Grade 9 Integrated Science Learning Outcomes/Revision Checklist for Semester two.

  • Below is the learning outcomes you have studied so far this semester
  • Look back at your notes, quizzes/tests for each section.
  • Give yourself a red/amber/green rating for each statement.
  • Use this document to focus your revision over the next few days.

Hit the books. I am totally clueless, needs serious revision

Easy peasy, just a short review needed.

Hmmmm worth a read again, and a bit of work just to be sure.

Remember Mrs. Dickinson has posted lots and lots of useful resources on her blog site.


Learning Outcome /
1 / I can list several forms of energy
2 / I can write the equations for Combustion and Respiration, and can state how they are similar/different.
3 / I know why organisms and machines need energy
4 / I can write the equation for photosynthesis, and can relate it to respiration and combustion.
5 / I know where the majority of the world’s energy comes from, and the important role that photosynthesis plays in this process. / .
6 / I understand what is meant by a food chain/web, and can draw and interpret using appropriate key vocabulary
7 / I can explain why the biomass of producers is higher than the biomass of consumers.
8 / I can explain why a vegetarian diet is more sustainable than a meat based diet (links in with Eco councils "No meat day" in April)
9 / I can explain how energy flows through food chains, and how nutrients are recycled (Carbon cycle)
10 / I can list several different ways humans generate power. For each one I can list advantages and disadvantages.
11 / I know how burning fossil fuels can affect the environment.
12 / I can explain what is meant by the phrase "conservation of energy".
13 / I can recognize energy conversions in living and non-living things.
14 / I can explain what is meant by "Peak oil", and why this is important to humans.
15 / I can explain why it is not possible for all of the people in the world to enjoy the same standard of living that we currently have.

Topic 4WAVES

Learning Outcome /
1 / I know the two main types of wave, and how to demonstrate them with a slinky.
2 / I can give examples of the two types of wave.
3 / I can represent both transverse and longitudinal waves as a sine wave, and can label the different parts of the wave using appropriate vocabulary.
4 / I understand the relationship between amplitude and loudness, and frequency and pitch.
5 / I know what all waves have in common. / .
6 / I can use the equations V=fλ and v=d/t and
f = 1/T correctly
7 / I can relate the waves topic to real world examples of Tsunamis and Earthquakes.
8 / I can label a diagram of the ear.
9 / I understand the function and structure of the main parts of the ear.
10 / I can label a diagram of the eye
11 / I understand the function and structure of the main parts of the eye.
12 / I can explain the advantages of having stereoscopic hearing (2 ears) and Binocular vision (2 eyes).
13 / I know what is meant by refraction, and can apply my knowledge of refraction to predict the path of light in different materials.
14 / I know what Snell's law is, and can use it to calculate the refractive indices of various materials.