Western art project using colored pencils and building a composition from photos, and direct observation

This project will reflect 5 grades:


1. Rough draft transferred to white final draft paper

2. Rough draft transferred to white final draft paper participation

Final project is due no later than 11am Friday 12/18

3. Final composition finished and handed in with rough draft and color test sheet

4. Final composition finished and handed in with rough draft and color test sheet

5. Final exam

Grading Rubric

1. Name and period number 10

2. Neatness 5

3. Rough draft ( 10), color test paper (5), final (10) just for turning it in to the teacher 25

4 .coloring skills: smooth coloring, and use of layering (if laying is not used student automatically loses 10 points) 10

5. No outlining with any color; no use of black; no pure white or white paper showing 10

6. creative/original; overall visual affect 10

7. Student followed basic standards; this is effort and participation 10

8 .no cartooning or animie10

9. These points are for natural skill or exceptional creativity (points may vary between 1 and 8 since there is no perfect art) 8

Final schedule

Last day I will see student for year, but the student does have until 11 am Friday 18th to hand in work. None will be turned in after this date and time.

Week 12/14- 12/18

Monday 12/14 all classed on this day

Tuesday 12/15 all classes on this day

Wednesday 12/16

Periods 1, 3, 8 exams

2period review

Thursday 12/17

Periods 4, 6, 7

5 period reviews

Friday 12/18 exams periods 2 and 5 (students released at 11:00am)

Students may come in after school until 4 or in the mornings at 7 to work. Friday 12/11 is the only day they can not come in after school