Minutes of BEC Meeting: SIR Br 54 [Reg 4 (Pat O’Keefe) Area 11 (Bob Grandey)] Feb 8 2018 at Three Flames Restaurant
Officers in Attendance: Horace Hines, Francis Seidl, Joe Lowry,Pierre Garabedian, Dennis Welsh
Directors in Attendance:Bob Hartle, Marcel Tomassian, Stephen Speciale, Joe Salamida
Advisory Directors in Attendance: Art Andres, Elroy Lucero, Roger Sides, Ken Walling, Bob Wheeler,
Other SIRs in Attendance: Richard Kabanek, Robert Vazquez, Tom Marron, Alan Baker, John Humphrey
Officers/Directors Absent: John Knapp,Mike Hastings,Hersh Brown,Tom Bombaci,Fred Chow,Peter Guerin,Allen Rudy,Glenn Traw,Colin Winter
Call to Order: by Big Sir Horace Hines at 10:05 am, No guests. No agenda changes.
Secretary Report: (Seidl)
- BEC meeting attendance/quorum verified. Priormeeting minutes made availablevia email/hard copy, no changes requested. Approved by MSA.
Action Items/Schedule of Operations reviewed:
- Aug:- BS - Request Emeritus status for Mario Vazquez [Rule 24g]. Pending approval, HLM Form 45 for Marron (in progress)
- Jan:- BS - Check calendar for holidays that necessitate meeting date changes [bylaws sec 35] (completed)
- BS - Send form 27 by 10th of month [rule 167] (pending)
- BS - Communicate Goals and Action Plans to membership and assure placement in BEC Minutes/ Newsletter/Website (completed)
- BS - Provide new member Quarterly Report to Area Gov by 1/5 [rule 168] (pending)
- LS - Assist BS in writing Quarterly Report (pending)
- Sec - Notify State Roster Chairman of roster changes to Form 20 Branch Personnel [rule 138] (pending Activities Chair assignment)
- Treasurer - Collect voluntary contributions [rule 220] (in progress)
- Feb:- BS – Follow Error and Omission Instructions from State Insurance Committee [rule 617] (completed)
- LS – Understand Audit process [rules 255, 256] (completed)
- Sec – Mail printed copy of Membership Roster to State Roster Chair & provide a copy (any media) to Gov/Dir [rule 178](completed)
- Treasurer - Send Branch Audit Report Form 29 with December Form 28 to Area Gov by 2/10 [rule 257] (completed)
- Treasurer- Form 28 due to State Asst Treas by 10th of month [rule 216] (completed)
Big Sir Report: (Hines)
-Planning complete for Feb “leadership depth” presentation – Hines/Tomassian/Walling to talk, including“Help Wanted” whiteboard; Vazquez/Marron HLM status in progress (changing Vazquez to “Moved” status). Jan Form 27 and Quarterly Report still in progress.
Treasurer Report: (Garabedian)
- Distributed Jan 2018Treasurer’s report, ending balance $1903.98;Received by MSA. Annual $25 Dues for 2018 in progress: 41 paid so far – announcements made during lunch and Tomassian will follow up with non-payers; Pro-rate concerns– new policy for future newmembers: $2 reduction for each month after January, starting now, approved by MSA; Walling will document new rule on webpage.
- Action Item: EIN (23-7448098) should be associated with our SIR54 checking account – resolution with bank in progress.
RAMP Recruitment Chair: (Hartle)
- New Membership goal for 2018: 12 (excluding transfers). Reviewed4 new member apps (all Br141 transfers): John Unger, Bart Raynaud, Bill Strandberg, Dick Guilhamet. All approved by MSA. Induction ceremony pending for Jack Byers (completed at lunch)
Speaker Chair: (Bruce Hodgin – not present at BEC)
-Feb: Horace Hines on Astronomy (after “Help Wanted”); March: Terrence Hunter (Dept of Corrections); April: John Knapp (auto restoration). Discussed May meeting since it is the Branch Anniversay Month – Tomassian will get a Costco sheet cake, Horace will ask Bob Grandy to join us.
RAMP Member Relations Chair: (Tomassian)
- Action Item: Tomassian to begin following up with members/sponsorsregaring non-payment of annual dues
RAMP Activities Chair: (Hastings)
- Review activities, get BEC approvals
- SIR Travel (Salamida): still working on existing trips. No new updates
- Golf (Bombaci): (not present – no update)
- Petanque (Garabedian): Tomassian pursuing possibility of setting up another standing day for SIR Petanque group
- Day trips (Hastings): (not present – no update)
- Hiking (Tomassian): Hike tomorrow at 10am at Santa Teresa County Park
- Fishing (Walling): on winter break
RAMP Publicity and Image Chair: (Brown) not present - no update.
Other Committee Chairs:
- Sunshine (Speciale) cards to Hersh Brown (re Nan), John Knapp (re Susan), Ron Billet, Don Black (wife passed). Also sending monthly blog printout letters to those without email (currently 14 members)
- Web Master (Walling) All info is up-to-date. Printer problems resolved re Roster
New Business/Items for Good of Branch: Alan Baker proposed he could establish new common email lists for (e.g.) “All Members”, “BEC”, “Hiking club”, etc. Alan also offered after the BEC to be a future lunch speaker on cybersecurity.
- Lunch guests/sponsors– 4 guests were introduced and welcomed at lunch.
Date of Next Meeting: Mar 8, 2018
Meeting Adjourned by BS at 11:00 am