Senior Division
Area Entomology Contest
1. During which season do new queen yellow jackets leave their nest?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. Winter
2. Where do female whiteflies deposit their eggs?
A. Underground
B. In a circle pattern on plants
C. Amongst the leaf litter
D. On the bark of trees
3. Seedcorn beetles can become serious pests of corn when the :
A. Seed is stored
B. Plant is newly emerging
C. Plant is harvested
D. Plant is drying out
4. Sawflies belong to the order ______.
A. Hymenoptera
B. Hemiptera
C. Diptera
D. Lepidoptera
5. Mimosa webworms are pests of what?
A. Elm trees
B. Ash trees
C. Locust trees
D. Oak trees
6. Where do female Mexican bean beetles lay their eggs?
A. In the bark
B. Underground
C. Under foliage
D. In the flowers
7. What color are head lice before they feed?
A. Red
B. Black
C. Cream
D. Colorless
8. In homes, fungus gnats are usually associated with:
A. Fruit
B. Over-watered plants
C. Bathrooms
D. Kitchen cabinets
9. Lightning beetles are:
A. Predators
B. Herbivores
C. Parasitoids
D. Decomposers
10. Adult damselflies have long, slender abdomens and ______pair(s) of transparent membranous wings.
A. No
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
11. During pupation, armyworms reside in:
A. Rolled up leaves
B. Silk cocoons in the soil
C. Hollow logs
D. The stems of plants
12. Aphids can easily be collected by finding them:
A. Near skeletonized leaves
B. In pitfall traps
C. On the underside of leaves
D. In aphid lion pits
13. What is the structure that enlarges to become the ‘horns’ in treehoppers?
A. Membrane
B. Pronotum
C. Vertex
D. Palps
14. How do thrips cause damage to plants?
A. By sucking juices from roots
B. By scraping the epidermis off leaves
C. By burrowing into bark of trees
D. By chewing through tree branches
15. The larvae of strawberry root weevils feed on what parts of the plant?
A. Roots and petals
B. Crowns and stems
C. Roots and crowns
D. Stems and leaves
16. What do stink bugs eat?
A. Solely plant material
B. Fungus
C. Other animals
D. Plants or insects, depending on the species
17. What allows springtails to jump?
A. Strong femurs
B. Springs
C. A furcula
D. Hair-like projections
18. What do Scorpionflies feed on?
A. Rotting wood
B. Dead insects
C. Fermenting plant material
D. Nectar
19. What do the caterpillars of satyrs (wood nymphs) feed on?
A. Ornamentals
B. Wood
C. Grass
D. Wheat
20. What separates pavement ants from all other ant species?
A. They are very large.
B. They are a metallic blue color.
C. Colonies have multiple functional queens at one time.
D. They have unique ridges on the head and thorax.
21. What two things must be considered and factored into every pest management decision?
A. Insect size and species
B. Building size and type
C. The severity and extent of pest damage
D. Environment and human safety
22. What are the most effective and longest-lasting means of pest management?
A. Biological controls
B. Chemical controls
C. Cultural controls
D. Both biological and chemical controls
23. There are three important tools that pest managers should carry along with them while doing inspections to assist them in identification. Which is NOT one of these tools?
A. Field guides
B. Magnifying hand lens
C. Vials for collecting specimens
D. Safety goggles
24. What provides a critical database on which future pest management decisions can be made?
A. The journal of the pest manager at work
B. The opinions of the client
C. Thorough record-keeping practices
D. Pests collected from the site
25. What is the name of the practice that targets pesticide applications to only those areas where monitoring has determined a need for control?
A. Specialized pest management
B. Target treating
C. Spot treating
D. Targeting pesticides