Checkley Parish Council – October 2014 Minutes

Checkley, Tean & Hollington Locality

Unapproved Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 21st October 2014 at Great Wood Hall at 7.15pm

Attendees: Councillors – D Ball (Chair), A Hulme, C Pearce, S Buckley, P Wilkinson, M Maryon, K Flunder, D Trigger – S Morgan-Rimes (Clerk), Cllr M Deaville (SCC) and 3 members of the public.

1.  Chairman’s Welcome

2.  Apologies: P McGarry, B Stubbs, A Wilkinson, M Deaville to attend later

3.  Declaration of Interest: In addition to any previous declarations, Mr Trigger declares an interest in item ‘Remuneration’

4.  Minutes September 2014: Changes to be made on 1st page as charity walk was at Tittesworth and not Rudyard. Also amendment to the wording under ‘Representations from Great Wood Hall’.

Motion: To sign off minutes once amendments have been made.

Proposed: K Flunder

Second: D Trigger

5.  Matters Arising: Checkley travellers planning application and moves to start blasting at the quarry.

6.  Public Participation:

Mr Alcock – RE: Blasting at the quarry – Concerns have been raised that after 17 years the quarry are looking at using explosives to excavate, as the machine which is currently being used is due for replacement and is too costly to replace.

A request for a letter from the Parish expressing concern and disapproval of this action. Overwhelming support for this however, all in favour in leaving this issue to be discussed in full later in the agenda.

Mr Harrison – RE: Current state of the river through Tean to Uttoxeter – Concerned regarding the death of thousands of fish earlier in the year and inquired if these are going to be replaced. Mr Harrison passed around a newspaper clipping (date and source unknown) with headline ‘Wildlife catastrophe on River Tean. Thousands of fish killed in incident’.

Mr Harrison also produced a bag of Himalayan Balsam weed which is congesting the river and would like to request a letter from the Parish to the Environment Agency requesting they clear the river of this blight. DB recalls 2x previous letter written to the Environment Agency, with the response of ‘This is not a Parish concern due to a current act of Parliament’. DB advises this will be discussed with Cllr Deaville when he arrives.

Mr Harrison also thanked the Parish Council for assisting in the refusal of planning on a green belt section on Cheadle Road.

Mr Hunt representing A Jones – RE: Travellers in Checkley – Expressing concerns that a planning application has been submitted for the retention of us of land for the stationing of 3 touring caravans, and Staffordshire Moorlands have not informed those concerned. DT has emailed the Head of Service at Staffordshire Moorlands asking for information but has had no reply. However, Rachael Simkin did advise that notices should be out 22/10 with a 28 day period to log objections. Mr Hunt expressed concern that the Staffordshire Moorlands Planning Department had not looked into the history of this case. Various councillors feel the District Council have neglected this issue.

PW to write a letter (1014/01) to Planning Department and start an online petition.

7.51pm – Cllr M Deaville enters the meeting.

7.  Planning Applications:

SMD/2014/0469 / Plot 8, Highwayman Inn, Alton Rd, Threapwood / Construction of detached garage & additional rooflights to house / No Objections
SMD/2014/0632 / 2 Uttoxeter Road, Upper Tean / Erection of a part single, part 2 storey ext. Porch to front elevation and replacement windows / No Objections
SMD/2014/0572 / Caravan Site Adjacent to Rose Cottage / Retention of use of land for the stationing of 3 touring caravans for residential occupation and retention of associated utility building / PW to write a letter (1014/01) opposing and to formulate a petition
SMD/2014/0644 / Land at Spring Cottage, Greatgate Road, Winnothdale / Erection of residential dwelling / 2nd Application - No Objections
Proposed – KF
Second – AH
PW to write a letter (1014/07)

8.  Correspondence: Chairman refers to a letter received regarding planning application SMD/2014/0572, which has already been discussed previously in the meeting.

9.  Financial Matters: Cllr Deaville agrees to contribute £350 to Parish for the Gorsty Hill United Church Christmas scene.

Payee / Goods/Services / Amount / VAT / Cheque no / Details
RBL / 4x Wreaths / £240.00 / 2971 / Post 23/10
SPCA / Clerk Induction Training / £40.00 / 2972 / Post 23/10
S Morgan-Rimes / Clerk Invoice – 002CPC Oct 2014 / £626.87 / 2978 / Rec’d 21/10
TalkTalk Business / Great Wood B/band (Sept & Oct) / £60.00 / £10.00 / Direct Debit / N/A
Grant Thornton / Annual Return Fee - 2014 / £360.00 / £60.00 / 2973 / Post 23/10
S Clarke / Lengthmans Invoice – 005 17/10/14 / £680.00 / 2977 / Collected 23/10
RBL / Collection WW1 / £20.00 / 2979 / Post 23/10
Youth Club / Collection WW1 / £20.00 / 2980 / Collected 23/10
K Flunder / WW1 Commemoration Expenses (6) / £66.20 / 2981 / Post 23/10
K Flunder / Respect of Payments for Wentlows Day (7) / £48.55 / 2981 / Post 23/10
K Flunder / Work Painting Parish Records Cupboard (8) / £57.88 / 2981 / Post 23/10
Gorsty Hill United Church / Printing, Structure and Adverting for Churches Together / £400.00 / 2982 / Post 23/10
L Trigger / Stationery & Print Cartridges / £121.48 / 2983 / Post 23/10
ACE Electrical / G/Wood Water Heater / £742.80 / £123.80 / 2976 / Post 23/10
M Price / Parish Litter Picker / £195.76 / 2975 / Post 23/10

Query with regards to previous lengthmans final 2 invoices. Clerk to enquiry and request all outstanding keys. – Voice Message left for Mr Plant 25/10 asking keys to be returned to either Mr Ball or Great Wood Hall Monday morning. Invoices checked and Mr Plant is still outstanding payment for both August and September.

