Post Office Box 1199

Shiprock, New Mexico 87420

Phone: (505)368-4984, 598-9684

Fax: (505) 368-3968


Table of Contents page

Welcome / 3
District Mission and Goals / 4
Career Prep Mission and Goals / 5-6
General Teacher Guidelines / 7-10
Equipment, Materials, and Property / 11-14
Classroom Curriculum Guidelines / 15-17
Classroom Management Guidelines / 18-20
Extracurricular Activities and Duties / 21-23
Safety Guidelines and Procedures / 24-26
Other Guidelines / 27-28


Welcome to the 2003/2004 School Year! This will, no doubt, be our best year ever at Career Prep High School. This is because we can build on successes as well as struggles from previous years. We also have a great faculty and staff ready to work together to help our students achieve their highest potential.

Use this Staff Handbook as a guide for procedures and regulations. For further clarification and detail, references in this handbook are often made to the Central Consolidated School District Board Policy Manual. This handbook is subject to the district policies. Copies of the Board Policies will be distributed in either hard copy or on CD ROM. The policy manual is also available online.

Electronic Handbook User Guidelines:

If you are reading this electronically, this handbook contains online links to useful web addresses, server file documents, as well as active email links. These are usually recognized by their different text color. The Table of Contents includes links to take you to the desired page. Just hold the “Ctrl” key and click on the content title or page number. Also, the “Back to Contents” inserts will direct you back to the Table of Contents if you click on it while holding the “Ctrl” key.

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District Mission and Goals

Central Consolidated School District

SY 2002-2003 Mission Statement

Improvement is continuous,

Excellence is expected,

Lifelong learning is valued.

Goal 1: High Student Achievement

Focus 1: Improve reading across the curriculum

All students will read at or above grade level

Goal 2: Safe and Welcome Learning Environment

Focus 2: Encourage positive behavior

Focus 3: Expect and support a welcoming learning environment

Focus 4: Respect all individuals

Goal 3: Efficient and Effective Operations

Focus 5: Integrate technology to support District goals

Focus 6: Manage the resources and facilities of the District to support District goals

Focus 7: Ensure high performing workforce

Focus 8: Sustain continuous improvement

CCSD EPSS 2002-2003.doc

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School Mission and Goals

Career Prep Mission Statement

The mission of Career Prep is to provide students with the necessary skills to compete in the world of work. We seek to do this by the following:

-providing relevant academic instruction

-actively teaching life choices and skills

Our Goal:

The goal of Career Prep is to provide an educational alternative to students in the Central Consolidated School District.

Priority is given to…

  • Fifth Year Seniors
  • Employed students
  • Students Returning after dropping out
  • Students who have been unable to successfully complete their high school education in a traditional setting
  • Pregnant and Parenting Teens

Our Curriculum:

We seek to provide individualized, integrated, and practical coursework to provide students with life and work skills.

Improvement Goals:

Career Prep goals for improvement include the following:

  1. Improve Reading, Language Arts, and Math scores as shown on NMHSCE and CTBS/Terra Nova through action plan implementation
  • Initial placement test in orientation for students using SRI
  • Implement READ 180 Classroom for students who are “At Risk”
  • Strengthen SOAR for students who are “Beginning Readers”
  • Improve Reading Strategies Across the Content Areas for all students in all classes
  • Expand PLATO courseware offerings aligning with reading strategies from McRel and state standards
  • Implement Reading Counts in library expansion
  • Strengthen curriculum to align with practical life and work applications.
  1. Improve attendance rate, dropout rate, and mobility rate through strong life choices curriculum in advisement, and through improved relevancy in curriculum and lessons.
  1. Show improved school communication with parents and increase parent involvement and continue prior trend toward more parents at school functions
  1. Improve school student health and safety and appearance of facility and establish a positive school climate
  1. Strengthen the quality of program to achieve mission of preparing students for the world of work

Link to Career Prep School Improvement Plan

Link to online Central Consolidated School District Policy Manual

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General Teacher Guidelines

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Code of Conduct

Staff and Teachers should be aware of the district “Code of Conduct” for licensed as well as all personnel. It includes guidelines for behavior. The desire is that you conduct yourself in a manner which sets an example to the students and community members.

School Day

All teachers are to report for duty no later than 7:30 a.m. each day and remain on duty until 3:30 p.m., unless scheduled duties dictate a different time. If an emergency occurs requiring early departure, the principal must be notified and a sign-out sheet in the office must be signed.

Each teacher is expected to be at the classroom, in the hall near the door, before school, during passing periods, and after school to assist with hallway supervision. All teachers are expected to be in their classroom 10 minutes before the first bell and at least 5 minutes before and following a planning period or lunch period. Teachers are also expected to remain in the classroom long enough after any class period to deal with any problems that may arise.

