Student Affairs Report
Criterion Three
Admissions Office
1. A. Do you have a formal, written outcome for your unit? Yes.
B. If so, please provide. Excel spreadsheet of goals for applications and inquiries attached.
C. Do you have additional outcomes for each area of responsibility in your unit? Yes.
D. If so, please provide. In addition to enrollment, we set a goal of 100 in attendance at each summer Orientation session.
2. A. Describe the tools your unit uses to measure unit outcomes (i.e. surveys, comment cards, etc.)? Application and enrollment numbers, campus tour surveys, Orientation evaluations (student and parent) and open house evaluations.
B. Please provide examples of these tools. Please see attached examples.
C. How is this data collected, stored, and accessed? The data is collected directly from the individual and stored in paper format. Orientation data is also entered into a database. The OA working with Orientation maintains those files while the Coordinator for Admissions Services and the Representatives maintain the tour surveys in paper format only. The Representative in charge of hosting the open houses maintains the paper evaluations for these events.
Enrollment data is available to everyone via the Institutional Research. Since we have been responsible for only on-campus, undergraduate enrollment in the past, we keep a separate Excel database that is provided to all staff members and VP for Enrollment Management on a weekly basis.
3. Explain how you coordinate the outcomes for each area of responsibility within your unit to support your overall unit outcome?
The Admission Director speaks with each Territory Representative at least weekly throughout the recruiting cycle. They share feedback about their high school visits, college fairs, transfer fairs, market trends and marketing campaigns by our competitors. Each Territory Representative is supported with information about programs on campus, recruiting materials and give-away items for students and high school counselors, expenses paid so that they can attend regional or community events to recruit and by advertising in their area.
4. How do you know if your outcome was accomplished successfully?
The application and enrollment numbers.
5. How do you determine what changes need to be made to better achieve your unit’s outcome?
The Director receives periodic feedback from all staff members and conducts a Fall Wrap Up/Spring Rev Up session where all Representatives report the results of the fall recruiting season and we plan our follow-up for the spring.
6. How has your unit contributed to effective learning environments, facilities and support services?
Although the Admissions Office generally works with prospective students rather than current ones, every attempt is made to further the learning experience of students hired to work in our Office. The Admissions Ambassadors are a select group of current students responsible for leading campus tours for prospective students and their families. The Ambassadors go through extensive training before leading tours on their own. Not only do they learn about campus history and buildings, they also learn other skills in the areas of public relations, voice projection techniques and communications. In addition, they meet with professors and staff from other areas of the campus to increase their knowledge of Chadron State College. Student workers in the Admissions Office were given the opportunity to work with professional staff members to create and appear in a video clip which is used at freshmen orientations. The Admissions Office strives to give student workers additional hands-on learning experiences to further enhance the classroom knowledge they gain at Chadron State College.
1. What are the student outcomes for each program in your unit?
· Athletic team’s student learning outcomes are comprised of a unique combination of subjective and objective evaluation.
· Athletic coaches evaluate the learning outcomes by physical testing, mental testing on a limited basis and by the team success during a competitive season.
2. What tools does your unit use to assess student learning? How is the data collected, stored, and accessed?
a. Tools used:
· Measurable strength, endurance and speed testing is a valuable tool in the assessment of student athlete success.
· Testing is done regularly throughout the off-season.
b. How data is collected, stored and accessed?
· Data is collected by the coaching staff through strength tests, speed test, and conditioning test all administered in a coordinated and consistent method.
· Data is stored with the coaches of each sport and are scrutinized by head coach.
· The data can be accessed by contacting the coaches of each specific sport.
3. How are individual courses and program evaluation coordinated?
The Director of Athletics is responsible for the coordination of all testing. This process requires the expertise of the strength and conditioning coach.
4. How have assessment results been used to improve student learning?
Records of increases in strength, speed, and conditioning are compared year to year to evaluate the success of the method used. Student athlete’s response to off-season programs is monitored year to year.
5. How have assessment results been used to improve teaching?
· Athletic coaches consistently compare improvements, teaching techniques, and fundamentals of their individual sports with peers
· The assessment of this data is done through a comparative process that includes other institutions of like size and philosophy.
