Minutes of Canonbie District Community Council meeting

held at Canonbie Public Hall on 9thMarch2017

1..Sederunt and apologies: Present Jim Fleming (Chairman), Sue Hampson

(treasurer), P. Hannah, Alan Hampson, B. McGimpsey, Daniel Hyslop, Jenny Edwards, (secretary), D. Findley, Mrs L. Frew.

Also present Rachel Norris (press), Euan Fraser(police) Apologies: Paul Lumb. Craig Nicholson, Councillor Dennis Male.

  1. Police report: Euan Fraser reported to the meeting that social Media concerns had been addressed regarding the footage of a missing man in a river search. Police Scotland regard social media as a fantastic tool for getting their message out to the general public in a timely and sometimes hard hitting way.

A cyclist was struck on the A7 near Canonbie, and a male was issued with a

fixed penalty ticket for careless driving. A lady driver was reported for

speeding in a van on the A7. There had been reported several incidents of phone fraud scams regarding Old Age Pensioners. lf any groups wish security advice please contact the local community policing team to arrange a visit.

3. Minutes of February meeting had been circulated and approved.

  1. Matters Arising: There were no matters arlsing.
  1. Correspondence for Action: None
  1. Correspondence for information: Had been circulated.

The Scottish ambulance service asked all community councils to send photos and information regarding the placement of the defibrillator. They also required information on first responders. There had been a gentleman who acted as first responder but at the moment there was no members of public who were trained in this equipment. lt was felt that the community council should ask the British Heart Foundation to visit a CC meeting and show the public how to use the equipment.

Scottish Government Consultation regarding fracking is open until 31stMay. Please contact "consult Scotland.co.uk" with any objections.

Maureen Sharp from Kirkpatrick Fleming & District Council have been

ln contact with Autolink to try to get them to make improvements to the

motorway slip road where it joins the B 7076 between Gretna and Kirkpatrick

Fleming. They would like to receive any information from people who have

been affected by drivers not giving way to vehicles travelling on the 87A76.

Please contact< >

7. Treasurers Report: The balance in the bank is £1034.01 less ring fenced

£75.49 actual balance £958.52.The financial year end is at end of March.

8 Co-option of new members: Karen Fell and Lorraine Graham, both of

Chapelknowe were co-opted onto the Community Council unanimously. 9 Councillors report: None

10 Any other Business: David Moore and Paul Lumb had failed to attend at least half

of the scheduled CC meetings in the financial year ending 31stMarch 2017 and therefore their membership is terminated as per the Constitution

11 Public Forum: None

12 Date of next meeting Thursday 13thApril 2017.