Company: Honda Cars Philippines, Inc.
Country: Philippines
Project Name: HCPI: A Green Factory
Category: Environment
The project aimed to achieve environment friendly operations through a 5 percent reduction in CO2 emissions in fiscal year 2008.
Details of the project:
HCPI's environmental initiatives were entrenched in the worldwide Honda Environmental Policy. It was deeply committed to minimize its environmental impact and as it worked to manufacture the least CO2-producing vehicles, it also needed to tackle the CO2 generated by its operations.
In 2007, HCPI was estimated to have released 6,660 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Given the goal of a 10 percent reduction by 2010 for Honda’s global operations, HCPI targeted a 5 percent reduction in 2008.
HCPI’s Engineering Maintenance Team led this drive and with sustainability and effectiveness in mind, they were trained on energy management. The grand plan was to have environmentally determined Associates who would take positive action with the knowledge that they had, even in their own homes and communities.
Pivotal to HCPI’s CO2 reduction program were eight energy conservation projects. Manpower competency advancement and energy demand management contributed 100 tons less of CO2 emissions. Ten variable frequency drives (VFDs) installed at the painting booth in April 2008 resulted to 180 tons of CO2 savings. The additional compressed dry air (CDA) receiver set up in March 2008 saved 46 tons of CO2 with maximized air compressor utilization.
Starting December 2008, 30 more tons of CO2 were averted with digital CDA meters. Two voltage stabilizers were installed in April 2008 for proper voltage supply for lighting and power panels. Unregulated voltage delivered more than the voltage requirement, causing wastage and equipment deterioration. This avoided 44 tons of CO2 emissions.
Remote LPG meters and an in-house truck weighing station were set-up in April 2008 to reduce LPG consumption. With the metering software, LPG consumption and flow characteristics were accurately and systematically monitored, and the truck weighing station ensured the correctness of LPG deliveries. CO2 savings were 120 tons annually.
The installation of a small capacity air-cooled variable speed drive compressor and dryer in November 2008 addressed unnecessary power consumption during unloading when the air compressor motor ran without producing CDA. This reduced the number of machines operating at night and during non-production days, and saved 50 tons of CO2, and so on.
The CO2 reduction initiatives of HCPI in 2008 averted 600 tons of emissions annually. This meant a 9 percent improvement from the 2007 level.
The global direction of Honda and HCPI’s integrated approach made HCPI confident that it would sustain avoided CO2 emissions from its operations as Honda companies united towards 10 percent reduction by 2010. The response of its business partners, suppliers and dealers, encouraged HCPI as it progressed to concrete measures toward green purchasing and green dealership.
The CO2 reduction efforts of HCPI were part of Honda’s commitment to minimize the impact that global production activities had on the environment, improving the working environment, and promoting symbiosis with local communities in order to develop them into “Green Factories” that people could be proud of.
HCPI was likewise conducting various environmental conservation activities with its suppliers, encouraging them to obtain ISO 14001 certification. As of 2008, approximately 55 percent of HCPI suppliers were ISO 14001 Certified. In July 2009, HCPI embarked on a parallel effort with its dealers under the “Green Dealership Program.”
The environmental conservation activities of Honda ( covered commitment to zero emission, energy saving, environmental management, symbiosis with local communities, and green purchasing.