
Congressional response:
Number of districts:
According to Congress, each state should physically practice actions of these 2 amendments
15th Amendment claims:
Congressional response to the above:
Years of legislation:
3 reasons the Enforcement Acts got repealed/lost funding:
Why did past women’s rights activists get involved in the abolitionist movement:
Examples of Women Rights Activists:
Goal of the Woman’s Loyal League:
Connection to the 14th Amendment:
Connection to the 15th Amendment:
Congressional legislation that pinned Johnson in an “impeachable” situation:
The above legislation claimed the following:
2 options Johnson had regarding Edwin Stanton’s position in Congress:
Congressional purpose:
Congressman protected:
Reason the above Congressman was protected by Radical Republicans:
Johnson’s outcome (with story):
Define “impeachment”:
Was Johnson impeached:
How many votes kept Johnson in office:
This land was sold by Russia:
Year of purchase:
Congressman involved directly:
Nickname of purchase:
Why would Russia be eager to sell:
2 reasons why America was hesitant to purchase:
2 reasons why America was eager to purchase:
New President in 1868:
Party affiliation:
Reelected in this year:
Key term connected to this President (over time):
Campaign slogan in 1868:
What did the above slogan promote:
2 scandals involving Grant
General background story of (a):
General background story of (b):
Presidential impact of these scandals involving the Presidential election of 1876:
KKK stands for:
Birthplace (city and State):
Main weapon of choice:
Main agenda:
3 separate ways to hinder African American voters in the South
Discrimination behind (a):
General problem with (a):
Discrimination behind (b):
General problem with (b):
Discrimination behind (c):
General problem with (c):
Culture denied voting rights with the above 3:
Culture promoted with the above 3:
2 cultures emerging in the South during Recon
Political affiliation of (a):
Location of (a):
Political affiliation of (b):
Location of (b):
Goals of BOTH (together):
Define “redemption”:
Nickname of culture:
Political affiliation:
Location prior to migration:
Location after migration:
Purpose of migration:
Define “Solid South”:
The Solid South returns the South to this:
Define “Home Rule”:
Underlying justification of this group:
What is a “sharecropper”:
What is a “tenant farmer”:
Most famous Presidential election that ended Recon:
1 main reason why Grant didn’t run for a 3rd term:
Republican Presidential hopeful in 1876:
Democratic presidential hopeful in 1876:
Who won the popular vote:
Number of electoral votes needed to be a President as of 1876:
Number returned officially in 1876:
How many electoral votes had fraudulent returns:
What was put together in order to appoint a new President:
Who voted for the above:
Problem with above group:
Democrats response:
Define “filibuster”:
What do the Republicans get out of the “Compromise of 1877”
What do the Democrats get out of the “Compromise of 1877”
Which of the above truly signified the collapse of Recon:
What previous legislation was repealed as a result of the Compromise of 1877:
Why would Redeeming Democrats appreciate the removal of martial law in the south:
What new age of politics emerge as a result of the Redeemers taking back the South:
What does “Gilded” represent: