South Australian Employment Tribunal
Form A46 – Application for conciliation or directions in connection with bargaining for an enterprise agreement
Form A46
Application for conciliation or directions in connection with bargaining for an enterprise agreement
Case Number(SAET use only)
About this form
- This is the approved form for lodging an enterprise agreement for approval by SAET in accordance with section 76A of the South Australian Fair Work Act 1994.
- Submitting an incomplete form (including any relevant supporting documents) may result in delays.
- A copy of this application is to be provided by the applicant to all other parties bound by the agreement (or their representatives).
About the Application
Application is made pursuant to Section 76A by the party listed above as follows:
☐ To seek that the Commission conduct conciliation proceedings- Section 76A(5))Or
☐ To seek that the Commission make directions concerning the composition of the employee group for negotiating purposes - Section 76A(3)
Person Lodging the Application
For corporations/organisations, include a contact person name.
OrganisationFirst name / Last name
Representative (if applicable)
Telephone / Mobile
AddressStreet 1
Street 2
Suburb / State
Postcode / Country
PART 1: Other Parties to the Application
Please provide details for each of the other parties that you consider are involved in the negotiations leading to this application (if any):
First name / Last nameTelephone / Mobile
First name / Last name
Telephone / Mobile
First name / Last name
Telephone / Mobile
First name / Last name
Telephone / Mobile
First name / Last name
Telephone / Mobile
PART 2: Existing Approved Agreements (if any)
Are there any existing approved Enterprise Agreements (including any Agreements made under the Workplace Relations Act 1996) applying to the parties?
☐ No☐ Yes, please specify:
File number
When it expires
PART 3: The Circumstances of the Application
Describe the circumstances leading to the application including the present status of the negotiations:
I declare that all of the facts in this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief:
Name of person lodgingSignature
Please lodge this form, together with any accompanying documents, with the South Australian Employment Tribunal:
Post: PO Box 3636, Rundle Mall, SA, 5000
In person: Level 6, Riverside Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000
SAET Registry: 08 8207 0999