Issues currently with the lack of knowledge with regards to the Parish bank accounts. Clerk to draft a letter to Natwest (1014/02), signed by signatories PW & MM requesting a visit for herself and the Chair, to cover all Parish accounts and current standings. Letter drafted and awaiting signatures.

10.  District Councillor’s Announcements: CP updated council on Chairman’s Charity advising that the walk at Tittensor rose in access of £1000, and the Heath House event went well with approximately £1700 raised. CP also thanked everyone for their ongoing support. Cllr Deaville advised that Les Latham will be coming to look at Tean and Checkley play equipment to see if they can invest more into the area including Wentlows playing fields.

11.  County Councillor’s Announcements: Cllr Deaville is bought up to speed with regards to Mr Harrison’s (section 6) concerns regarding the river Tean. Cllr Deaville recalls that 7/8 years ago money was invested in the clearing of the river at Tean; however, Cllr Deaville will write a letter to the Environment Agency regarding the fish and Himalayan Balsam weed.

Cllr Deaville thanked Mr Hulme for his attendance to the session launching the ‘Pot Hole Reporting’ process in partnership with Amey. There will be further sessions to the Parish Council in February.

Following the recent speed checks on Draycott Road the average speed has been monitored at 43-47mph, this will result in the increase of speed camera vans being placed on this stretch of road.

Highways Liaison Group is due to have its first meeting in November.

Salt/grit boxes will start to be refilled this week.

12.  Freedom of the Parish: Motion – to give Pat McGarry freedom of the Parish for his noble contribution. Proposer – K Flunder, Seconded – D Trigger

Clerk to look into shield etc.

13.  Checkley Play Area: Base of the swings are damaged due to strimming. Swings previously positioned at Tean play area have been located. Require painting and cleaning however, the lengthsman is sure once set in concrete they will be more than acceptable. Council happy for the lengthsman to continue, DB to pass on request.

14.  Lengthsman Issues: The lengthsman has requested to purchase the Council mower. It is over 7 years old and has been valued at £1000. Motion – to sell the mower to the Lengthsman for £1000, deposit of £250 and the remaining £750 to be paid by April 2015 (1014/08).

Proposer – C Pearce, Seconded – P Wilkinson

Grass cuttings at Well Meadow Gardens – lengthsman to remove.

Tree issues – tree professional to take a look.

Dog fouling at Well Meadow Gardens – Purchase 2x signs.

When cemetery bins are emptied – Clerk to contact Nicola Kemp at Staffordshire Moorlands

Missing keys – message left with Mr Plant asking to return them by 27/10.

15.  Former Parish Clerk: Current Clerk to send a letter (1014/03) requesting Parish notice board keys to be returned.

16.  Great Wood Roof Repairs: OJS Builders given the go ahead to proceed with repairs. Due to commence first week in November.

17.  Christmas Lights: Quote provided by ACE Ltd. ACE to liaise with Cllr Deaville regarding lighting columns. Clerk to send letter (1014/04) to local businesses urging that donations are always appreciated.

Motion – the installation of Christmas lights on Tean High St, and the provision of Christmas Trees for Tean and Hollington.

Proposer – C Pearce, Seconded – M Maryon

18.  Wentlows Playing Field: Field to be sand and spiked. KF to speak to Mr Amos and obtain a quote. KF also to obtain a quote from UR Media for the printing of 500/600 leaflets.

19.  Logo: D Trigger proposed we invite the local schools to ‘Design a Logo’ competition with a small prize. Clerk to write a letter (1014/05) to the schools to assess interest.

20.  Hollington Picnic Area Signage: Motion – request for £443.09 (inc VAT) for a ‘No Parking’ sign.

Proposer – M Maryon, Seconded – K Flunder

9.13pm K Flunder leaves the meeting by prior agreement

21.  Remuneration: D Trigger declares an interest. Motion – As a gesture of goodwill and with gratitude, reimbursement for the contribution of time in the absence of a Parish clerk. Mr Stubbs £25 and Mrs Trigger £500.

Proposer – A Hulme, Seconded – P Wilkinson

22.  Matters Pertaining to Issues in the Parish:

Blasting at Croxden Quarry – Refers to issues previously bought to the meeting by Mr Alcock. DT makes reference to a meeting held 18th September 2014. DB expresses concern with where the explosives would be stored if this was to go ahead. Also refers that this is not just about the damage to houses in the locality, but to the tourist industry and wildlife. MM reads a letter (ref HH/GDF) dated 21/10/14, from Helen Hunter, Cheadle Town Council expressing local concerns. Motion – Strong aversion to blasting and letter (1014/06b) to be drafted and sent to local MP on expressing the Parish’s disapproval of this issue.

Proposer – M Maryon, Unanimous, with no abstentions or declarations of interest.

Clerk to look into Lafarge Tarmac merger with a third company.

DB and Clerk to visit Leek to observe their process of maintaining burial records, fire-proof etc.

23.  Matters for Next Meeting (due to be held 18th November):

Cemetery Fees, DB, DT and Clerk to visit cemetery to realign plan and look into an appropriate area for the scattering of ashes. DB and Clerk to visit Cheadle cemetery to survey. Insurance for Parish and Great Wood Hall. Clerk to ensure Parish records are covered by insurance now located at Great Wood Hall.

No other business – meeting was closed 9.49pm