January 2015

Dear Potential Program Instructors,

Middlebury Parks & Recreation is now recruiting instructors for a variety of classes and activities to be taught through the parks department. The following proposal packet is designed to help us provide quality programs to the citizens of Middlebury and surrounding communities.

2015 Content Deadline Schedule – due to Middlebury Parks & Rec Staff

Spring Guide content due:Monday, February 3Printed: February 27

Summer Guide content due:Wednesday, April 1Printed: April 30

Fall Guide content due:Friday , July 24Printed: August 20

Winter Guide content due:Friday, October 9 Printed: November 5

Please complete the program proposal and submit to the Program Coordinator or Director by the dates above. MPR reserves the right to reject or approve any proposal for any reason. Submitting a proposal does not guarantee placement on the program schedule.

ProgramProposal Form

Instructor Information

Instructor Name:______E-Mail______

Phone:______Cell: ______

Mailing Address:______

  • May we list your phone number and/or email on flyers and class information? ______initials

Program Information

Title of Program:______Preferred Location:______

Brief description of program: (for publications, 50-100 words)

Additional Course Details:

Age and skill level of participants______

Are there any pre-requisites for class?______

Supply list for class______

Dates of Program______Day(s) of week______

Time of Day______Dates excluded______

Maximum # of students______Minimum # students______

Requested compensation % or $______(Typically 80% of fee revenue)

Recommended registration fee $______

Additional Materials/Supplies Fee $______


Qualification Information

Your training, education, and experience as it relates to this class proposal (please attach documentation where possible) ______



Please list three references (not family members) who know of your ability and experience to teach this program.



Relation to You______



Relation to You______

(3)Name ______Phone:______


Relation to You______

I understand that this proposal will be reviewed by MPR before approval. Upon approval, instructor must fill out and comply with contractor agreement forms. Instructors must submit an invoice for compensation, which may take up to 30 days after submission. All instructors are required to complete and successfully pass a criminal history background check before class begins. MPR reserves the right to cancel if minimum or quality standards are not met.

Contractor Signature:______Date:______

General Information

As a class instructor, referred to from this point forward as the “Contractor”, you agree to the following when your program is accepted:

1)The Contractor will provide services in accordance with the provisions in the program description as detailed in the updated program proposal.

2)Contractor will receive payment after the class has been conducted or completed. Payment reflects the agreement in the contract and any expense for supplies thereafter.

3)MPR will make payment to the Contractor within 30 days of receipt of Contractor’s invoice for payment

4)The Contractor understands that no insurance of any kind is provided to the contractor by MPR.

5)Contractor agrees to hold the class or activity if the minimums are met by preregistration

6)MPR agrees to provide space and publicity for the activity by advertising in the Activity Guide publication. MPR will provide prior to the start of class, a list of participants and phone numbers, upon request.

7)Should changes in the class time or location be made either as a result of the instructor or MPR, both MPR and the Contractor will work to rearrange the class with the participants.

8)MPR is not responsible for the damage to any equipment that is personal property of the Contractor used in performance of services

9)Contractor agrees to not allow any enrollee to participate if proper paperwork and payment are not on file.

Contractor Signature:______Date:______


January 2014