St Wilfrid and Mother of God Parish, Abbeydale Road, Sheffield11, St Ronan’s Road, Sheffield S7 1DX; Tel: 255 0827

6thAugust 2017.Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.Month of Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Sunday:8.30 & 10am. Rosary & Benediction at 4pm offered for World Peace.Musicians and singers of all ages are needed and very welcome to join in at the 6.30pm Mass on Saturday and 10am on Sunday morning.

Monday: 7.30pm. Exposition until 8.30pm.SVP at 8pm.

Tuesday: 10am.

Wednesday:10am.Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal after Mass.

Thursday: 10am.Novena with Holy Communion & Benediction at 7.30pm.

Friday: 9.30am.Holy Hour 2-3pm in the day chapel.

Saturday:10am & 6.30pm first Mass for Sunday. Confessions: 10.30am – 11am & 5.30- 6pm.

Rosary is offered every day in the Church 20 minutes before Mass.

Please pray for the Sick: The Sick in Nether Edge Hospital, Martin Doyle, Beverley Hope, James Baker, Robert Baker, Robert Goodwin, Harry Bishop, Leanne Chesney, Eleanor Goring, Mary Alderson, Quentin Whitlock, Beverley Clayton, Nichola Martin, Mark McHugh, Des McCann, Nichola Ross, Philip Jones, Steve Horn, Sally Riley, Noel O’Donovan, Jim McGowan, Asia Bibi, Ofelia Ramos, Mandy Voyce,Isabel Bela, Frances Richardson, Rob Bradley, Elizabeth Coakley, Sue Smith, Anya Crook, Jane Scott, Sheila Devanney, ElbzieTkaczyk, John Kirk, Fr Kieran O’Connell, Norman Jones.

Lately Dead: Lydia Tylec, Michael Barr, Norah Beaumont, Josie McGuigan, Jack Maxey, MarieFoxcroft.

Anniversaries: Vivienne Satur(Pickin), John Moore, Mary Fleming, Daniel Fenton, Eileen McCarthy.

Masses Received:Speedy recovery(2), Int of Clive Thomas, Thanksgiving(3), Special Int, Louise Mumford, 18th Birthday, Jack Maxey(2), Rose Alice Mullaney

Offertory collection: loose plate £506. Envelopes £670. Thank you.

Eucharistic Ministers: 6.30pm ( 2,3,6,5,1) 8.30am(6,7),10am(4,5,1,3,6)

Altar Servers::NSHardwick,JGoodchild,8.30am:U Norris,10am: H & F Jones

Tote: Winning numbers were 220with 2 winners receiving £20 each.. We welcome new members at any time. 10p for 2 numbers between 1 & 30. Number sheets at theback of Church.

Mother of God now has a news announcements section on its webpage. If you have a social media account such asfacebook,please share this link with your contacts. Visit This will help to remind you about upcoming meetings and events.

Your Credit Union is the inexpensive option for small loans. If all you want is a few hundred pounds – to help with a new fridge, a short break, some house repairs, maybe to help fund a gap year – it can be difficult to find an affordable bank loan, so you could pile it onto your credit card – which often costs far more than the Credit Union – or you could go for a payday loan costing much, much more. Or you could come to your Credit Union. To join see one of the collectors after Mass or ring Bob Lyons 2369334.

Catholic Certificate in Religious Studiesstarts in September. To find out more or to register visit or call 0114 2566410

Save the date- to explore our faith in a Christian environment with others in a relaxed friendly atmosphere, why not consider attending a three night away CURSILLLO, taking place at the Briars, Catholic Youth Retreat Centre, Matlock DE4 5BW on Friday evening 20th October to Monday 23rd 2017. Contact Austin Corcoran 0114 2369675 email

School holiday card games at Sheffield Bridge Club ( with Maire Reilly (07999845638)

Hallam Caring Services boxes: please bring them in for the Summer count to Fr K in the Sacristy.

Mental Health First Aid – Would you like to gain a certificate in MHFA a 2 day course is being run on 14 & 15th 9.30-4:00pm August at Hallam Pastoral Centre, St Charles’ Street, Attercliffe, Sheffield S9 3WU. Enquiries 07512786442 or email

Bishop’s Walk: Bishop Ralph, Bishop John and the team from St Wilfrid’s Centre to walk 15 miles in the Peak District on Friday 8th September 2017 to support their valuable work with vulnerable people. If you are a taxpayer and able to Gift Aid please fill in your name, address and postcode and tick the Gift Aid box. This means that for every £1 of sponsorship they can claim an extra 25p from the taxman, making your sponsorship worth 25% more.

World Food Day Raffle, Cafod Raffle tickets at £1 each from Rita McManus, available at the back of church after 10am Mass.