OFFICE HOURS: 9:00am – 5:00 pm; Monday - Friday

Associate Ministers / Ministers of Evangelism
Minister Chris Colston / Minister Amelia Brown / Rev. Dr. Joeann Malone
Rev. Garfield Garner / Evangelist Geneva Burse / Evangelist Ruthell Morris
Minister Shurron Green / Evangelist Karen DeLee
Elder John T. Hayes / Minister Leslie Green
Rev. Alton Wilson / Minister Roslyn Long
Evangelist Denise Jackson


Bible Study (Adult & Youth) / Wednesday / 7:30 pm
Deacon’s Meeting / Tuesday(as scheduled) / 7:00 pm
Intercessory Prayer / Friday / 7:00 pm
New Members Class / Sunday / 9:45 am
Sunday School / Sunday / 9:45 am
Recovery Ministry – Tim Sanford / 7 days – 24 hours / 678-598-1120
Sunday School Teachers / Wednesday / 6:30 pm
Sunday Worship / Sunday / 7:30 & 11:00am
Youth Bible Study / Wednesday / 7:45 pm


Choir Leaders & Pastor Mtg. / Tuesday (4th) / 7:30 pm
Marriage Ministry / Saturday(3rd) / 5:00 pm
Gospel Choir Preparation / See Quarterly Calendar
Health Ministry / Saturday (2nd) / 11:00am
Shepherds Care / Saturday (3rd) / 10:00am
Education Ministry / Monday(2nd) / 7:00 pm
Communication Ministry / Saturday (3rd) / 11:00am
Male Chorus Preparation / Saturday (2nd & 4th) / 9:30 am
Men’s Fellowship / Saturday (1st) / 7:30 am
Minister’s Meeting / Saturday (1st) / 3:00 pm
Money Matters / Saturday(3rd) / 10 –12pm
Mother Board / Saturday (1st) / 9:30am
Outreach Ministry / Saturday (3rd) / 9:00 am
Prison Ministry
Single’s Ministry
Media Ministry / Saturday (4th)
Saturday (1st) / 10:30 am
Usher Ministry / Tuesday (1st) / 7:00 pm
Women’s Ministry / Saturday (2nd) / 9:00 am
Youth Choir Preparation / See Quarterly Calendar

Holy Communion 1stSunday 7:30 & 11:00

Baptism 3rd Sunday 11:00 am

Baby Dedications 4thSunday 7:30 &11:00

3375 Church Lane, Duluth, GA 30096

(770) 497-8227 office (770) 497-9775 fax

Web: email:

Friendship Baptist Church

Rev. Ronald L. Bowens, Pastor

Order of Worship

January 27, 2013 Theme:Salvation

+Opening Prayer
+Call to Worship(John 3:16KJV)

+Hymn of Praise #141“Love Lifted Me” / Congregation
 +Fellowship with Friendship(Please greet those around you)
Praise & Worship / Kathy Saunders (7:30)
+Tithes & Offering(II Corinthians 9:6-8) Officers
But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly;
and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always
having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
Selection Choir
Preached Word Pastor Bowens
+ Call to Discipleship
Altar Call and Benediction Pastor Bowens

 Please Stand +Worshippers will not be allowed to enter/exit sanctuary

Sermon Notes

Speaker: ______

Topic: ______

Scripture: ______Sermon Notes: ________________________

Church Announcements

Education Ministry

The Emma Bowen Foundation is seeking applicants for its paid internship work/study program with national media companies. Any minority student (African American, Hispanic, Asian or Native American) who is a rising high school senior, graduating high school senior or college freshman, has a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0, is interested in pursuing a career in the media industry, and plans to attend a four-year accredited college or university is eligible to apply. Eligible applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal residents of the United States, and speak and write English fluently to be considered. Your grade transcript, at least two (2) educational references from teachers and/or advisors, and a 500 to1,000 word essay must accompany the application form. Apply for Media Internships by January 31, 2013 @

Communications Ministry If God has blessed you with abilities in the area of information technology, writing, photography, web design, graphic design, etc., the Communications Ministry may be a place for you to share your gifts and bless others. The Communications Ministry is in need of dependable people to support the growing needs of Friendship. To learn more, please contact Bro. Louie Malone at 404-353-0943 or .

Media Ministry

If you're looking for a place to serve and as Friendship continues to grow, the Media Ministry is in need of dedicated & dependable people to support current and new initiatives. To learn more, please contact Bro. Darryl Greer @ 678-561-5266.

United Cerebral Palsy of Georgiainvites you to join us for A Very Special Valentine’s Day Fashion Show & Luncheon on Saturday, February 9, 2013,

11:00 am at the Emory Conference Center Hotel,1615 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta. Contact: Shayla Smith @ 678-481-5941

Hymn of the Month

  1. I was sinking deep in sin, Far from the peaceful shore,
    Very deeply stained within, Sinking to rise no more;
    But the Master of the sea, Heard my despairing cry,
    From the waters lifted me, Now safe am I.


