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Visual C# 2010 How to Program
Test Item File
Chapter 1 – Visual C# 2010 – How to Program
Introduction to Computers, the Internet and Visual C#
1.1 Introduction
1. Computers process data, using sets of instructions called ______.
a) softgoods
b) computer programs
c) recipes
d) hardware
Answer: b
2. ______-oriented programming models real-world entities with software counterparts.
a) Action
b) Model
c) Object
d) Procedure
Answer: c
1.2 Computer Organization
1. Every computer can be divided into 6 basic units. They are:
a) monitor, mouse, keyboard, hard drive, processor and disk drives.
b) input, output, primary storage, secondary storage, memory and ALU.
c) input, output, memory, ALU, CPU and secondary storage.
d) input, output, primary storage, secondary storage, CPU, memory.
Answer: c
2. The purpose of the ALU is:
a) to store permanent data.
b) to store temporary data.
c) to cool the computer down and prevent overheating.
d) to perform basic math and logical comparisons for the computer.
Answer: d
True/False Statements
3. Input devices allow the computer to receive data. They are things such as a keyboard or mouse.
Answer: True.
4. The CPU is the heart of the computer. It tells the computer when input is received and when output should be displayed. It also helps in the storage of data to memory.
Answer: True.
5. Disks and hard drives are types of secondary storage units. They are used to store data for large amounts of time.
Answer: True.
6. Logical decisions are made by the CPU.
Answer: False. Logical decisions are made by the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).
1.3 Personal Computing, Distributed Computing and Client/Server Computing
1. Computers called offer a common data store and services that may be used by client computers distributed throughout the network.
a) servers
b) desktops
c) workstations
d) None of the above.
Answer: a
True/False Statements
2. The first company to popularize the personal computer was IBM.
Answer: False, the company was Apple.
3. The only way for an early personal computer to share information with another computer was through the use of disks.
Answer: False, there were also LANs.
4. The first computers pioneered by Apple and IBM were "stand-alone" units.
Answer: True.
1.4 Hardware Trends
1. The cost of computing power has been
a) about the same each year.
b) going up.
c) going down.
d) undetermined.
Answer: c
2. ______Law states that every year or two, the computing power of computers doubles without any increase in price.
a) Gate’s
b) Moore’s
c) Henderson’s
d) None of the above.
Answer: b
1.5 Microsoft Windows Operating System
1. In the mid-1980s, Microsoft developed the ______operating system, consisting of a graphical user interface built on top of DOS.
a) Unix
b) Macintosh
c) Linux
d) Windows
Answer: d
2. Microsoft borrowed concepts such as icons, menus and windows from the______operating system .
a) Macintosh
b) DOS
c) Linux
d) None of the above.
Answer: a
1.6 Machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High-Level Languages
1. The order of simplicity to a human of the three basic types of languages is: (easiest to hardest)
a) high-level, assembly, machine
b) assembly, machine, high-level
c) machine, high-level, assembly
d) machine, assembly, high-level
Answer: a
2. Machine languages ______.
a) are machine dependent.
b) are universal between all machines.
c) consist of numbers and letters.
d) need to be translated in order for the machine to understand commands.
Answer: a
True/False Statements
3. An assembler converts assembly language programs into machine language.
Answer: True
4. High-level computer languages are easily understood by a computer without any need of translation.
Answer: False. They are easily understood by humans, but must be converted into machine language in order for a computer to understand them.
1.7 Visual Basic
1. Which of the following is/are true about Visual Basic?
a) It’s object oriented.
b) It makes Windows programming easier.
c) It’s event driven.
d) All of the above.
Answer: d
2. Visual Basic evolved from the ______programming language.
a) assembly
c) DOS
d) Java.
Answer: b
True/False Statements
3. Visual Basic is an event-driven, fully object-oriented visual programming language.
Answer: True.
1.8 C, C++, Objective-C and Java
1. What was the most important capability of C++ that C did not provide?
a) networking technology
b) data type technology
c) object-oriented technology
d) adding dynamic content to web pages.
Answer: c
True/False Statements
2. C++ “spruces up” C with object-oriented programming capabilities.
Answer: True.
3. Java enables you to add dynamic content to web pages.
Answer: True.
