Evaluation Form
Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services
Winter Quarter 2017
Please complete one form for each candidate and return to Bev Jones, Provost’s Office, OM 460/MS 9033/FAX x7475/ no later than 5:00 p.m., on Friday, March 10, 2017. The decision will be substantially informed by your comments. They are important and very much appreciated. The President will share with the search committee a summary of responses received, but not the individual evaluation forms.
Required Qualifications
· Earned doctorate or terminal degree
· Substantial responsible executive management experience in relevant leadership positions in higher education administration
Preferred Qualifications
· Passion for and commitment to student success, engagement, diversity, achievement and excellence
· Demonstrated experience in advancing diversity, equity and inclusion
· Understanding of the relationship and the importance of alignment and collaboration between academic affairs and student affairs
· Experience managing emergency or crisis situations involving students
· Experience developing internal and external collaborations and partnerships
· Experience with and understanding of the complexities in shaping enrollment management goals and strategies to advance institutional goals toward a diverse and successful student body
· Understanding of current and emerging issues of relevance to students and a deep knowledge of best practices in student affairs and enrollment management
· Experience supporting assessment efforts for evidence-based decision making and continuous quality improvement
· Administrative ability, including strategic and policy planning, financial management, personnel management, and public relations
· Leadership skills to set goals and priorities, and strong interpersonal skills to work collaboratively with others to achieve high levels of performance
· High degree of integrity, trustworthiness, and approachability rooted in strong communication skills
What strengths do you believe this candidate will bring to the position?Do you have any concerns or questions regarding the candidate’s qualifications for the position?
Do you have any other comments regarding this candidate?
This is an outstanding candidate
This is a strong candidate
This is a satisfactory candidate
This is a fair candidate
This candidate is not supported
Please check one: Administrator Faculty Staff Student