There are three parts to your application:basicandpersonal details, CV and a personal statement.Further explanation ofeach section is given below.
Part 1:Basicpersonaldetails
Mobile telephone:
Can you make the giveninterview datesfor this post?Yes □No □
Please list anydatesyoucannotmake:
Ifappointed,howmuch notice wouldyou need to give, andwhen couldyou startwork?
□I confirmthat I amlegally entitled to work in the UK and do notrequire a work permit.
□I confirm that I am not disqualified fromworking with children and/or includedontheDfE'sList99.
Have you ever been dismissedfromanypost(whether paidor voluntary)ordisciplined by anyemployer for anyconductinvolvingdishonesty,fraudor theft?
Yes □No □
Ifyes, please give detailson a separatesheetof paperandenclosewith this formina sealed
envelope marked‘confidential’.
All applicants must also download and complete the separate Criminal Record form.
I confirmthatallthe information providedby me as partofmyapplication istrue tothe bestofmyknowledge andacknowledge thatifanyinformation I have providedturnsout tobe false, orknowinglyomittedor concealed, my application may be withdrawnfrom therecruitmentprocess.
Ifyou have providedinaccurateor incompleteinformation andhave already been offered the post,the offer may be withdrawn andifyou have begun work, you may be dismissedatanytime, withoutnotice.
Part 2:CV andreferences
You should include a fulland up-to-date curriculumvitaethat includes detailsof:
- Your education history from secondary school onwards, including any exams taken, dates and results, plus postgraduate qualifications and professional training. You should be prepared to provide certificates and proofs of results if required;
- Your full work history for the past 10 years, including details of your employers, dates of employment, plus roles and responsibilities for each, and reasons for leaving;
- If you have any periods during the last 10 years in which you were not working or in full-time education, please give details. This might include periods volunteering, raising a family, travelling etc. Your CV should provide a complete chronology to the present day;
- Any additional substantial personal achievements or activities outside work and formal education which demonstrate your broader interests or personal qualities;
- Two referees. One of the two must be your current employer (if applicable). Please provide their names and positions, and as many contact details as you can. We will not request references until after interviews; no offers of employment will be made until satisfactory references have been obtained.
Part 3:Personalstatement
This is themostimportantpartof theformandmay determinewhether or notyou are shortlistedforinterview.
You shouldprovide us witha detailedpersonal statement,which includes the following:
- Whyyou wantthis postandwhatappealsto you about thejob, andaboutworkingforArvon;
- Whyyou feel youare the bestperson for this post,includingdetailsofyourqualities, skills,experience andknowledge thatare relevant to thispost. Youshouldmake sure you clearlyaddress each separatepointwithin the jobdescription andperson specification,demonstratinghowyour pastexperiencerelatestoeach pointandillustratingwith specificexamples;
- Your relationship to creative writing, whether as a reader, writer or both, its importance toyou, andhowyou feel this wouldshape your contribution to Arvon;
- Whatyour approach to this jobwould be andwhatyou wouldhope toachieve duringyourtime here.
No specific formatisnecessaryandyou are encouraged to make this statementyour own, reflectingyour own personalityandputtingyour caseforwhyyou should be interviewed. You shouldalso givethe recruitingpanel a strongidea ofhowyou wouldapproach therole. You should do so in nomore than 1000 words.
Part 4: Monitoring
Download, complete and return the separate Monitoring and Criminal Record forms along with your application. The forms will not form part of the decision making process.