Gas Operator Switch Form
This Gas Operator Switch Form (“Form”) is for customers taking service under Rates 03, 10, 20, 30, 36 or IS and is effective when signed by both the Customer and the Operator and then accepted by us. This Form only covers a change in the supplier who provides your gas supply service (“Operator”) or a change in your billing option.
Company: Yankee Gas Services Company Customer:
107 Selden Street
Berlin, Connecticut 06037
(800) 989 - 0900 Telephone:
Notice to: Transportation Services Notice to:
(800) 989 - 0900 x 6219
Name Number
*A Daily Demand Meter (DDM) is optional for Customers on Rates 03, 10 and 36 and required for Customers on Rates 20, 30 and IS. Place a check mark or “X” in the appropriate box above if you are requesting a DDM.
Check this box if an attachment is being provided.
1. Requested start date for new Operator is
2. Applicable to IS Customers only (Place a check mark or “X” in front of the option you prefer)
Elect to be served under approved Operator’s pool (Operator is responsible for Rate TRS charges.)
Elect to be in own pool (Customer is responsible for Rate TRS charges.)
3 Place a check mark or “X” in front of the billing option (see details on back) you prefer (not applicable to Rate IS Customers):
Option 1-Two Bill Option 2-Operator Bill Option 3-Company Bill
Under all billing options, the Company will exercise its rights to termination of service for nonpayment in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes and the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.
By signing this Form, you (i) agree to purchase gas service for the above facilities, subject to the terms and conditions of this Form, our Rules and Regulations, the applicable tariff (and the rate therein), and any continuing rights and obligations you or we may have under our Gas Service Agreement (all of which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof), (ii) authorize the Operator to act as your agent (“Operator”), and (iii) acknowledge receipt of a completed and signed copy of this Form. Copies of our rates, tariffs and Rules and Regulations are available through our website at or at the Company’s headquarters. The parties to this Form acknowledge and agree that a facsimile transmission of this Form containing the signatures of the parties shall constitute a signed original.
Signature of Customer’s Authorized Representative Title
Print or Type Name Date
To be filled out by the Operator
By signing below and pursuant to its separate Operator Agreement with us, the Operator hereby designates, on behalf of the above
listed Customer, the delivery point and optional services for the following accounts:
Account # / MDQ
(Ccf) / Delivery Point
(Gate Station Name)
Name of Operator Signature of Operator's Authorized Representative Date
Revised November 1, 2003 Print or Type Name Operator’s Telephone Number
Gas Operator Switch Form
Additional Selected Terms and Conditions
(See tariffs, Rules and Regulations and riders for all applicable terms and conditions.)
Operator of Gas Supply - The Customer may either arrange for its own gas supply or use any licensed and approved party to act as its Operator. In either case, the Operator must be established under Rate TRS and have executed an Operator Agreement. The Operator identified in this Gas Operator Switch Form is authorized to perform all day-to-day transportation activities as the Customer’s agent. These activities include arranging for a natural gas supply to the delivery point(s), managing all gas nominations, completing all balancing procedures, and receiving gas usage meter data from the Company. In the event a Customer changes Operators, the Customer must give the Company at least 45 days written notice of such change and the Customer must execute a Gas Operator Switch Form. All such changes will only be effective on the first of the month. If the Customer is on Rate IS and is receiving gas supply service by a Operator, the Gas Operator Switch Form must be submitted by 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time, one business day prior to the first of the month (“FOM”) nomination deadline.
Telemetering Installation - Customer using Rate 20, 30 or IS agrees that it is necessary to install telemetering equipment. The location of such facilities shall be at the sole discretion of the Company. The Company shall install and maintain a phone line from the meter to the Customer’s phone line.
In addition to the monthly Daily Demand Meter Charge, the Customer shall be responsible for the following:
1. Allow the Company to share one working phone line with the Customer in order for the telemetering equipment to work.
2. Company Costs, after the first visit to Customer's site to install and maintain telemetering equipment, due to circumstances beyond the Company's control.
3. Company Cost for telemetering installation when the installation does not comply with the Company's specifications.
Billing Options - By selecting one of the following billing options, the Customer agrees to the following (not applicable to Rate IS Customers):
Option 1- Two Bill
The Company will bill the Customer for the Delivery Service and the Operator will bill the Customer for commodity charges and any other charges defined by contract between the Customer and the Operator. In this case, the Customer is financially responsible to each billing entity.
Option 2- Operator Bill
The Operator will bill the Customer for the Delivery Service provided by the Company and any charges defined by contract between the Customer and the Operator. In the event that this option is chosen by the Customer, service to the Customer may be terminated if the Operator fails to pay the Company even if the Customer has remitted payment to the Operator. Service will not be restored until the Company has received full payment.
Option 3- Company Bill
The Company will bill the Customer for its Delivery Service and also any charges defined by contract between the Customer and the Operator, and as provided to the Company by the Operator.
In the event the Customer changes billing options, the Customer must give the Company at least 45 days written notice (not applicable to Rate IS Customers) of such change. All such changes will be effective on the first of each month.
Term of Service for Supply Option (not applicable to Rate IS Customers) - A Customer must stay on its elected supply option for a minimum of 12 months from commencement of service. A new Customer is allowed the opportunity to switch its supply option for a period of up to the start of the third billing cycle from its initial gas flow if it determines it would better meet its needs. However, the Company reserves the right to disallow switching service during the winter season, November through March, if in its sole opinion; the switch would have a negative impact on Company operations.
Construction - The terms of the applicable tariff(s) shall prevail in any conflict between the terms of said tariff(s) and those contained in this Form; the terms of the applicable tariff(s) shall also prevail in any conflict between the terms of said tariff(s) and those contained in the Rules and Regulations.