4. C# is an object oriented language that has roots in C, C++ and Java.
Answer: True
1.9 C#
1. Which of the following is true: C#
a) is object oriented.
b) contains a powerful class library.
c) is not limited to web-based applications.
d) All of the above.
Ans: d
2. The .NET platform is used ______.
a) for web-based applications to be distributed to a great variety of devices.
b) for system interoperability.
c) a and b.
d) None of the above.
Ans: c
3. C# was developed specifically for the .NET Framework.
Ans: True.
4. Web-based applications can be distributed to a great variety of devices from cell phones to desktop computers using the .NET platform.
Ans: True.
5. The integration of software components from various languages has been relatively simple.
Ans: False. The integration of software components from various languages has been difficult due to incompatible versions and installation problems. .NET now makes such integration relatively easy.
6. C# applications can interact over the Internet.
Ans: True.
7. C# is an object oriented language that is a hybrid of C, C++ and Java.
Ans: True
1.10 The Internet and the World Wide Web
1. The W3C is an organization that:
a) maintains and runs the internet.
b) removes junk and broken links from the web.
c) developed e-mail.
d) helps to develop and improve the World Wide Web (WWW).
Answer: d
2. The ______is a collection of hardware and software associated with the Internet that allows computer users to locate and view multimedia-based documents on almost any subject.
a) HyperText Markup Language
b) HyperText Transfer Protocol
c) World Wide Web
Answer: c
True/False Statements
3. One of W3C’s primary goals was to make the web universally accessible to everyone regardless of disabilities, language or culture.
Answer: True.
1.1 1 Extensible Markup Language (XML)
1. XML is:
a) a language that describes data.
b) a language that preceded HTML.
c) limited to web applications.
d) excluded from use in Microsoft’s .NET because of security issues.
Answer: a
2. The essential characteristic of XML, data independence, means what?
a) separation of data from its programs
b) special formatting of HTML documents
c) separation of content from its presentation
d) None of the above.
Answer: c
1.12 Introduction to Microsoft .NET
1. Part of the .NET Initiative is Microsoft’s ______technology, which enables you to create web applications:
b) CLI
c) CLR
Answer: d
2. Microsoft’s .NET Framework ______.
a) executes applications.
b) contains a class library
c) provides many capabilities for building Visual Basic applications.
d) All of the above.
Answer: d
True/False Statements
3. Developers can create .NET applications only in Visual C#.
Answer: False. Developers can create a .NET application in any .NET-compatible language.
1.13 The .NET Framework and the Common Language Runtime
1. The part of the .NET Framework executes Visual Basic programs.
a) Common Language Specification
b) Framework Class Library
c) Common Language Runtime
d) None of the above.
Answer: c
2. Before .NET applications are compiled into machine code, they are translated
to .
a) Microsoft Common Language
b) Microsoft Intermediate Language
c) Microsoft Runtime Language
d) None of the above.
Answer: b
True/False Statements
3. The .NET Framework installed on a specific platform can execute only programs written for that particular platform.
Answer: False. The .NET Framework can be ported to many platforms and is capable of executing any .NET application without modification.
4. A .NET application must consist entirely of one .NET language.
Answer: False. All .NET languages are converted to MSIL before machine code, therefore an application may be composed of several different languages.
5. The Framework Class Library consists of many pre-packaged components that can be reused by programmers.
Answer: True.
6. When an application executes, the just-in-time compiler converts the machine language file into MSIL code.
Answer: False. When an application executes, the just-in-time compiler converts the MSIL file into machine-language code.
1.14 Test-Driving the Visual Basic Advanced Painter Application
No questions.
1.15 Introduction to Object Technology
1. The color, size, weight and speed of an object are examples of its ______.
a) attributes.
b) behaviors.
c) classes.
d) requirements.
