Minutes of an Ordinary Parish Council meeting held at Knipton Village Hall on Monday 19th February 2018
Members present:
Cllr P Carr – Chairman
Cllr J Marshall Vice Chair
Cllr J Watchorn
Cllr G Petchey
Cllr T Devine
Clerk J Langford Yates
Absent: Cllr T. Hutton, apologies were received and accepted
Also present: Mrs G. Milham, representing Belvoir Estates
Representatives for Cuff and Taylor, event organisers for Belvoir
A short presentation by Cuff and Taylor was given to the Council before the meeting, to demonstrate event organisation and traffic management for concerts taking place 19th July – 22nd July 2018 at Belvoir. Assurances were given that every consideration would be given to residents within the Belvoir Estate grounds and the surrounding villages. The build for the events would be four days prior to the 19th July and break down would be for three days after 22nd July. All concerts would be finished by 10.30pm and the car parks are targeted to be cleared within two hours. Cllr Petchey requested early communication with the Dowager Duchess regarding the events and the effects on Belvoir Gate entrance and the approach road.
Mrs Milham of Belvoir Estates gave assurances a full list of all events would be given to the clerk for publication on the website.
The request for names of the fallen for the commemoration plaque previously requested by the Council, Mrs Milham is trying to locate these and will report at the next meeting. Mrs Milham gave an update on the development at the Engine Yard with a proposed partial opening at Easter.
The Chairman requested all actions within these minutes to be completed by the next meeting unless otherwise stated
Declaration of interest No declarations were received
17.196 The minutes for the January 2018 meeting were read, approved and signed.
17.197Highways The Clerk reported that David Epton has felled the tree that was obscuring the speed monitor in Harston
17.198 The Chairman reported that Leicestershire County Council have no plans to extend 30 mph limits in Knipton as they have no records of any reported accidents to support the decision to move the signs. The road outside the cricket pitch is used by coaches dropping off children and is considered by Cllr Watchorn a potentially hazardous area outside the 30mph restriction signs, the opposite end of the village on the bend also remains a hazard for horse riders, cyclists, pedestrians and motorists as this will remain outside the 30 mph restriction. It was unanimously agreed to campaign for the safety of people in Knipton, with future reporting of all incidents occurring within these areas to Leicestershire County Council and the Police.
17.199The clerk has reported to Leicestershire County Council the hedge at Mr D Turner’s barn conversion in Harston remains overgrown and obscuring the street light, as the owner has not responded to a previous request for the hedge to be trimmed.
17.200 The clerk requested that Councillors report pot holes on the website for Leicestershire County Council, ensuring exact location and landmarks are submitted.
17.201Village Hall The Chairman reported that refurbishment of the village hall interior was due to take place. Cllr Petchey reported he had been appointed Chairman of the Wassailers.
17.202Crime and Neighbourhood Watch There are no reported crimes since the last meeting.
17.203Planning Applications there are no current applications. The residents of Harston have been informed by Mr & Mrs C. Brookes of the Old Stables, Harston that they are in consultation with planners and architects, for a proposed development on the paddock adjacent to their property.
17.204Financial The current bank account balance as at 23rd January £4301.26. As at 1st January the NS & I account stands at £3799.12. Cllrs Tom Devine, Juliet Marshall and Geoff Petchey agreed to be new signatories for the NS & I account for Belvoir Parish Council and signed the mandate to this effect.
17.205 Cheques signed: Eon £89.78, Eon £28.16, Eon £325.64, 2 Commune £360.00.
17.206 Correspondence The clerk had received an e mail regarding ‘The Great British Clean Up’ event, it was unanimously agreed to take part during March 2018.
Action: The clerk is to register for this event and obtain available equipment
17.207 Belvoir Estate The Chairman reported a response from Tough Mudder event organisers, regarding safety issues raised with unfenced holes left after the 2017 event. Assurances have been given that greater care is taken.
Action: The Chairman to liaise with the event organisers to ensure the future safety of children playing and grazing animals.
17.208 The council have made repeated requests for post event signs to be removed, the Firework events of 2016 and 2017 remain uncollected.
Action: The Chairman to follow up with Mrs Grace Milham at Belvoir Estates.
17.209 Water continues to flow on to the highway from the Engine Yard, despite repeated requests to Belvoir Estates for the water to be piped away.
Action: Chairman to continue discussions about Estate matters with Phil Burtt Estate manager and report at the next meeting.
17.210 Street Furniture The Parish Council plans to replace four bench seats, one in Harston, three in Knipton, the agreed donation of £1000.00 from Tough Mudder Event organisers will contribute towards this cost.
Action: The clerk to verify at the next meeting that funds have been received.
17.211Cllr Watchorn is in receipt of a request to donate a memoriam bench, by the family of the late Dorothy Broughton a long standing member of the Knipton community.
Action: The Chairman is to write to the family to discuss their request.
17.212 Dog Bins A location for the dog bin in Belvoir village needs to be identified.
Action: Cllr Petchey to identify a suitable site.
17.213 Matters Arising no items raised.
17.214There being no further business the meeting was declared closed and the date for the next meeting was agreed for Monday 12th March 2018 at 7.00pm.
Chairman Clerk