Qualifying Tournament Opening Ceremony Script Template

  1. Open the ceremony with a Parade of Teams. (Optional)
  1. A/V:Play some fun music as the teams parade in – Emcee can introduce each team, or teams can introduce themselves).
  1. Emcee:Welcome to the [Insert Tournament Name]! Today, we are here to celebrate the achievements of these FIRST® LEGO® League teams! To open this event, please stand for the national anthem …”(National anthem included or not based on local protocol).
  1. A/V: Playnational anthemmusic, video or introduce a soloist.
  1. Emcee: My name is[insert Emcee Name] and I will be your Master of Ceremonies. We have special guests who are joining us today. Please welcome [Introduce – FIRST LEGO League Partner, tournament director, sponsors, host site administrators, game announcer, guest speaker, including titles and affiliation]
  1. Emcee: “Let’s get pumped up for the ANIMAL ALLIESSM Challenge!”
  1. A/V: Play the ANIMAL ALLIESSMPump-Up video
  1. Emcee: This is an official FIRST LEGO League ANIMAL ALLIES Challenge tournament. FIRST LEGO League is one of four FIRST® programs - FIRST is a non-profit organization with a mission to get kids excited about science and technology. FIRST and The LEGO Group partnered to create this program in 1998. FIRST® LEGO® League, started that year with 200 teams. In the ANIMAL ALLIES season, we anticipated having more than 255,000 kids in about 80 countries participate in FIRST LEGO League around the world! FIRST LEGO League teams prepared for this tournament by working on the Robot Game and a research Project, and developing their Core Valuesand teamwork. For the ANIMAL ALLIES Project, each team identified a problem that happens when animals and humans interact; created an innovative solution that made the interaction better for animals, people, or both; and shared their solution with others. In the Robot Game, teams can earn points in a 2.5-minute match. Let’s take a look at this year’s missions.
  1. A/V – Play the ANIMAL ALLIES Robot Game Spectator Video.
  1. Emcee:The Robot Game and Project are what we do. OurFIRST LEGO League Core Values support how we do what we do. When things get tough out there today you never want to forget about our Core Value ofGracious Professionalism®. It means competing like crazy against the clock, but treating each other with respect. Keep that in mind if you get a little tired or something goes wrong. We all have more fun – teams, coaches, parents, and volunteers – when we treat each other with Gracious Professionalism.
  1. Emcee:Let’s meet our Judges!Would all of the Judges please stand? The Judges evaluate teams in three areas – Robot Design, Project, and Core Values. [Insert Name of the Judge Advisor] is theJudge Advisor for this tournament. Please give our Judges a huge round of applause.
  1. Emcee:Judges are great, but what about the folks dressed in the black and white stripes! Would the Referees please stand! The Referees serve as the Robot Game officials. [Insert Name of Head Referee]is the Head Referee. Please give our Referee team a round of applause.
  1. Emcee: This tournament is only possible due to the hard work and dedication of our volunteers who have come out in force to support this tournament. Volunteers please stand, or if you are already standing, please wave! Thank you for your service. Let’s hear it for our Volunteers!
  1. Emcee: We also want to take a minute to give a nod to our FIRST LEGO League Global Sponsors: NI, Rockwell Automation, 3M, and of course, the LEGO Group, in addition to our wonderful local sponsors, whose support has made this tournament possible. They are[list tournament sponsors].
  1. Emcee shares any emergency procedures or housekeeping information with the audience and informs the audience where to get information. Some information to keep in mind that you might want to add here:
  2. Maintain respect for the building and others
  3. Keep areas clear and free of clutter
  4. Schedule information
  5. Clarification about where spectators can visit and where they can’t (like team, coach, and volunteer only areas)
  6. Locations of various Outreach Activities (including FIRST®LEGO® League Jr., if applicable)
  7. Where the Information table is located
  8. How to find the food and vending areas
  9. Promote sportsmanship and have fun!
  1. Emcee:Good luck teams! Let the games begin!
  1. A/V Play energizing music
  • Total time for Opening Ceremonies –
  • Script time: 10 – 15 minutes, excluding the Parade of Teams.
  • Parade of Teams: Add 30 seconds per team (optional addition)
  • Guest Speaker: Add 5 minutes per speaker – provide the speaker with a time limit and/or prepare some remarks to help control the time
  • You can always add a guest speaker (related-Challengeexpert or other VIP, ie. major sponsor representative or spokesperson for the host site). The speaker can be placed following the national anthem or later in the ceremonies. Try not to bog down your ceremonies with too many talking heads.
  • You can play an audio recording or video of the national anthem or you can invite a singer to sing it or a musical group to perform it. (Per local protocol)
  • Bottom line? The ceremony is yours to create. This template was created to make the process easier for you.