Preparation Periods

Prep periods are designed for teacher development of lesson plans, curriculum materials, grading, and other school related activity. Teachers are expected to be on campus and available to parents during this time. Any leave during this time must be requested on leave forms and have prior approval.

Emergency Closings of School

A phone tree will be distributed at the beginning of the school year to assist in notifying staff in case of a school closing. It will include television and radio stations which will broadcast information concerning school closings due to weather, etc. Please keep phone numbers of employees confidential. If you do not wish to be on the phone tree, you may contact the principal for school closing information. On occasion, school starting time may be delayed. A called school delay is normally two hours. (School Closing Board Policy)

Teacher’s Absences


When a teacher must be absent from school, the teacher should notify Tim Kienitz at 327-9084 or Jean Arthur at (505) 598-0940 between 6:00 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. to ensure that a substitute may be secured. If you know of a necessary absence several days before, tell Jean Arthur immediately and have a leave request approved by the principal. There are limited numbers of substitutes available for the Shiprock area and advance notice of absences aids in getting substitutes to cover classes.

Leave forms must be filled out any time you will be out of the building on school or personal business. You must fill out this form only if you are not taking students. These forms are located in the office. Definitions of Sick, Personal, and other types of Leave requests are in the Board Policy Manual (Leave Policies)


If you are absent from school, attending a school related activity with student, a Professional Leave Request is not needed. If you are attending a workshop, training, and etc. where you do not take students, you must fill out a Professional Leave Request for approval through the office.


The district encourages professional development according to the district policy (Professional Staff Development Opportunities).

Upper level courses taken for salary advancement must have prior approval. Check in office for proper forms.

(see change to board policy 7/02)

Campus and Classroom

General Supervision Guidelines

1) Be aware of Student/Parent Handbook policies

2) Prevent fights, drug use, and other flagrant violations of school regulations.

3) Prevent dangerous acts detrimental to the health and safety of the students.

4) Keep in mind that most infractions need only be stopped; prevention should be the objective.

5) Although teachers specifically assigned a duty have an extra responsibility, all staff members should be vigilant and assume supervisory responsibilities at all times.

6) Accidents or injuries should be reported to the office and nurse who make a written report and care for the injuries.

7) If you are unable to fulfill your duty obligation because of other commitments, it is your duty to find a replacement duty person.

The teacher is to promote respect for the classroom and for the furniture and fixtures, therein. If the classroom is neat, clean, the white boards and bulletin boards well maintained, and an obvious interest in the room shown by the teacher, the students will be more likely to respond in a like fashion. The throwing of trash on the floors, marking on desks or walls, throwing objects across the room, or abusing textbooks or other supplies is to be strongly discouraged and is grounds for disciplinary actions. There will be no eating or drinking around computers and is discouraged in the classrooms. Gum chewing is at the teacher’s discretion.

No teacher is to leave a class unattended. If it necessary for the teacher to be absent from class, an administrator or neighboring teacher should be notified before the teacher leaves the room.

NEVER leave your room unlocked if you are out of visual contact with the room. Keys should never be lent to a student.

It is inappropriate for teachers to conduct conversations among themselves in the hallways while their classes are in session. The teachers should be available to their students for the entire class period.

Each teacher has certain rules that he/she feels are important for his classroom. It is best if the classroom rules are posted. Do not state rules that you do not plan to enforce diligently.

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Equipment, Materials, and Property

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1) Rooms are to be locked when you are not in your room.

2) Students shall never be left in the building un-chaperoned.

3) Teachers should not leave money or other valuables unattended in their classroom.

4) Windows in doors should not be covered. This is for your protection!

5) Teachers will be responsible for replacement of keys and their corresponding locks when keys are lost.

Class Inventory and Textbooks

Inventory sheets listing classroom equipment are required at the end of the year. Please be aware of what is in your room. Any items stolen or missing should be reported to the office immediately.

Textbooks are furnished by the State of New Mexico for the classrooms. Keep a list of textbook numbers in order to verify Textbook inventory.


All purchases that obligate the school in any way must be approved in advance by the building administrator. Purchases made without advance approval will not be reimbursed. Fill out a Purchase Requisition form and attach it in an email to Mr. Kienitz for approval. Jean Arthur will enter approved forms only.

Use of School District Vehicles and Travel Requests:

Please follow the district requirements for using or driving school vehicles and requesting transportation. (Transportation Policies) Staff may not transport students for a school activity without first meeting the guidelines set by the district and the State of New Mexico. District vehicles are not for personal use. Likewise, personal vehicles are not to be used to transport students.


All grants must be submitted to the school board for approval before being submitted to an awarding organization.

