London Borough of Newham
Initial Equality Impact Assessment Form
Title of
Review and Renewal of Licence Conditions for Street Markets Trading on Public HighwaysPurpose for Initial EQIA
Pick from listCabinet ReportNew Policy/Strategy/Service?FunctionNew Project/Scheme/initiativeAdapted Policy/Strategy/Service/FunctionPolicy/Service/Function reviewProject/Scheme/Initiative reviewOther If other, please specifyOfficer Responsible (to be completed by the report author)
Name: Roy Wayre / Ext:Directorate: Pick from ListResourcesEnvironmentChildren & Young People Chief Executive'sRegeneration, Planning & PropertyCustomer ServicesAdults, Community & Leisure / Division Property & Development
Signature: R L Wayre
Form must be signed and dated by the relevant Executive Director
Executive Director: Clive Dutton Date:Comment:
Corporate Planning & Partnerships
Signed off by: Date:Comments:
1. What are the aims, objectives and purpose of the including desired outcomes:
A fundamental review of street trading licence conditions is needed to comply with the London Local Authorities Act 1990 (as amended) and give greater powers of enforcement to the Markets Inspectorate, other controlling bodies and greater control of waste management & recycling.Desired outcomes include a reduction in waste disposal costs and an improvement in service delivery to members of the public. The overarching impact of the new licence conditions will be to contribute to the vision of cleaner, greener and safer markets for the public to visit and enjoy.
2. Who are the main people that will be affected?
Street Market Traders and people using Newham's street markets the majority of whom will be Newham residents.3. How relevant is the to the following equality strands
Age / Disability / Gender / Race / Religion / Belief / SexualOrientation
Relevance / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow
4. What positive impact could the have overall and on different groups? (Please provide evidence e.g. consultation, monitoring etc)
OverallParagraph 5.1 of the proposed licence conditions places a duty of care on licence holders to ensure that all members of the community are fairly treated with courtesy and respect. Licence holders and their assistants shall not use any form of racist, sexist, homophobid or abusive languate or display material that can cause offence to a person's race, religion or sexual orientation.
a) Age / b) Disability
c) Gender / d) Race
e) Religion / Belief / f) Sexual Orientation
g) Other groups
5. What negative impact could the have overall and on different groups and (if possible) how can it be justified and / or eliminated? (Please provide evidence e.g. consultation, complaints, monitoring etc)
Overalla) Age / b) Disability
The agreement may not be accessible to visually impaired people.
c) Gender / d) Race
The agreement is written in English and unavoidably uses technical language and therefore may not be accessible to people whose first language is not English.
e) Religion / Belief / f) Sexual Orientation
g) Other groups
The agreement is written in English and unavoidably uses technical language and therefore may not be accessible to people who do not have a high level of literacy or who do not understand the legal language in which it needs to be framed..
6. If you have undertaken any internal / external research or consultation(s) please list them below (including purpose and summary of analysis)
· Consultation with LB Hackney and LB Waltham Forest with regards to current licence conditions was carried out to benchmark best practice.· Initial consultation with traders associations has taken place and a general consensus has been reached that new licence condtions should be implemented.
· On the 11th November 2009 a notice of intention was placed in the Newham Recorder containing a draft resolution stating that representations relating to the introduction of new street trading licence conditions may be made in writing to London Borough of Newham within 28 days.
· On 28th October 2009 formal consultation commenced with both Stratford and Queens Market Traders Associations. A request was made to each chair to consult with their members with 28 days as from the 11th Novemeber 2j009 and offer back any representations they may wish to make.
7. Do you need to undertake any further consultation? If so what and with whom?
No further consultation is needed at this stage8. Has a full impact assessment been planned or completed?
Yes NoIf yes please state timescales
9. Action Planning
No / Identified Impact (positive or negative) / Objective / Actions / Outcomes / Timescales / Milestones / Lead Officer1 / Paragraph 5.1 of the proposed licence conditions places a duty of care on licence holders to ensure that all members of the community are fairly treated. / Market Traders behave with courtesy and respect to each other and to all people using the markets. / Ensure that enforcement officers fully understand the new conditions and apply them consistently and appropriately. / Newham's street markets are welcoming and accessible to all people wishing to use them. / Roy Wayre
2 / The agreement may not be accessible to visually impaired people. / Facilitate means to have licence conditions on audio book system / Investigate this option to implement / Visually impaired people will have means of understanding the licence conditions / Roy Wayre
3 / The agreement is written in English and unavoidably uses technical language and therefore may not be accessible to people whose first language is not English. / Facilitate means to have translation of the licence conditions available. The markets Officer has 1 Markets Inspector who has is trained in a range of languages. / Investigate this option to implement / People who's first language is not English will be able to have the licence conditions translated to them. / Roy Wayre
4 / The agreement is written in English and unavoidably uses technical language and therefore may not be accessible to people who do not have a high level of literacy or who do not understand the legal language in which it needs to be framed.. / Market Inspectors have the knowledge to interprete the technical language into basic meanings. / Solution in place / This service is available at the Markets Inspectorate Office. / Roy Wayre
10 Have the above actions been incorporated into your Service Plan?
Yes No
If No how will these actions be monitored? These actions will be monitored as part of the performance management process being established in the Markets Service.
Contact: David Hodgkins 020 337 39932
Head of Corporate Planning & Partnerships
Chief Executive Directorate