BurOakSecondary School
Physical and Health Education
Healthy Active Living Education
PPL 1O8/1O9
This course emphasizes regular participation in a wide variety of enjoyable physical activities that promote lifelong healthy active living.
Students will apply movement principles and game strategies to refine skills and actively participate in sports and games to enhance their personal competence and physical fitness.
They will investigate and examine issues related to healthy sexuality, healthy eating, substance use and abuse and will engage in activities designed to apply informed decision making, conflict resolution, and social skills in making personal choices.
The course is organized into four broad strands which are related:
- Physical Activity: Students participate in a wide range of activities to improve motor skills.
- Active Living: The focus is on active participation and personal fitness development.
- Healthy Living: Students explore and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to make informed choices about growth and sexuality, mental health, and personal safety.
- Living Skills: Students explore decision making models to be applied to conflict resolution, communication and interpersonal skills.
Units of Study:
The grade 9 and 10 courses use the Healthy Active Living (keep fit, stay healthy, have fun) text published by Thompson Educational Publishing. The specific expectations of the four strands will be met in the study of five major units:
Physical Fitness
Students will develop an understanding of the components of health related fitness (cardio-respiratory, muscle strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition) and the potential benefits that can be achieved. They will assess their fitness levels and design a personal program intended to address self identified goals. Through engagement in a variety of fitness activities, students will demonstrate improvement in their personal fitness level.
Healthy Living
This unit emphasizes the knowledge and skills that students need to lead a healthy active life. Students will investigate issues related to healthy sexuality, the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, personal safety and conflict resolution and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Opportunities to develop decision making and assertion skills will be provided throughout each topic.
Large and Small group Activities
Student will participate in a balanced selection of activities intended to enhance their physical skills and develop their ability to apply sport/game strategies. Students will participate in some of the following:
- basketballsoftballsoccerbadmintonvolleyballlacrosse
- ultimatehandballcricketfootballtable tennis hockey
Body Management Activities
Students will participate in a variety of activities intended to promote movement skills and principles and activity strategies. Student will use and combine locomotion, manipulation and stability movement skills to demonstrate space awareness, relationships with people and equipment, effort and body awareness. Activities may include dance, aerobics, movement analysis or track and field.
Outdoor Interactive Activities
Students will participate and interact in a supportive, fun, and challenging outdoor setting to experience various types of physical activities that promote participation, responsible behaviour and effective group work skills.
Your teacher will provide you with opportunities to display your competency in meeting all the specific expectations of Health and Physical Education, throughout the course, using a variety of assessment techniques. When you complete an assessment in any unit, the mark will be recorded under one or more of the four achievement categories that are standard across the province. Assessments shall be continuous and on-going throughout the course. Assessment for this course work comprises 70% of your final evaluation and will be divided in the following manner:
Knowledge and UnderstandingCommunication / 12%
8% / Thinking and Inquiry
Application / 8%
Your teacher will provide you with a variety of assessment techniques that may include:
Daily ParticipationDaily Self EvaluationSkill Improvement
Quizzes/TestReflectionsResearch Assignments
PresentationsCollages/PamphletsOther Dynamic Activities
Summative Evaluation
Toward the end of the course students will be required to demonstrate overall mastery of the course expectations by completing a Fitness Profile, Tournament Participation and subsequent culminating activities (Fitness Blasts). Students will need to demonstrate accurate movement skills and show improvement in muscular and cardiovascular fitness. The summative evaluation will comprise 30% of each student’s mark.
Physical and Health Education is a participatory subject. The Application category is very important to your success. Students will receive a “block” evaluation for each unit the class engages. Students will complete a self evaluation and will receive teacher feedback for each activity block. Students must attend PHE class on time, in proper gym uniform and be an active participant. Moreover, learning skills will be considered during each block. Students must strive for personal grow and development. Please avoid bringing money or valuable belongings into the changerooms. Bur Oak is not responsible for any damage or loss of personal property.
Any student who chooses to reduce the degree of participation to a minimal level or who displays behaviour that is unacceptable according the Bur Oak Secondary School code of conduct and behavior, will have their participation mark reduced to zero.