Francophonie course 2014
Francophonie: Global Cultures of French-speaking countries
Course code: FR 284F or AFS 284F
Credits : 1 unit
Instructor: Myitzu MODARD
Contact address:
Language of instruction : English
Course description
In today’s globalizing world, French is spoken in a variety of countries as mother tongue, official language or foreign language due to either cultural heritage from historical past (imperial or colonial) or development in the new world order. This course will feature a wide selection of French-speaking countries in addition to France in various contexts.
In discussing French-speaking cultures, the French umbrella term «Francophonie» is used to describe the unity of the multiple French-speaking cultures.
Today this term has been institutionalzed by policy-makers and the Organization Internationale de Francophonie counts more than 77 countries grouping French-speaking countries actingwith common interest to defend the language and to support each other in diverse areas.A glimpse of the works and challenges of the IOF is an integral part of the course.
Understanding how various issues -- such as promotion of French language, gender equality, peace-keeping and sustainable development, multilingusm -- are tackled within the OIF International group will be of high interest to students taking French Studies but also those interested in International Studies, Foreign Policy and Global challenges.
As future global thinkers and actors, students will discover the varieties, variations through time and through geographical settings of spoken French in French-speaking countries (example French French vs Canadian French or Belgian French, Standard French vs dialectal/local French known as Patois.) Moving beyond simple manifestations of the culture (traditions, food gestures…) a closer look at some major issues faced by French-speaking societies will enable students to explore history, society, socio-linguistics and philosophical aspects of the societies involved.
Topics discussed are some of the actions carried out by the Organizationinternationale de la Francophonieas well as other debatable issues such as Secularism in France, Bioethics, the French Exception, Values and Norms of the French Republic, Canadian FrenchLanguage policies, French language instruction in Louisiana, USA -- to name a few. Students will be provided with necessary basic reading material for topics of discussion of personal research is encouraged.
Learning objectives
By the end of the course the student will be able to
-acquire knowledge on the formal aspect of «Francophonie» and its implications on the world scene
-gain factual knowledge on various French-speaking countries
-become aware of major differences between different spoken styles of French
-demonstrate familiarity with various cultural aspects and major issues confronted in French-speaking communities
-acquire better general cross-cultural skills
-enhance their language learning experience
-be able to observe, analyse and debate on a variety of topics.
Teaching Methods
Through a multidisciplinarian, practical and comparitive approach, students will be required to discover real authentic language through interviews and observation they carry out on the field (in Normandy, Paris and Senegal) in order to discover language as it is spoken and culture as it is lived. Their log booklet will enable them to record their impressions and findings throughout their semester.
Everyweek,classes begin with discussion of assigned news articlesin supplementto the main textbook. Students will be updated with press and media with the current events. Classroom presentations enable students to do research, expose and share their knowledge on the main issues of the course.
Field experience acquired from the stays in Quebec and Senegal will be an integral part of the course. Students will be given an assignment before and after their field trips. Moreover, as part of the coursediverse films/documentaries and music/songs with «Francophone» themes will also be used as support materials. Some of these presentations will take place out of class at scheduled hours outside regular class time.
Therefore, coursework is structured around lectures, press articles, documentaries, group or individual projects, field-trips and presentations followed by constant discussion and debate. Student-centred activities and teacher-centred lectures will be complementary. Outside class activities and guest speakers will also provide an invaluable experience during students’ stay in France.
The final grade is a combination of two parts:
- Final Exam (20%, a 2-hour session -- composed of one essay and short questions—will be held in Mayafter completion of all the course).
- Continuous Assessment CA(80%- See below.)
The Continuous Assessment(CA) is based on three composants:
A) Written (35% of CA),
B)Oral (35% of CA) and
C) Presence & Participation (30% of CA).
A) The Written grade is based on 2 written assignments:
- a log booklet (provided)will be filled in gradually by the student and checked gradually by the instructor throughout the student’s semester in France. Based on given instructions in the booklet, the student recordshis/her cultural experience and impressions in both France and Senegal in comparison with those of his/her experience in Quebec
- a400-wordminimum length paper on an assigned topicin-class
B) The Oral grade is based on3 presentations:
- one individual 10-minute presentationwith PowerPoint on a French-speaking country
- one individual 10-minute presentationwith or without PowerPoint on a Francophone issue raised in class
- one pairwork 15-minutepresentation with PowerPoint on students’ Francophone experience and field study
Topics and presentation dates are to be defined with the instructor in class
C) «Presence & Participation» refers to regular attendance and active participation. Students are expected to demonstrate they have completed their given reading assignment in preparation for a quality discussion (and not only quantity).