6. How has your unit contributed to effective learning environments, facilities and support services?
· Athletic facilities provide and excellent learning environment for all student athletes. Improvements and upgrades are made yearly.
· Athletics provides an opportunity for a student to be exposed to learning life skills in an environment the entails competition, teamwork, leadership, and peer acceptance.
Child Development Center
1. A. Do you have a formal, written outcome for your unit? Yes
B. If so, please provide.
C. Do you have additional outcomes for each area of responsibility in your unit? (See below)
D. If so, please provide.
The purpose of the CSC Child Development Center Laboratory is three-fold:
1. To provide undergraduate and graduate students educational opportunities that support practical reasoning, critical thinking and application of knowledge base information in a realistic setting,
2. To provide families with young children, between the ages of 2 and 9, high- quality, developmentally appropriate, active learning and naturally inclusive early childhood experiences which support individualized learning and development.
3. To provide an environment for students to conduct applied research under the supervision of qualified faculty.
2. A. Describe the tools your unit uses to measure unit outcomes (i.e. surveys, comment cards, etc.)?
Student surveys are completed each year for the director of the program and also to provide feedback on the general operation of the program.
Graduating students are asked to complete a survey as well identifying how the Laboratory experience as benefited them throughout their educational career.
Families are also encouraged to complete a survey annually to assist with the on-going assessment of outcomes for the program.
National accreditation requires the program to complete annual assessments which may be accessed by contacting the Center director.
B. Please provide examples of these tools.
C. How is this data collected, stored, and accessed?
Data is collected via a survey, compiled and stored in a Microsoft Word document. Completed surveys may be accessed by contacting the Center director.
3. Explain how you coordinate the outcomes for each area of responsibility within your unit to support your overall unit outcome?
The Laboratory is a component of the academic preparation of undergraduate students within the Applied Sciences department and the Family and Consumer Sciences program. The organizational structure has a chain of command consisting of Chadron State College President, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Dean of the School of Professional and Graduate Studies (Restructuring at CSC in the fall 2006 will place the Laboratory in the School of Business, Mathematical Sciences, and Applied and Natural Sciences), and the faculty within the department of Family and Consumer Sciences, one of whom is the director of the Laboratory.
Individual staff employed in the Laboratory have responsibilities that support the daily routine of the program.
Kim Madsen, Director / Pam Leonard, Assist Director / Joleen ConwayHead Teacher / Student Head Teacher
Hours: arranged / 7:30 – 3:30 p.m. or as needed / 7:00 – 5:30 pm
(split shift) / Arranged
Plan Time:
arranged / Arranged during day / 2-3:00 p.m. / Arranged
Office desk / Office space / Cubby space/planning space – Observ. Room & Room 210 / Cubby space/planning space – Observ. Room & Room 210
Name Tag
CDC and CSC / CDC and CSC / CDC / CDC
Oversee general operation of program / Supervision of daily routine and curriculum / Opening & Close Center –
Close Center as requested / Open and Close Center –
(upon requested)
Coordination of licensing regulations and accreditation / Coordination of staff schedules – assignment chart, seating chart, nap chart, cleaning chart / AM/PM greeter and curriculum planning – 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm. / Kindergarten and School Age
Oversee physical plant/inside and outside / Daily monitoring of physical plant reporting to director needs/issues including storerooms, kitchen and storage areas / Curriculum coordination – All Day / Curriculum coordination support to teachers including ideas for menus
Oversee hiring and evaluation of staff / Organization of staff files, hiring assignments and
Completion of staff evaluations and staff conferences – 1 per semester / Coordination of daily curriculum planning, organization and implementation of all activities – am and pm
- include 1 guest or field trip each week
- include
multicultural/diversity awareness each week / Implementation of curriculum as developed by Joleen Conway or upon request of Head Teacher
Financial and Budgetary planning / Daily recordkeeping, billing, receipts, purchases, financial reports to parents, all recordkeeping documents for end of month reports / Oversee brown and blue room and outside environments including storage areas – BB, Displays / Support organization of brown and blue room and outside environments including storage areas – BB, Displays
Supervise recordkeeping – payroll, bills, receipts, income, expenses, purchases / Oversee USDA Food program – menu planning, reports, charts, daily preparation of food, food logs and children’s eating habits / Alignment of daily curriculum with assessments and evaluation of children’s development / Support assessment activities upon request
