Dr Jonathan Palmer


After a highly successful motor racing career Jonathan Palmer became co-commentator with Murray Walker for the BBC's Formula One Grand Prix programme. He now divides his time between building his rapidly expanding business running various types of driving programmes including corporate race days and his career as a speaker at corporate events.

Having retired from a six-year Formula One career spanning 84 Grands Prix, Jonathan continued to drive Formula One cars for the brilliant McLaren team as their longest serving test driver and has been involved in much of the development of the latest technology. His role as Research and Development Driver at McLaren has seen him leading the testing and development of the worlds highest ever performance road car - the McLaren F1. With a phenomenal 627bhp powering this lightweight revolutionary three seater (driver in the middle) acceleration is as stunning as its 231mph top speed, though it has a price to match: £540,000 plus taxes!

Jonathan's medical background has been responsible for him being recognised as an expert on the tremendous physical stress of driving a Grand Prix car, while it has also been put to good self-diagnostic effect following his own share of accident drama.

His own business is now flourishing, mainly staging corporate motor sport events but Jonathan also runs promotional programmes for manufacturers in the UK, as well as the Cellnet Coast to Coast Challenge, Britain's leading off road driving competition.

The extraordinary diversity of accomplishment in Jonathan Palmer's career is quite unique; qualified doctor, helicopter pilot, motor racing champion in Formula 3, 2 and 1, BBC television commentator, successful businessman and a sought-after speaker for motivational and after-dinner talks. It is all a result of a remarkable level of ambition, self-motivation, determination to succeed and above all, infectious enthusiasm.

Motorsport Business History

1991 Founded PalmerSport to run corporate motorsport events

1991– 96 BBC Grand Prix television commentator

1997 Acquired Bedford Autodrome site

1998 Launched Formula Palmer Audi motor racing championship

1999 Opened Bedford Autodrome circuit complex

2003 Successfully completed Justin Wilson plc share issue

2004 Acquired Brands Hatch, Cadwell Park, Oulton Park and Snetterton circuits through MotorSport Vision Ltd

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