Eagle Commendation Requests
Recipient Addresses
Senator Arlen Specter711 Hart
Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510 / Senator Specter:
Senator Robert Casey
383 Russell
Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20150 / Senator Casey:
Governor Edward J. Rendell
225 Main Capitol Bldg
Harrisburg, PA 17120 / Governor Rendell:
Vice President Joseph R. Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500 / Mr. Vice President:
President and Mrs. Barack H. Obama
The White House
Attn: Greetings Office
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
/ Mr. President:
Congressman Joe Pitts
Chester County
Post Office Box 837
Unionville, PA 19375 / Congressman Joe Pitts
Eagle Scout Certificates
Congressman Pitts is happy to award certificates of congratulation to Eagle Scouts. Certificates should be requested by the scoutmaster, who should include his name, address, and phone number along with the scout's name and address and the date of the honor court. Certificates should be requested from the Congressman's Chester County district office and will be sent to the scoutmaster's address unless alternate delivery is requested.
Contact Congressman Pitts' Chester County office.
Hon. Chris Ross
PO Box 835
Unionville, PA 19375 / Representative Ross:
Gov. Bob Riley
State Capitol
Room N-104
600 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36130 / Governor Riley:
(Governor of Alabama)
Mr. John E. Potter
Postmaster General/CEO
U.S. Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Washington DC 20260-0010 / The United States Postal Service has a newly designed recognition certificate for presentation to new Eagle Scouts. The certificate shows the USPS logo and the (old) BSA logo. What makes this certificate special is a reproduction of the $.03 Boy Scouts of America commemorative stamp issued in 1950. To obtain a certificate, send your request listing the name of the new Eagle Scout to: Mr. John E. Potter……….
Hershey Foods Corporation
Consumer Relations Department
P.O. Box 810
Hershey, PA 17033-0810