No / Lead / Contract / Quality Requirement / Method of MeasurementNational – Clinical Effectiveness Requirements
Ginette Corr / NHS England's Area Teams (AT) / Comply where applicable with the registration and regulatory compliance and guidance of NHS England and any other regulatory body / All non compliance issues relating to this contract should be disclosed to the commissioner
Vacant / Stop Smoking / Stop Smoking Services should be delivered according to NICE Guidance and in accordance with the Service and Monitoring Guidance – 2014 / This will be reviewed annually
Chris Burton / NHS Health Checks / NHS Health Checks can only be carried out by competent staff whose training
meets the standards of the nationally developed competency framework. Staff will
be audited to ensure that they meet these competencies. The Department of
Health workforce competences for those carrying out vascular risk assessments
can be accessed at: .
Competencies described in K12,K13,K14, CHS132 and CMA7 are not relevant
to delivering a health check in pharmacies and so not required.These
competencies are currently being updated and pharmacies will be notified when
the new version is available. / This will be reviewed annually
Chris Burton / NHS Health Checks / NHS Health Checks should be delivered according to the latest version of the Department of Health publication: NHS Health Check Programme: Best Practice guidance / This will be reviewed annually using patient feedback analysis and use of a self assessment quality assurance framework
Local - Clinical Effectiveness Requirements
Fiona Miles / SH U25’s / Levonelle and Azithromycinwill be dispensed according to guidelines laid out in the PGD, and records kept confidentially / Any non compliance should be reported on a quarterly basis and reviewed annually.
Vacant / Stop Smoking / Vareniclinewill be dispensed according to guidelines laid out in the PGD, and records kept confidentially / Any non compliance should be reported on a quarterly basis and reviewed annually.
Chris Burton / NHS Health Checks / Pharmacies are responsible for maintenance , replacement and accuracy of all equipment required to carry out an NHS Health Check
They are expected to participate in the Point of Care Quality Assurance Programme commissioned by Public Health and should ensure that all other equipment used in the Health Check (blood pressure monitor, height and weight measures) is fully functional, CE marked, validated, maintained and regularly calibrated. / This will be reviewed annually
Patient Safety
Vacant / All / Serious incident report - updating lead commission of any open, closed SUIs (serious untoward incident’s) of relevance to these service specifications, and lessons learnt / Review Meeting *– number of incidents notified along with actions
Vacant / All / All incidents notified to the NHS England area team as part of this contract must be sent to the Local Authority / Review Meeting* – number of incidents notified along with actions
Vacant / All / The provider must have a safeguarding policy, demonstrate who the policy has been circulated to and how it was promoted throughout the organisation. A reporting process should be in place (using local contact details and arrangements) and a regular review of the policy in line with local south west child protection procedures which can be accessed on the internet at / This will be reviewed annually
Vacant / All / Pharmacists may need to share relevant information with other health care professionals and agencies, in line with locally determined confidentiality arrangements, including, where appropriate, the need for the permission of the client to share the information. / This will be reviewed annually
Record Keeping
Chris Burton / All / The pharmacy should maintain appropriate records, through PharmOutcomes or in paper copy, to ensure effective ongoing service delivery and audit. Records will be confidential and should be stored securely and for a length of time in line with local National Health Service record retention policies / This will be reviewed annually
Complaints, involvement, promotion and young people friendly
Chris Burton / All / The part of the pharmacy used for provision of the service provides a sufficient level of privacy (ideally at the level required for the provision of the Medicines Use Review service[1]) / This will be reviewed annually
Vacant / All / Ensure clients know how to make a complaint or compliment about the services provided under this contract including promotion of the North Somerset Council Complaints Policy / Review Meeting* number of complaints and compliments: types and actions taken
Chris Burton / SH U25’s / The pharmacy is working towards meeting all the Young People Friendly Criteria for North Somerset as outlined in the Service Specification / This will be reviewed annually
Vacant / All / The services provided as part of this contract are promoted and publicised. Public Health will provide support and materials for this. / This will be reviewed annually
Suitability of Staff
Vacant / All / Evidence of CRB/DBS checks for all relevant staff (ie those carrying out one to one consultations with clients)
NB. North Somerset Council will provide support to pharmacy staff in obtaining DBS checks / This will be reviewed annually
Vacant / All / All staff must have undertaken appropriate training to enable them to deliver elements of the contract that they are signed up to. Further information can be found in the individual service specifications / Evidence of this will be required before the contract is signed and will be reviewed annually
Vacant / All / Number of staff who have attended training/conference relevant to the contract / Review Meeting* – list of practitioners and attendance
Vacant / All / Adherence to the Equality Act 2010 / All non compliance with this act to be reported at the Annual Review Meeting
Vacant / All / All freedom of information requests related to this contract should be shared with the commissioner / Review Meeting
Breaches of Quality Requirements will be addressed through the contract management as set out in Clause B29 of the contract
* Review meetings will be organised by Public Health and held annually or biannually as required
[1] The requirements for consultation areas are detailed in The Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) Directions 2005 as amended,