Love lifted me! Love lifted me!
When nothing else could help
Love lifted me!

  1. All my heart to Him I give, Ever to Him I’ll cling
    In His blessèd presence live, Ever His praises sing.
    Love so mighty and so true, Merits my soul’s best songs;
    Faithful, loving service too, To Him belongs.
  1. Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves;
    He will lift you by His love, Out of the angry waves.
    He’s the Master of the sea, Billows His will obey;
    He your Savior wants to be, Be saved today.


Shirley Kae

Church Announcements

No eating or drinking in the sanctuary at any time. Please silence all cell phones. Children’s Church for ages 2 – 10 years in lower annex. Nursery ages 6 months – 2 years; 7:30 & 11:00 Services

Prayer List – remember with prayer, calls & visitations.

Sis. Julia Barnes
Sis. Lucille Bergman
Min. Amelia Brown
Sis. HaLynn Brown
Evg. Geneva Burse
Bro. Errol Chung
Miss. Kristyn Chung
Sis. Margaret Commodore
Mother Irene Cooper
Sis. Martha R. Davis
Mr. John Dowell
Ms. Mia Ford
Bro. Darius Gregory
Sis. Odessa Harris
Bro. William Harris / Bro. Jerry Haynes
Sis. Betty Howell
Bro. Christopher Jackson
Evg. Eleanor Lemons
Bro. Zamal Lipscomb
Mr. Reginald Maddox
Bro. George Marrow
Sis. Sylvia Marrow
Mrs. Ida Matthews
Sis. Roxanne Motley
Sis. Marcia Mullins & Family
The Perryman Family
Sis. Miriam Peters
Bro. Walter Poole
Bro. Garvin Potts / Bro. Robert Pritchard
Sis. Connie Rogers
Sis. Peggy Rogers
Bro. Terry Sukotsky
Bro. Timothy Taylor
Sis. Mabel Thomas
Bro. Clint Tower
Sis. Maria Wah
The Wells Family
Sis. D. L. Whaley
Bro. William Wilkerson
Capt. Gerald Wilson
Sis. Sadie Wilson
Bro. Donald Wood


Condolences to Bro. John Williams & family during the home going of his beloved wife

Sis. Shirley Williams. Viewing and Funeral service will be held here at Friendship Baptist Church on Friday, February 1st at 10 am.

Condolences to Andrian (Orlando) Oldham during the home going of her grandfather,

Mr. Henry L. Hagans, Sr. Funeral services were held Friday, January 25th in

Jacksonville, FL.

New Members:

Men’s Ministry

All men of Friendship are invited to join us in the Fellowship hall on Saturday, February 2nd at 7:30 am; as well continue in our effort to glorify our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ and encourage each other. Invite a male friend or relative. If a man would give for love all the wealth of his house, it would be utterly despised. (Songs of Solomon8:7)

More Drama? Seriously? Seriously!!!

Auditions and Read Through for:“Eyewitness: The Story of a Promise Kept”. Cast: Disciples; Citizens; Roman Soldiers; Followers of Jesus; Mary – Jesus’ mother; Mary Magdalene; and Jesus. Cast type – Teens through Adults; Males and Females, Thursday, January 31st- 7:00 pm – DOWNSTAIRS Heritage Church

FMI: Contact Cynthia Urquhart 501-554-5208 /email Performance and Entertainment Ministry with a Purpose!

Church Announcements

Health Ministry Glaucoma Awareness Month

The Health Ministry is looking for a nutritionist who can advise the group on nutrition matters. We're hoping there is a member of the congregation with these credentials. We are also looking for new members. As Rev. Garner always says, "We are saved to serve and not to sit!"If interested in helping or joining the Health Ministry,please contact Chairperson Vickie Perry at 770-855-4020 or

The Health Ministry is developing a Weight Loss Challenge for 2013, details to follow in a later bulletin.

For all church members with smartphones, there is a free app called My

Fitness Pal that can be downloaded onto your phone. This is great for staying on track with your 2013 fitness goals. Check it out!

OutreachMinistryMission Statement -“ONE BODY SAVED TOSERVE”

One Harvest Food Ministries

We are accepting orders for affordable high quality fresh family meals from One Harvest Food Ministries.Order Deadline is Friday, February 8th.Meals will be available for pick up on Saturday, February 16th. Please place your orders at the Church Office during regular business hours or online @ For more information contact Rita Bowens at 770-497-8227 or Vonda Rogers @ 770-899-7387.

Pantry Items for the Month

We are collecting SPAM and VIENNA SAUSAGES for the Outreach Ministry Pantry this month. Please drop items off in the Fellowship hall on Sundays and

at the Outreach Center: Mondays 11:00 am.– 1:00 pm. Wednesdays

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm and Saturdays 1:00 am. – 1:00 pm. Contact Diana McGhee @

404-312-1232 or @ for more information about the Outreach Ministry.

2012 Contribution Statements: Contribution Statements are available upon request by emailing Monique Greer at or by calling the Church office at (770) 497-8227.