Activity 3.3.4 Recycle City


You are Dumptown’s new City Manager. When you start the computer simulation, you will see Dumptown at its worst — it is littered, polluted, and nothing is being recycled or reused. There are many trash cans and dumpsters, but no recycling bins. That means that all of the trash is going right into the landfill just outside of town, where it isn’t doing anyone any good. In your new position, you can start programs that encourage Dumptown’s citizens and businesses to recycle and reduce waste. You have 10 programs to implement. Each time you try out a new program, you can see immediately how the Dumptown landscape changes. You also see how much waste you are saving from going into the landfill. Oh, and because the people of Dumptown are paying for these programs, we’ve given you a way to keep track of how much money you’re spending on their behalf. That way, you won’t lose your job by going too far over budget.

If you haven’t looked around Dumptown yet, do it now before you start the game. Then roll up your sleeves and get to work turning Dumptown into Recycle City!


  • PLTW Gateway notebook
  • Pencil
  • Computer with Internet access


In order to successfully play the game, you will need to read the directions entitled How To Play. Then read through the Conclusion questions. You will need to look for answers to the Conclusion questions as you play. Now start to transform Dumptown into Recycle City, using


  1. Imagine that you manage your own supermarket. What are some things you can do to reduce the amount of waste caused by the products you sell?
  1. Visit Maria's Market in Recycle City and see if she has any other ideas that you can use.
  1. Name three ways that each of these items can be reused (you can reuse the entire item or a portion of it).
  • Cardboard box
  • Plastic milk carton
  • Glass jar
  • Wooden board
  • Plastic bag
  • Newspaper
  • Can you find other ways these items are put to use in Recycle City?
  1. Find the place in Recycle City where you can get information on what to do with leftover cleaning products. Is there a place to take such items in your town? Where is it?
  1. Visit some houses in Recycle City and look for examples of household hazardous waste. How many are there? What are some safer, natural alternatives that could take the place of some of these items?
  1. Visit any Recycle City location you like. Before you go inside, try to figure out what you would do to reduce waste and energy use there. Then click on the site. Did you miss anything?
  1. Cruise around Recycle City. List any tips that you can use to reduce pollution and waste that come from cars.
  1. Gas stations aren't just places to fill up the tank. List six actions that Shaq at the Recycle City gas station takes to help the environment.
  1. Can you find out which recyclable item makes up the largest percentage of our trash?
  1. List three recycling activities that Recycle City students use to help raise money for class projects.
  1. Mayor Turner has been elected to state government, and you are selected to replace her as the new mayor of Recycle City. What kinds of things can you do to help citizens reduce, reuse, and recycle?
  1. List at least seven different ways to reduce or reuse paper.
  1. List at least three places in Recycle City where books are resold or reused.
  1. Harlin Hazzard of the Recycle City Hazardous Waste Center wants to hire you as his assistant manager. Before you can accept, you must name the four characteristics that make hazardous waste hazardous.
  1. Before he gives you a higher salary, Harlin wants to know what can be done to reduce the amount of hazardous waste going into the hazardous waste landfill. Can you tell him?
  1. Make a list of items around your house that you could donate to a charity or a community warehouse instead of throwing them out.
  1. What are some ways you or your family could cut down on the amount of junk mail that you receive at home?
  1. List the places in Recycle City where you find tires being reused.

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