Answer: a
2. Almost any ______can be reasonably represented as an object.
a) verb
b) behavior
c) adjective
d) noun
Answer: d
3. Objects normally are not allowed to know how other objects are implemented. This is called ______.
a) encarceration
b) information hiding
c) blindfolding
d) inheritance
Answer: d
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1.1 Introduction
1. Computers process data, using sets of instructions called ______.
a) softgoods
b) computer programs
c) recipes
d) hardware
Answer: b
2. ______-oriented programming models real-world entities with software counterparts.
a) Action
b) Model
c) Object
d) Procedure
Answer: c
1.2 Computer Organization
1. Every computer can be divided into 6 basic units. They are:
a) Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Hard Drive, Processor, and Disk Drives.
b) Input, Output, DVD, Secondary Storage, CPU, and ALU.
c) Input, Output, Memory, ALU, CPU, and Secondary Storage.
d) Input, Output, Primary Storage, Secondary Storage, CPU, Memory.
Answer: c
2. The purpose of the ALU is:
a) to store permanent data.
b) to store temporary data.
c) to cool the computer down and prevent overheating.
d) to perform basic math and comparisons for the computer.
Answer: d
3. Input devices such as a keyboard or mouse enable the computer to receive data.
Answer: True.
4. RAM is a type of memory used for storing data while the computer is off.
Answer: False. All data in RAM is erased when the computer is shut off.
1.3 Personal Computing, Distributed Computing and Client/Server Computing
1. The phenomenon of spreading an organization’s computing resources over separate locations connected by networks is called ______.
a) personal computing
b) distributed computing
c) local area networks
d) supercomputing
Answer: b
2. Computers called store programs and data that can be used by client computers distributed over a network.
a) servers
b) desktops
c) workstations
d) None of the above.
Answer: a
3. The company that popularized personal computer was IBM.
Answer: False, the company that popularized personal computing was Apple.
1.4 Hardware Trends
1. Every year, the cost for most hardware products and services in the computer field has
a) been the same.
b) been going up.
c) been going down.
d) been undetermined.
Answer: c
2. ______’s Law states that every year or two, the capacities of computers double without any increase in price.
a) Gates
b) Moore
c) Henderson
d) None of the above.
Answer: b
3. The invention of microprocessor chip technology laid the groundwork for the productivity improvements that individuals and businesses have achieved in recent years.
Answer: True.
1.5 Microsoft’s Windows Operating System
1. Which Microsoft operating system came first?
a) Windows 95
c) Windows 3.0
d) Windows CE
Answer: b
2. ______is Windows’ biggest competitor.
a) Mac OS
b) Solaris
c) Linux
d) None of the above.
Answer: c
3. Linux is a proprietary operating system.
Answer: False, Linux is an open source operating system.
4. Windows borrowed many concepts popularized by early Apple Macintosh operating systems.
Answer: True.
1.6 Machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High-level Languages
1. The order of simplicity to a human of the three basic types of programming languages from easiest to hardest is:
a) High-Level, Assembly, Machine
b) Assembly, Machine, High-Level
c) Machine, High-Level, Assembly
d) High-level, Machine, Assembly
Answer: a
2. Machine languages ______.
a) are machine dependent.
b) are universal between all machines.
c) consist of digits and letters.
d) need to be translated in order for the machine to understand commands.
Answer: a
3. An assembler converts machine language into assembly language.
Answer: False. An assembler converts assembly language into machine language.
4. High-level computer languages are easily understood by a computer without any need for translation.
Answer: False. They are easily understood by humans, but must be converted into machine language for a computer to understand them.
1.7 Visual Basic
1. Visual Basic ______.
a) was intended for expert programmers.
b) makes the development of Windows applications convenient.
c) was derived from BASIC.
d) a and b.
e) b and c.
Answer: e
2. Visual C# is an event-driven visual programming language in which programs are typically created using an Integrated Development Environment.
Answer: True
1.8 C, C++, Objective-C and Java
1. What was the most important capability of C++ that C did not provide?
a) networking technology
b) data type technology
c) object-oriented technology
d) None of the above.
Answer: c
2. C++ is a hybrid language that incorporates C and object technology.
Answer: True.
1.9 C#
1. Which of the following is true: C#
a) is object oriented.
b) contains a powerful class library.
c) is not limited to web-based applications.
d) All of the above.
Answer: d
2. The .NET platform is used ______.
a) for web-based applications to be distributed to a great variety of devices.
b) for system interoperability.
c) a and b.
d) None of the above.
Answer: c
3. C# was developed specifically for the .NET Framework.
Answer: True.
4. Web-based applications can be distributed to a great variety of devices from cell phones to desktop computers using the .NET platform.