Investigative Studies Program
Travel Fellowship Application
Please type your information directly into this document. Save as a Microsoft Word document and submit this application and an abstract of your presentation/performance as an e-mail attachment to Dr. Alicia Doerflinger, Director of the Investigative Studies Program, .
The student Travel Fellowship Program is designed to foster a sense of learning and commitment between students and a community of scholars. Travel fellowships of a $500 maximum per studentenable students to present, perform in the fine arts, or display their investigative studies project at a regional or national conference in an academic field. When sufficient funding is available, students wishing simply to attend a professional conference in an academic area may also be considered for a maximum of $350 funding. AllTravel Fellowship recipients are required to make poster presentations of their research, performance, or conference attendance at the annual Marietta College All ScholarsDay, held in conjunction with the College’s Spring Honors Convocation.
The Honors and Investigative Studies Committee reviews all applications. Students presenting at conferences are prioritized for funding over those simply attending conferences and presenters are more likely to receive full funding. All interested students are encouraged to apply for funding; however, because funding is limited, some qualified students may receive only partial funding, or no funding at all.
Student Application Criteria
- Current overall GPA of 3.000 or better.
- Sponsorship by a Marietta College Faculty Member.
- Open to all full-time Marietta College students wishing to make a presentation or attend a conference in an academic, professional, or interdisciplinary program.The presentation should be identical to what a professional in the particular field would give, and should be based on the student’s own work.
- The committee considers travel fellowship applications on an ongoing basis throughout the academic year, as funding permits. Students should submit an electronic copy of this travel fellowship application to Dr. Alicia Doerflinger, Director of the Investigative Studies Program, as early as possible prior to the proposed trip. Further details available from Dr. Doerflinger (ext.4975, Mills Hall 414, or e-mail: ).
- A group of students co-presenting or wishing to travel together to attend the same conference should apply individually; however, the individual applications must be submitted together from the faculty sponsor. Please make an effort to share expenses (transportation, hotel rooms, etc. as appropriate). The faculty sponsor, in the e-mail message to which the applications are attached, should explain the way in which costs will be shared and confirm the calculations.
Marietta College Investigative Studies
Travel Fellowship Application
Name of Student Applicant
Campus Box # Campus Phone E-mail
Current Overall GPA must be at least 3.000
Current class standing :
This travel fellowship application is primarily for:
To personally participate in giving a paper, presentation or fine arts performance.
To attend a conference or meeting.
Name(s) of other co-authors or presenters on presentation if applicable.
If you are traveling with a group of students, please list the names of the other students who are also applying for Travel Fellowships.
State the name of conference, the location, dates you plan to attend, and provide a brief description of the conference audience.
Is this a regional, national, or international conference?
Did you submit a paper or apply to perform at this conference?
If applicable, has your presentation, paper or performance already been accepted at this conference?
Yes No, not yet If no, please estimate the date of notification
Please insert the abstract of your presentation/performance in the text box. If wishing simply to attend a conference, then describe your reasons and goals for attending.
Estimate your travel expenses in the space below. Please be as accurate as possible and reflect expenses such as carpooling, shared rooms, etc. Meals are not reimbursable.
Air fare (round trip)=$
Motel room for nights at $per night, total = $
Car rental, parking, or taxi fares=$
Personal car miles x $0.505 per mile=$
If carpooling, list names of people riding in your vehicle.
Conference registration fee=$
Other costs explain = $
Total estimated costs=$
Funding from other sources that you may be receiving=$
(Explain if applies.)
(Maximum request $500 for presenters, $350 for attendees)
Name and phone # of faculty sponsor:
Committee Use Only
Date: _ GPA verified: Fundable?
Amount Funded:
Version 2009-02