Level 4 (90 credits)
Code / NW111
Level / 4
Credit rating / 90 credits
Pre-requisites / Paid or unpaid work experience in the field of health and social care. The student must be enrolled for a University exit award so that an AP(E)L claim can be mapped against the course aims and learning outcomes. Normally, evidence of study skills within the last 5 years.
Type of module / Extensive over 2 semesters – normally within 7 months.
NHS KSF: Core 2 dimension – Personal and people development,
Level 4 – Contribute to own personal development
Aims / To enable the student to describe and explain prior learning and /or experience and relate this to a current programme of study. The presentation of relevant evidence will facilitate the achievement and / or transfer of credit to expedite course progression.
Learning outcomes/objectives / These will be defined by the student with support from the educational advisor and will address the following broad outcomes:
- Select an appropriate strategy to describe and explain prior learning and /or experience
- Show the relevance of prior learning / experience to the programme of study and relate, if appropriate, to professional, statuary or regulatory requirements
- State if claims are for accreditation of prior learning (APL) and / or accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL)
- Indicate if claims are for specific or general credit.
- Present a portfolio to show sufficient, valid and authentic evidence of prior achievement.
- Demonstrate literacy, numeracy and information keys skills equivalent to that required of students following the comparable taught programme of study
Content / This will be defined by the student and the type of prior achievement. Students will be required to retrieve evidence of prior learning and /or experience and demonstrate its significance to the current programme of study, including any professional, statuary or regulatory requirements.
Students will formulate a learning agreement with an educational advisor after attending an AP(E)L induction workshop. The educational advisor will normally be a member of academic staff. The learning agreement will specify the volume and level of the claim and indicate type (APL or APEL or both) and whether it is for specific or general credit.
Teaching and learning strategies / Module hours: 900 hrs of student effort.
Students will be expected to identify prior achievements and use some of the following strategies to present evidence of relevant knowledge, understanding and skills:
- Educational advisor support and guidance
- Reflective writing skills
- Use of information services
- Peer review
- Rehearsal and achievement of specified clinical skills
Learning support /
- Educational advisor for tutorial support
- AP(E)L induction workshop (6 hours)
- AP(E)L handbook and guidance
- Studentcentral including access to Authentic World and clinicalskills.net
Students will retrieve literature pertaining to the field of practice and topic chosen for assessment.
Coben, D. and E. Atere Roberts. 2005. Calculations for Nursing and Healthcare. 2nd edition. Basingstoke: Plagrave Macmillan
Gimenez, J. 2007. Writing for Nursing and Midwifery Students. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Hull, C. et al 2005. Profiles & Portfolios. A Guide for Health and Social Care. 2nd edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Lapham R. and H. Agar 2003. Drug Calculations for Nurses 2nd edition. London: Arnold
Nicol, M., C.Bavin, S.Bedford-Turner, P.Cronin and K. Rawlings-Andersonl. 2008. Essential Nursing Skills. 3rd edition. Edinburgh: Mosby
Pritchard, L. 2006. The Mature Student’s Guide to Higher Education. Maidenhead: Open University Press
Siviter, B. 2004. The Student Nurse Handbook. A Survival Guide,London: Baillière Tindall
Waugh, A. and A. Grant 2006. Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness. 10th edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone
Wigens, L. 2006. Optimising learning through practice. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes
Web sites:
Assessment tasks / This will be determined by the student and educational advisor reflecting the module aims and learning outcomes and will be recorded within the learning agreement. The task will vary according to the type of claim but an APEL claim for 90 credits should not exceed the equivalent of 6,000 words and might include within the portfolio of evidence:
- Case study
- Numeracy test
- Anatomy and physiology test
- Reading log of journal article
- Book review
- Reflective account focusing on patient / client care
- Patient/client plaudits
- Testimonials
- Evaluation of a learning experience
- Skills achievement
- Extended curriculum vitae
- Viva for review of skill assessment
This indicates a credit bearing module or course has been achieved at another higher education institution (HEI). The student’s portfolio must include:
- An authentic transcript from the HEI specifying volume, level and mark / grade of work assessed within the last 5 years. An examination board letter with this information could be used as an alternative.
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module has been developed to accommodate the needs of students with prior learning and /or experience who are enrolled on University of Brighton award bearing courses. The module can expedite course progression and allow students to demonstrate the relevance of prior achievement to the aims and learning outcomes of the current programme of study. There are course specific and professional body regulations which stipulate the amount of credit that can be achieved by APL and APEL and contribute to an award.
Area examination board to which module relates / Flexible Learning Framework Area Examination Board
Module team/authors/ co-ordinator / Debbie Hatfield, Sue Ball, Sandy Fuggle
Semester offered, where appropriate / one and two
Date of first approval
Date of last revision / Not applicable
Date of approval of this version / June 2008
Version number / 1
Replacement for previous module / No
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Nursing and Midwifery
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in course / Pre-registration Diploma in Nursing course
Pre-registration Degree in Nursing course
Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care
School home / School of Nursing & Midwifery
External examiner / Stephen O’Brien