Grant Writing activities / Oversee all components of daily curriculum planning and organization of curriculum materials / Coordination and supervision of am staff supporting assistant director with staff evaluation / Support staff supervision as requested
Ordering of equipment and supplies / Oversee all assessment and evaluation of children’s development / Active Participation in weekly main staff and all staff trainings / Active Participation in weekly main staff and all staff trainings
College and community relations / Daily supervision and communication with all staff and volunteers support public relations activities and events / Documentation of children’s development – coordination of assessments and evaluations / Support the Documentation of children’s development – coordination of assessments and evaluations
Coordination of Advisory Board / Attendance and support to Advisory Board meetings and activities as requested / Display of children’s artwork / Support the Display of children’s artwork
Oversee staff development and training / Assist with coordination and implementation of weekly staff trainings
* Organize food for staff meetings / Oversee display of pictures, labeling and cleanliness of center / Support display of pictures, labeling and cleanliness of center
Oversee Parent/Family educational components / Oversee all communication with parents and families / Daily & weekly communication with parents/families
-notes, signs, phone calls, visits, etc. / Daily & weekly communication with parents/families as requested
Oversee interns and practicum students / Participation in home visits, parent conferences, IEP/IFSP planning sessions / Participation in home visits, 2 parent conferences, IEP/IFSP planning sessions
Monitor Inventory / Daily monitoring and support to classroom teachers and routines / Daily monitoring and supervision of the use of all equipment – reporting damaged or needed repairs immediately to assist. director / Daily monitoring and supervision of the use of all equipment – reporting damaged or needed repairs immediately to assist. director
Oversee Repairs and Maintenance / Documentation of weekly guests and field trips / Organizing, reporting and recording or all guests and field trips / Support Organizing, reporting and recording or all guests and field trips
Develop newsletter each semester / Daily greeter and classroom support as needed / Coordination of daily assessment, artwork, pictures, etc. for every child’s portfolio / Support Coordination of daily assessment, artwork, pictures, etc. for every child’s portfolio
Coordinate information for parent corner / Coordination of all volunteers and supervision of volunteers / Completion of at least 1 school linkage with kindergarten classroom or Head Start per semester
Support for Parent Education activities / Coordination of Parent gatherings – at least 3 per year / Organization and implementation of parent gatherings – at least 3 per year / Support the Organization and implementation of parent gatherings – at least 3 per year
H20 Grant – attend meetings and communication with Chadron City Schools / Documentation and recordkeeping of enrollment, staff and outcomes for Grant
- Attendance at all trainings as requested / Documentation and recordkeeping of enrollment, staff and outcomes for Grant
- Attendance at all trainings as requested / Support the Documentation and recordkeeping of enrollment, staff and outcomes for Grant
- Attendance at all trainings as requested
On-going communication with Chadron State College Administrative Level / Administer All Medications and oversee all documentation of medications / Coordination of Writing and Literacy Bags
Collaborative projects and agreements with community and college partners / Documentation for Children with Food Allergies and documentation of needs / Oversee all cleaning and upkeep of Center / Support efforts to Oversee all cleaning and upkeep of Center
Documentation of Daily attendance, meal patterns and other reporting charts / Develop new and maintain all resources in the center – prop boxes, file folder games, flannel boards, decorations / Support the maintenance of all resources in the center – prop boxes, file folder games, flannel boards, decorations
Assignments for cubbies, time clock numbers, mailboxes (staff and families), toothbrushes, art/journal files / Weekly development and display of curriculum unit and fingerplays/songs / Review weekly curriculum unit, fingerplays and songs. Implement components of curriculum that apply to your work schedule.
Weekly purchases of supplies and food / Attend H20 Grant meetings
Report and/or arrange for all repairs to be completed with equipment or facilities – always keeping the director informed of needs before cost of repairs are incurred
Display and Maintain a professional attitude at all times working as a team to create optimal learning for all children and students / Display and Maintain a professional attitude at all times working as a team to create optimal learning for all children and students / Display and Maintain a professional attitude at all times working as a team to create optimal learning for all children and students / Display and Maintain a professional attitude at all times working as a team to create optimal learning for all children and students
4. How do you know if your outcome was accomplished successfully?