Examples of Postsecondary Goals for
Low Incidence Students
As you read these examples, keep in mind that “training/education” goals are focused on providing the necessary skills, knowledge, or abilities for future employment and/or independent living. However, if the goal is written to require the student to actually work or use certain independent living skills, then the goal becomes a postsecondary goal in employment and/or independent living skills.
Following graduation from high school, George will work part-time in sheltered employment where he will receive on-the-job training to develop specific skills necessary to complete the work tasks of the sheltered employment. (This goal combines both employment and training goal areas.)
After graduation, George will attend a day program in his community where he will receive training in the work and social skills that are necessary for him to be employed part-time in sheltered employment. (This goal focuses only on training necessary to become employed.)
After graduation, George will attend a day program in his community where he will receive training in the work and social skills to work and become employed part-time in sheltered employment. (This goal now addresses both training and employment.)
Following graduation from high school, George will be employed four to six hours a day in supported and/or sheltered employment in a site in his community, and will receive daily on-the-job training to develop skills necessary to complete the piece work tasks, as well as training in social, personal hygiene, and communication skills necessary for the workplace. (This goal combines both employment and training goals for employment and independent living skills.)
Following graduation from high school, George will be employed four to six hours a day in supported and/or sheltered employment in a site in his community, and will receive daily on-the-job training to develop skills necessary to complete the piece work tasks, as well as training in social, personal hygiene, and communication skills necessary for the workplace. George will use the public transit system to get to work and other community resources for his transportation needs. (This goal now addresses employment, training for employment and independent living skills, and independent living skills- “use of public transit system.”)
After graduation, George will attend a day program where he will receive individual supported trainingin skillsfor personal care, communication, socialization, and work skills necessary for future independent living and sheltered employment, should those become available to him. (This is only a training goal. It does not qualify as an employment or independent living goal since it is only addresses the “training”to prepare him for possible future work and/or independent living skills and not his actual involvement in employment or his actually using daily living skills.