2015 – 2016
Grant requests in the subject areas of women and girls are being accepted by the Women for Women Endowment Fund from non-profit organizations, governmental agencies, churches and schools in Pitt County, North Carolina. Applications may be obtained from the website or by contacting Laura Nelson, Grants Co-Chair at . For questions please contact Laura Nelson at (301) 455-3831.
We encourage grant applications that address health and well being, physical fitness, education, the arts and other areas which will improve the lives of women and girls.
Please Note: This year we are using an on-line application process. All documents should be sent to the indicated email address. If this is not possible, please contact Laura Nelson for further instructions at (301) 455-3831.
Completed applications should be submitted to: . Grants will be accepted from June 1, 2015 until August 10, 2015.All grant applications must be submittedon-line by midnight EST on August 10, 2015. Applications received after this deadline will not be reviewed.Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Timeline for Grant Applications:
June 1, 2015 – August 10, 2015: Grant Submissions
August 10: Deadline for Grant Submissions
Late September: Applicants notified
October 15th: Membership Coffee – Funds awarded to Grantees (this is a mandatory event for all new grantees to receive their checks)
Grant Cycle: October 15, 2015 – September 30, 2016(all funds must be utilized during the oneyear grant period)
Women for Women is dedicated to providing grants to community programs and organizations that: build self-esteem; improve the quality of life; meet physical, emotional and spiritual needs; create and/or promote educational and economic opportunities for women and girls.
The following items must be included with your application:
□ Copy of IRS letter indicating tax-exempt status501(c) (3)
□Original signatures of both your Chief Executive Officer and the President or Chair of your Board of Directors on the application
□Most recent certified public accounting auditor most recent tax return (a Quickbooks statement is
not acceptable)
Contact Laura Nelson for questions.
□A list of members of your Board of Directors, indicating titles of the officers of the Board
□A list of staff members associated with the project or program and the date they joined your organization
□A detailed current annual budget of your entire organization must be submitted.
Guidelines for Completing the Application:
We do not fund the following: capital improvements, general operating expenses such as rents, utilities, general office supplies not associated with the specific grant program/project, programs/projects that benefit men and boys or programs/projects that promote a particular political or religious viewpoint.
We can only fund programs or projects that benefit women and girls who reside in Pitt County.
All questions on the grant application must be answered. The more specific details in a grant request, the better. But be concise when responding and only provide information that answers that question. Do NOT submit attachments, except for the budget.
We prefer to fund tangible line items associated with a specific program or non-profit organization.
Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Primary applicant (the person who signs the application) must be at least 21 years of age.
Date: / August 10, 2015 /- Organization Name:
- Mailing Address:
Anytown, NC 12345
- Street Address (if different than mailing):
Anytown, NC 12345 /
- Tax ID Number:
- Contact Person
Email Address: / /
Telephone: / (555) 123-4567 /
Fax: / (555) 123-4568 /
- Program/Project Title:
- Address Where the Program/Project Occurs:
Anytown, NC 12345 /
- Amount Requested:
Click here to enter text. /
- Describe the problem or need that your program/project will address. (Not to exceed 250 words).
- Describe what changes and benefits will result (expected outcomes).
Not to exceed 250 words. / The goals of this program are to:
1)Introduce girls to the process of growing their own vegetables
2)Teach girls how fruits and vegetables grow in the fields
3)Show them how they go from farm to market and
4)Demonstrate how to prepare healthy mealsusing fruits and vegetables.
Outcomes we expect from this project include:
- Girls will learn basic gardening principles and gain confidence being outdoors working with plants
- Girls will learn how to create a garden and take care of it in order to grown vegetables for consumption
- Girls will gain an understanding of where their food comes from and how it is grown
- Girls will taste fruits and vegetables that they have not eaten before and thereby increase fruit and vegetable consumption
- Girls will learn how to prepare basic salads and foods utilizing fruits and vegetables
- How many women and/or girls will be targeted by this program/project?
25 girls plus 25 families
- Describe the strategies to accomplishthe plans of your program/project.
Not to exceed 250 words. / Strategies:
1)Girls will assist in building the garden and plan to garden – layout and types of vegetables to plan. Discussions will include principles of planting, insect control and caring for the garden.
2)Girls will assist in planting the garden.
3)In addition to planting the garden, girls will learn about the vegetables they have planted, including nutrition, how to cook them, what they taste like, etc.
4)Girls will maintain journals about their gardening projects
5)A field trip to a local farm will expose the girls to large farming techniques and how fruits and vegetables go from farm to table. If it is the appropriate time, girls will be given the opportunity to pick fruits and vegetables
6)A field trip to a local farmers market will teach girls the process of farm to market and how foods can be sold directly to consumers outside a grocery store. (151 words)
- Provide a timeline with expected completion dates.
Order Gardening Supplies June 1, 2015
Plan and Build Garden Week 1
Plant vegetables/herbs Week 2
Water and maintain garden Weeks 2 – 8
Gardening will be done 3 X’s/week for 1 hour
Field Trips to a local farm Weeks 2 and 5
And to a Farmers Market
Food Classes Weeks 1 – 8
Maintain Journals Weeks 1 – 8
Close garden for the fall Week 10
- Provide a complete budget specific to this program/project.
- List the names of other organizations to which you have also applied for support of this specific program/project. Include the amount you requested and the status (pending, approved, denied) of your request.
- If you have received Women for Women funds in the past, describe what the funds have done for your organization.
Not to exceed 100 words. / We applied for Women for Women funds 2 years ago. We used these funds to begin an exercise program for our high school girls. The purpose of this program was to introduce various forms of exercise to girls who had not exercised regularly and to help the girls identify different kinds of exercise to improve their cardiovascular and bone health. Exercises included swimming, running, walking, bike riding and weight training. Girls also learned to develop a positive body image as a result of stronger bodies. 50 girls participated in this pilot program. (92 words)
- Submitted by:
Signature and Date:
- Name of President/Chair,
Signature and Date: / Click here to enter text. /