E.A.G.L.E. Genius Hour Project
Driving Question______
Must be approved by teacher
The following terms are agreed to by teacher, student and parent:
Student will research and prepare a presentation on a topic of his/her interest. They will compose a Driving Question for their research, seek feedback, locate resources, read, take & organize notes, find a mentor, create a product and make a plan for presentation.
· DRIVING QUESTION- Brainstorm ideas of interest and complete a Driving Question to begin research. Use the question template:
How can I as ______(role), ______(do a task or create a product) to/for/that______(purpose/audience)?
Ex. How can I as a chef, plan a dinner menu to show tourists who come to our restaurant what foods are produced in our area?
· SOURCES- Locate and use a minimum of three sources for research on chosen topic. Written documentation of resources is required. Follow the information below:
Write on a separate page
World Wide Web- document date if known; full http address, Date of visit.
Books- Author, Title of Book, City of Publication: Publisher, Year.
· RESEARCH- Create additional questions for guiding research. Research and read to answer the driving question in depth.
Take notes from each source without plagiarizing, organize notes for a clear presentation.
· PRODUCT- Plan and create a product of choice to accompany the presentation.
A product is a creative visual aid. See attached list for Product Ideas.
· PRESENTATION -Share product & research information during class time in December- Date TBD
Complete this assignment at home and be prepared to share.
Presentations will be limited to six minutes including set-up and take-down.
Part of the research project grade will be based on presentation skills.
Practice at home in front of the mirror and for parents.
Practice timing, looking at the audience and speaking clearly.
Mrs. Flach
GT Specialist
Genius Hour Contract- Return this portion by Friday, November 20th
Approved Driving Question: ______
Teacher Signature ______
Student Signature______
Parent Signature______