Required Reading list
Michael B. Kline, Nancy Mellerski ( 2004 ), Issues in the French-Speaking World, Greenwich Publishing group Main textbook (Will be provided)
Dang Thai Minh ( 2011), Dictionnaire des mots vietnamiens d’origine française, Synergies, Gerflint (available for free on-line)
Resources(in the customized pack provided in class)
- English Words of French Origin
- French-Speaking Countries
- Enjoty the French Culture Shock, a guidebook of French Terms
- an e-book, Clem Robins (1995), Defending the National Identity: Franglais and Francophony
- French and the Promotion of French Worldwide
Promoting Francophonie
- What is Francophony?
- Why Francophones are lagging behind Arancophones
- Fall of France
Extracts of Films used:
- Bienvenue les Cht’is(France, 2008)
- Indigènes (Morocco-France-Algeria, 2006)
- Indochine(France, 1992)
- Faat Kiné (France-Senegal, 2000)
Course scheduling by week
28 & 30/01:
- Course overview
- Feedback of Canadian experience
- Culture shock
- First impressions and differences between Quebec and Rouen
- Crossover movement of language between French and English,
- Varieties of French within France (example Miditerranean accent vs Normand Cauchois)
- Assignment: news article (customized pack)
4 & 6/02:
- Discussion on the role/identity of French
- French colonialisation vs English colonialisation
- Organisation internationalede laFrancophonie and its actions
- French-speaking countries
- Joan of Arc (textbook)*
- Assignment:To research selected countries andbegin Log-keepingbooklet and begin 6/02 individualpresentations of French-Speaking Countries (First Graded Oral),
11& 13/02:
- Individualpresentations of French-speaking countries(First Graded Oral),
- Difference between various accents in French–speaking countries
- Documentary on Accents; French Filmextract + Discussion Bienvenu chez des Ch’tis
18 &20/02:
- Regional languages in France (textbook)*
- French in the USA
- Guest Speaker + documentary of Lettres de Francophonie[*]with focus on Louisiana, Cajun, Creole)
- 25& 27/02: Guest speaker + presentation of Lettres de Francophonie ( Special focus on Canada)[†]
- French language policy in Canada, Acadian/Cadjun/Louisianna French
- Quebec Separitism* (textbook)
- Assignment: Fill in Log-booklet and Do survey in Paris
++++++++++++Field Trip to Paris / Winter Break+++++++++++++
18 20/03 :
- Feedback on Paris
- Film extract Indigènes (French Maghreb ) + discussion
- Issues of Democracy in French Africa (Example of Ivory Coast)*
- In-class writtenassignment (Graded)
25 & 27/03
- Postcolonial Identities (textbook)*
- Adapted vocabulary from French (example with the Vietnamese language)
- Film extract Indochine
- History of French Indochina
- Values of the French Republic, Parity Law of 2000 (textbook)*
1 & 3/04
Secularism and the veil in France*
French cinema and the French cultural exception*
- French Paradox and the French as seen from outside. How do the French see others and each other (Belgian jokes ..Tête de Turques, Auvergnat, Normand….)
8 &10/04:
- Senegalese Filmextract + Discussion Faat Kiné (France/Senegal)
- Women in the Francophone world*
- Bioethics in France*
- José Bové and the «Malbouffe» movement*
- Assignment: Prepare oral report of survey results (Third graded oral presentation
15 &17/04:
- Francophone music show Vivre la Francophonie(Course time differed. Spectacle at Trianon,Sotteville on 15/04 at 20:30; compulsory attendance and free entrance)[i]
- Prepare survey for Senegal
- Leopold Senghor’s writings
- Assignment:Do Senegalese Survey during trip
++++++++ Field Trip to Senegal ++++++++++++
- Feedback on Senegal trip
- Assignment: Hand in Log booklet (Graded)
- Third oral presentationin pairs (Graded)
[*] Audiovisual teaching/ teacher trainer material presented by one of the authors Daniel Modard from University of Rouen
[†]Can be a topic of an invidual presentation for second graded oral
[i] Acces to Trianon in Sotteville-les-Rouen
Programme at