Brinker 2010 Publications EndNote List – Acc. Chem. Res. Citation Format

(1)  Xiong, S. S.; Miao, X. Y.; Spencer, J.; Khripin, C.; Luk, T. S.; Brinker, C. J. Integration of a Close-Packed Quantum Dot Monolayer with a Photonic-Crystal Cavity Via Interfacial Self-Assembly and Transfer. Small 2010, 6, 2126-2129.

(2)  Xiaoyu, M.; Ting-Shan, L.; Brener, I.; Ashley, C.; Shisheng, X.; Peabody, D.; Brinker, C. J. Surface Plasmon Enhanced Fluorescence Emission inside Metal Nanoshells. 2010 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2010.

(3)  Moghaddam, S.; Pengwang, E.; Jiang, Y. B.; Garcia, A. R.; Burnett, D. J.; Brinker, C. J.; Masel, R. I.; Shannon, M. A. An inorganic-organic proton exchange membrane for fuel cells with a controlled nanoscale pore structure. Nature Nanotechnology 2010, 5, 230-236.

(4)  Luk, T. S.; Xiong, S.; Farfan, B. G.; Chow, W. W.; El-Kady, I.; Miao, X.; Resnick, P. J.; Su, M. F.; Subramania, G.; Taha, M. R.; Brinker, C. J.; Ieee: Strong Purcell enhancement of emission from close-packed colloidal quantum-dots in a photonic-lattice cavity; Ieee: New York, 2010.

(5)  Khripin, C. Y.; Brinker, C. J.; Kaehr, B. Mechanically tunable multiphoton fabricated protein hydrogels investigated using atomic force microscopy. Soft Matter 2010, 6, 2842-2848.

(6)  Kendall, E. L.; Mills, E.; Liu, J. W.; Jiang, X. M.; Brinker, C. J.; Parikh, A. N. Salt-induced lipid transfer between colloidal supported lipid bilayers. Soft Matter 2010, 6, 2628-2632.

(7)  Kaehr, B.; Brinker, C. J. Using bacterial cell growth to template catalytic asymmetry. Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 5268-5270.

(8)  Jiang, X. M.; Ward, T. L.; Cheng, Y. S.; Liu, J. W.; Brinker, C. J. Aerosol fabrication of hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles and encapsulation of L-methionine as a candidate drug cargo. Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 3019-3021.

(9)  Jiang, X. M.; Brinker, C. J. Rigid templating of high surface-area, mesoporous, nanocrystalline rutile using a polyether block amide copolymer template. Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 6123-6125.

(10)  Jiang, X.; Ward, T. L.; van Swol, F.; Brinker, C. J. Numerical Simulation of Ethanol-Water-NaCl Droplet Evaporation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2010, 49, 5631-5643.

(11)  Hopkins, P. E.; Kaehr, B. J.; Phinney, L. M.; Koehler, T. P.; Grillet, A. M.; Dunphy, D.; Garcia, F.; Brinker, C. J.; Asme: OPTICAL MEASUREMENTS OF THE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF POROUS SiO2 FILMS; Amer Soc Mechanical Engineers: New York, 2010.

(12)  Harper, J. C.; Khirpin, C. Y.; Carnes, E. C.; Ashley, C. E.; Lopez, D. M.; Savage, T.; Jones, H. D. T.; Davis, R. W.; Nunez, D. E.; Brinker, L. M.; Kaehr, B.; Brozik, S. M.; Brinker, C. J. Cell-Directed Integration into Three-Dimensional Lipid-Silica Nanostructured Matrices. ACS Nano 2010, 4, 5539-5550.

(13)  Dunphy, D. R.; Smarsly, B.; Brinker, C. J.: Control of Morphology in Mesoporous and Mesostructured Hybrid Materials. In The Supramolecular Chemistry of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010; pp 531-545.

(14)  Chen, Z.; Jiang, Y. B.; Dunphy, D. R.; Adams, D. P.; Hodges, C.; Liu, N. G.; Zhang, N.; Xomeritakis, G.; Jin, X. Z.; Aluru, N. R.; Gaik, S. J.; Hillhouse, H. W.; Brinker, C. J. DNA translocation through an array of kinked nanopores. Nature Materials 2010, 9, 667-675.

(15)  Carnes, E. C.; Lopez, D. M.; Donegan, N. P.; Cheung, A.; Gresham, H.; Timmins, G. S.; Brinker, C. J. Confinement-induced quorum sensing of individual Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Nat Chem Biol 2010, 6, 41-45.