Library and Media

Do not allow students to access the library without supervision. Lorry Schwarting will post librarian hours and arrangements can be made for supervision at other times. Email her with your request for student access.(Lorry Schwarting: Librarian email address)

All books (other than textbooks), videos, CD ROMS, etc. should be on record in the library with a library card if purchased for entire school use. Teachers should check out materials used at the beginning of the year and return it at the end of the year or upon request.

Movies obtained from sources outside the school library or media center must first be previewed by the building administration.


Teacher Responsibilities Preparation to Use Training Lab

  • Teacher needs to be aware of the Central Consolidated School District Acceptable Use Practices form signed by each student and located in the office files
  • Schedule use of Lab with Dave Parsons (). Lab schedule is posted online at
  • Be aware that Mr. Parsons, while friendly enough, is not the teacher or computer assistant for your class.
  • Make sure that you preview activity in the lab PRIOR to bringing students in your class.
  • Have formatted discs available for students to save data.
  • If you plan to print, make sure you understand the correct procedure.

Using Lab

  • Students are not allowed in lab without teacher supervision.
  • All data should be saved to the Floppy Disk drive or drive recommended by Mr. Parsons.
  • Monitor your students to insure they are following the CCSD guidelines.
  • When using the Internet, it is recommended to copy and paste research information into word processing document rather than printing the entire html document.
  • Be sure to close all applications, shut down and turn off all equipment.
  • DO NOT remove any equipment or furniture from any of the other classrooms
  • If you find any equipment damaged or not working properly notify the supervisor in writing.

Student Computer Assistant Duties


  • Assist students in operation of equipment.
  • Help monitor students for appropriate use.
  • Help with use of applications if they know how.


  • Be expected to supervise students without a teacher present in the room
  • Teach the lesson.


Teacher Responsibilities:

Be aware that the office has a signed copy of Central Consolidated School District #22 Acceptable Use Practices form for each student.

  • The student should log-in to a student account and not use the teacher's account
  • Students should not be allowed to use the teacher’s computer unless directly under your supervision after you have logged off of Novell and logged in as a student
  • Monitor your students to insure they are following the CCSD guidelines.

Failure to comply MAY result in loss of Internet access in your classroom

Guidelines for Employee Computer Use

All employees are required to familiarize themselves with the Board Policy on Employee Computer and Email Use. Students and Staff sign a computer use agreement at the beginning of each year. Link to form:

Maintenance Requests

Teachers are responsible for the working conditions in their area of responsibility. If there is a mechanical problem it is your responsibility to report this to the Office. Either email Jean Arthur or Tim Kienitz with your work request.

Minor problems (lights, boards, trash) are to be reported to the Custodian. You may put a note in the custodian’s mailbox in the Office.

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Classroom Curriculum Guidelines

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Teacher/Parent Contacts

Each teacher should welcome parent interest and concern and should encourage parent visits and conferences. Every effort will be made to keep guardians notified regarding their student’s progress.

If guardians cannot be reached by phone or message sent home with the student the District liaison may be used to deliver messages. Jean Arthur or Lori Schwarting can make these arrangements for you.

Substitute Teachers

If a substitute teacher is necessary, the teacher should:

1) Have complete, concrete lesson plans and seating charts.

2) Have a set of class rules (e.g. substitutes should not give hall passes, no working together…)

3) Make a list of dependable students in each class

4) Leave a list of students who might be able to operate classroom equipment, when necessary

5) Always have emergency plans in case of unexpected absences

6) Leave valid work for your classes to do during your absence

7) Never give students a free day or study hall when you are gone.

8) Indicate where to find or Include a copy of your Emergency Escape Plan and Emergency Response Plan

Indicate to the substitute whether or not to grade any work that is turned in while you are gone and emphasize to the students that any misbehavior while you are gone will not be tolerated.

It is recommended that all above materials should be placed in a “Substitute Folder”, which can be left on your desk. Please do everything in your power to make the substitute’s job as easy as possible.

Lesson Plans

Teachers will be furnished with lesson plan book if requested; however, teachers will keep their lesson plans on their classroom computer. Goals and Objectives for lessons along with State Standards and Benchmarks should be outlined in these plans. Career Prep lesson plans require Reading Strategies for the Content Areas and Career Readiness Standards and Benchmarks included where applicable.

The lesson plans should be descriptive enough to enable a substitute teacher to operate adequately and should also include items such as duty stations and duty times. Plans should be kept at least one week ahead. All faculty members are required to keep lesson plans and submit them to the principal via email the week before the lesson plans are to be implemented. Link to Lesson Plan Form

Marking System

Every three weeks during each trimester a progress report will be submitted to Lorry Schwarting. Progress reports should be generated using InteGrade. One copy of the progress reports will be mailed to parents, one will be given to the students’ advisors, and one copy will be kept in the student folders. A final class grade for each student is to be submitted at the end of each Trimester. Grades will be submitted using InteGrade export and Class XP.