Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál
Teacher Absences
Where a teacher is absent without substitute cover, the class is split up and children are sent, in groups of 4 to designated rooms by the Principal/Deputy Principal/Assistant Principals. A list of the rooms and names of teachers is displayed on the wall of each classroom/corridors from the start of the school year.
Substitute teachers are employed according to the regulations of the Department of Education and Science. Every effort is made to employ qualified teachers in substitute positions.
Circular 18/00 outlines DES arrangements in relation to substitution for brief absences of permanent and temporary teachers.
See for more detail.
In the event of a course day absence teacher leaves work for the children to do during the day.
In the event of sudden absence, the person splitting the class assigns work for the pupils from the class teacher’s emergency folder. These folders are updated as necessary.
The prior approval of the Board of Management must be granted for all absences.
- Assemblies are held every 5/6 weeks in the school hall.
- For Assembly purposes the school is divided into 2 separate groups.
Eg. 1. Infants-II : III-VI/Special. Whole School Assemblies on occasions.
- The role of co-ordinator for each Assembly is usually the Principal.
- The Principal or Deputy Principal addresses each Assembly where necessary.
- All members of staff are welcome to make suggestions regarding the content of Assemblies.
- During Assembly pupils are encouraged to tell of their own/class achievements and to show prizes they have won.
- Specific groups (Green School Committee, Prefects, Team Coaches, Parents’ Association) address School Assemblies when relevant issues arise.
- Guest speakers at the invitation of Principal/Teachers may be invited in to address School Assemblies.
- School Anthem to be sung at start of assembly.
Class Size
Teachers are appointed to Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál in accordance with the DES staffing schedule in place at the time. The most recent Circular 20/07 states that the staffing schedule is structured to ensure that all primary schools will operate to an average mainstream class size of 27 pupils.
It is the policy in Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál in accordance with the terms of Circular 20/07 to ensure that the number of pupils in any class is kept as low as possible, taking all relevant contextual factors into account (e.g. classroom accommodation, enrolment, total number of pupils in each year, gender balance, mixed ability groups, friends, balance in favour of Infants). In particular, the Principal will try to ensure that there is an equitable distribution of pupils in mainstream classes and that the differential between the largest and smallest classes is kept to a minimum.
E.P.V. Days
Where a teacher has, during the school year, attended a course approved by
DES, personal leave may be taken, subject to Board of Management approval, on the basis of Rule 58 of the Rules for National Schools.
- Maximum of 1 mainstream class teacher on E.P.V. leave on any one day, except in exceptional circumstances.
- Make official application to Principal for course day. Fill in name on relevant day on school calendar in Principal’s office. This is for staff information purposes only.
- Where possible, give at least one week’s notice of intention to take an E.P.V. day.
- Maximum of 1 E.P.V. day can be taken in June, except in exceptional circumstances.
- If cancelling a course day, inform Principal and make relevant change on school calendar.
- Inform children the day before taking an E.P.V. day.
- When leaving work for your class, use text books, parallel readers, workbooks, copies etc.
- Class will be divided when teacher is on course day according to school policy (4 pupils per room).
- Any specific requests regarding dividing the class should be left in writing for person splitting class.
Ancillary Staff
The following ancillary staff are employed in Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál
(a) Caretaker
- One caretaker is currently employed in Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál
- Duties include:
- Maintenance and upkeep of the school i.e. routine maintenance and repair work, of the type that does not require a tradesperson or specialist to be called in, and
- Other duties such as painting, grass-cutting and heavy cleaning work.
- B.O.M./Caretaker have signed and agreed a contract of employment.
- One secretary is currently employed in Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál
- Duties include typing, filing, accounts, answering telephone queries, updating records, drafting correspondence, photocopying etc.
(c) Special Needs Assistants
- Special Needs Assistance (SNA) are recruited specifically to assist in the care of pupils with special needs. The duties of SNA’s are, as sanctioned by the Department of Education and Science, of a non-teaching nature.
As per Appendix 1 of Contract of Employment.
- 6 SNA’s are currently employed in Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál. They assist with the special care needs of 8 pupils.
- All SNA’s have signed a standard contract of employment and all SNA’s have been assigned a Seniority ranking. This ranking is important as the selection criteria for redundancy will be on a Last In First Out (L.I.F.O) basis and the seniority ranking will determine this.
- Seniority of SNA’s is established when they are appointed by the B.O.M.
- Where more than 1 SNA is appointed on the same date Seniority will be determined by the Selection Committee and ratified by the B.O.M.
(d) Cleaners
- Currently 3 cleaners clean our school. These are selected on a tender basis. Cleaning duties are those specified in their cleaning tenders.
Class Allocation
Class allocation is the responsibility of the Principal teacher. The allocation of teaching duties within the school is a matter for the principal. Circular 16/73 states that the principal teacher “should arrange a fair distribution of teaching duties among the staff, taking into account the needs of the pupils and the abilities, experience, personality and preference of each teacher. He should utilise the services of staff with special qualifications or aptitudes in an organising or advisory capacity”.
During the last term, the Principal engages in a process of consultation and discussion with classroom teachers with a view to organising the most effective allocation of classes for the forthcoming school year.
Forms on which teachers indicate preferences are circulated to assist the process. These forms are retained as a record. While every effort will be made to accommodate preferences, it is understood that this is not always possible. If a staff member does not get their 1st preference one, year, then the principal will try to accommodate them in a subsequent year, if possible.
Teachers are encouraged to gain experience in the teaching of all levels in the primary school and to use any expertise they may have in a particular area where relevant.
Subject interchange among class teachers is encouraged.
Various aspects of school life are considered when allocating teachers to classes. These include :
- The specific needs of the particular class/group of pupils.
- The characteristics of specific children within the class.
- Allocation of classes in previous years.
- The attributes of the teacher who has the class currently and the attributes of the teacher to whom the class will be allocated.
- The needs of the particular teacher.
- The desirability of retaining an experienced person at each particular level to ensure continuity.
- Willingness to teach a particular class/group
- Distribution of collective expertise/willingness to share expertise with other teachers and groups.
- Specific circumstances such as career break applications, retirements, job-sharing, SNA in classroom etc.
- Teachers are informed of the class allocation plan, usually in the month of June.
General administration of the school is carried out by the Principal with the assistance of the Deputy Principal, Assistance Principals and Special Duties teachers.
Office administration is the responsibility of the School Secretary.